33% of all Bavarians want to be independent, recent studies concluded

33% of all Bavarians want to be independent, recent studies concluded.

Is this the end of Germany?


33% is not even a majority what the fuck are you saying

t. Spaniard used to every province wanting to secede from Spain

In normal countries one third of the population wanting to secede from the country is a fuckton of worrying tendency

> Bavaria secedes
> rapefugees in other states get deported to Bavaria because they entered through Bavaria
yes please

During the 2nd Québec Referendum 49.42%voted yes and 50.58% voted no.
33% isn't shit

>bavarian independence
lol they can't, according to the "grundgesetz" the other federal countries must agreed to this. bavaria is a cash cow to them, specially for the east states like, sachsen, sachsen-anhalt, mecklenburg-vorpommern etc.

Who gives a fuck if somewhere it is written 'secession is not allowed'? If theres is will, it will happen.

nope will not

Everyone can be bavarian today.

i am greek

me as well


Et moi, je suis grec

Bonne chance

i heard that bavaria is the most beautiful region in germany
is this true? is it worth visiting?

No its horrible, dont come here.

it is by far the most visited

33% is fucking nothing
North Italy at it's secessionist peak had way more than that at still nothing happened and nothing will ever happen

Germany, Italy, Spain and France are too big, the people inhabiting those countries have partially nothing in common with each other and the countries itself should be broken down to separate entities as it was always assumed to be. A Bavarian has much more in common with Austrians than with Northern Germans, who on their side are much closer related to Danes, Swedes etc. than to their Southern German counterparts. Culturally, genetically, mentality wise.

i will come
i can see why

I it's still a lot of people and I don't think it should be ignored