Makes a single bullet instead of at least a mag full

>Makes a single bullet instead of at least a mag full
>Bullet from full sized 1911 (looks like a 45) doesn't penetrate Negan's wooden bat
>"What the shit?!? What the shit?!?"

Why the fuck is this allowed?

Why the fuck is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:

The casing actually came from a desert eagle.

which makes this even worse

God damn. I don't mind stretching reality in order to enjoy a show or film, but this is just retarded.

>Fires single bullet
>Hits the bat & gets stuck in the god damn side like a bb gun
>Detective Negan instantly decides to examine the casing after just being shot at
>"Oooo, dis shiz iz handmade."

>bullets are almost impossible to make - plotdevice

Negan took all their guns and bullets. It's safe to assume that it was made since she only had one.

.45 are slow moving rounds with less penetration than many other rounds, nogunz, let alone a handle handloaded homemade round

Erase handle from that, fucking autocorrect

Ah yes it is impossible that she found a bullet in the days they were left alone, lets just assume she made the damn thing.

This was bad, and the fact that Tara didn't die is a real shame.

Dude, even a 22lr fired through a mouse gun would've penetrated a fuckin wooden bat. And considering Eugene's terminology & knowledge of bullet making, he's done it before & knew how to load it properly (he even rattles off the weights to Negan).

Sorry, but there's no way in any world that this was believable. Add the fact that making a single bullet was stupid (as if they didn't have enough time or couldn't find more casings everywhere) & it just treats the viewer like they're retarded. Esp coming from a country (the US) that has more guns in it than people.


You're funny

maybe he didn't have enough gun powder

bigger plothole is rick not ambushing negan's column as soon as it came into alexandria

How did Negan know it was homemade?

To do what? Make more bullets or make enough for one proper load? Even if true, I seriously doubt Eugene would've underloaded it since it would've either misfired or not had enough velocity, both resulting in Rosita's death since she only had one & they would've killed her.

I suppose they could end up explaining it later, but I doubt it.

The funny thing is they could actually make a plot where they have a real bullets but no gun.
Guns are hard to make though you can make a simple tube for a single shot.
That would explain everything - why penetrating power of bullet was not that big, how Negan found out it (gun) was handmade, etc.

Because everyone who's just been shot at automatically picks up the casing to inspect it, duh.

He didn't really know admittedly, he pretty much guessed and that chick blew it by saying she made it. I think he was just fishing for answers. Plus he's probably been around enough bullets by now to know the difference between factory and homemade.

Casing smelled like a white virgin male.

Guns are hard to make without electricity, but with know how and the right tools someone who's good at metal work can make them.

You could make a backyard gun, but its true that it would've been more believable that a faulty handmade gun misfiring a good bullet rather than a perfectly good 1911 making a handmade 45 stick into the side of a wooden bat. If it even fired outta the gun, it means it had some velocity behind it.

The writers of this show are terrible.

why would negan want to make more shitty bullets that dont penetrate shit?

>Bullet from full sized 1911 (looks like a 45) doesn't penetrate Negan's wooden bat

is his bludgeon wound about with thick wire like an old fashioned "trench club"? because that'll turn it

a 45 doesn't actually penetrate that much, its pretty wide heavy and slow .
if the bullet hits the bat against the grain it gets shattered to pieces . if it hits orthogonality to the wood layers a bat can easily block a pistol round .

whats stupid was the fact that she was walking around with a loaded gun and shot him with no plan at all .

Outside of the casing not looking like a common desert eagle caliber, there was no real problem with this scene.

There was only 1 casing, it was the one negan left behind. Negan literally said why he thought it was homemade, the casing was crimped and looked homemade. A wooden bat also isn't going to be punctured by a small caliber bullet like that, it's also not going to splinter, especially with the barbwire around it

you could literally see her butthurt levels rising and she was about to lose it.

Then she lost it and shot at him without even really thinking it through, which is a large reason why she missed

God damn did you guys even watch the episode?

so simple even a polack could make one

even an australian etc
(actually reputed to be an extremely reliable weapon even choked with mud)

>Small caliber
>Can't penetrate the bat cause of barb wire & shit

I hope you know how dumb you sound


>I found it
Literally toddler-level excuse-making

How come all the characters including Rosita have expert level marksmanship, headshotting 12 zombies in 12 shots during a mad scramble for their lives, but Rosita can't hit a stationary Negan from 15 feet away?

>22lr go through a bat.
Maybe a nerf bat.

Stop watching tv written for morons if it disturbs you so much. Most of the rest of the audience finally wised up this season. Whats your excuse? Assburgers? Head trauma? Just another cuckd Ameritard?

See dumb fuck.

22lr has killed more people than all rounds put together.

>22lr has killed more people than all rounds put together.

This speaks strongly to my sense of natural justice.

because Lucille is possessed by the spirit of Negan's dead wife, you'd know this if you read the comic

Did his wife have a son?


Has anyone considered the possibility that Eugene made the bullet weak on purpose? She did just roast him psychologically, and basically guilted him into it.

Garbage soap opera show that cons you into emotional reaction. Enjoy all 10+ seasons.

>any year
>watching the walking dead

Seek help, op, you fucking fedobeard!