The holocast didn't really happen - Raquel Weiss

>the holocast didn't really happen - Raquel Weiss

jesus christ, srsly?

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thought this was another bvs thread for a second.

it didnt, though

Even if that number were accurate, that's still a shit-ton of people.

I don't think the point is so much that the number of people is small, but rather that the number has historically proven to be wildly uncertain and thus open to the possibility of extreme exaggeration.


tell that to the jews

How do you abuse free speech?

is this flick worth a watch?

oy vey, goyim. Careful with that free speech!

Sorta looks like Keira Knightley.

watch more movies

hey, rach... I like your new movie

c-call me?

>You're just abusing free speech !
I cant believe they'd put this kind of garbage on a promotional poster


By using it in ways that certain people don't want you to.

>abusing free speech
you're either breaking the law or using free speech as intended. there are no gray areas to free speech. there is no doubt she is attacking free speech.

By using it as a way to encourage harassment.

Except it was Irving who sued her.

The Holocaust was merely The Allies propaganda to further sympathize their actions by fictionalizing the Nazis as this evil being rather than a nation looking for land expansion for the homogeneous German population.

How to spot someone who doesn't know anything about historical methodology.

Actually West Germany was very lenient to former nazis. Many of them became part of the new administration and government.