Apparently these this general used to be a thing way back when...

Apparently these this general used to be a thing way back when, but now is the time to bring them back in the wake of these terror attacks and how the West and our governments are reacting to them.

We've been losing the civilizational war against Islam. We let them infiltrate our governments, we let the alter our laws and we let them rule over us on our freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of thought which are basic tenets of Western society.

Stephen Coughlin is a retired Major in the US army and former threat analysis for Islamic Terrorism for JS-J2. He briefed the FBI, CIA, Joint Chiefs of Staff and other government intelligence agencies on Islamic Law and Jihad and how organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood are using our own governments and our own laws to promote and spread their own self-described "civilization Jihad." When it became apparent what Coughlin was doing to undermine Muslim authority in US intelligence services, they got him and people like him fired, documents censored, expunged and destroyed. This is what we're up against. Our leaders are "clueless" to what's happening, it's up to us.

>Stephen Coughlin's Brief

>Shorter and condensed discussion on the Brief

>Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad

Arm yourself, read the Koran, study Islamic Law and actively combat Jihad.

Other urls found in this thread:

Talks between the administration and the Brotherhood took place at high levels, with the Director of the FBI going so far as to meet with the Brotherhood in February 2012 against the expressed directives of Congress.

More alarming, however, is that the FBI then proceeded to undertake the very purging of documents that the Brotherhood had demanded.The Department of Defense followed shortly thereafter with a Soviet-style purge of individuals along with disciplinary actions and re-education. Not only did the Secretary of State endorse such curbs on speech, the Assistant Attorney General seemed eager to enforce them.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)—and, through it, our Middle Eastern allies—also seek to embargo all unsanctioned discussions of Islam as a matter of international law. Though such a law would constitute a serious assault on the First Amendment, our Secretary of State met with the General Secretary of the OIC in July 2011 and personally committed the State Department’s best efforts to secure the passage of a law restricting such speech; she even agreed to intimidate American citizens through “peer pressure and shaming” should they choose to exercise their First Amendment rights of free speech to express repeatable relevant facts.

When asked by the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Constitution to affirm that the administration would “never entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion,” the Assistant Attorney General, Tom Perez, refused to answer.

>"This book was written with conflicting expectations. On the one hand, I hope people will read it, do some fact-checking, hold their elected officials and national security leaders responsible, and demand an accounting. But there is also the sobering thought that, like some Old Testament prophets, I may have to be content with knowing that I provided valid indicators and warning of the disastrous path we are on; that at some future date, when people look back to figure out what went wrong, they will realize that warning of catastrophic failure was timely and accurately provided—and ignored. Sometimes things must break before they can be put back together. The problem is that when things fall apart, there is no guarantee that they can be put back together."

>"I say you need to get out and read what our enemies have said. Remember Hitler. Remember he wrote Mein Kampf. He said in writing exactly what his plan was, and we collectively ignored that to our great detriment. Now, our enemies have said publicly on film, on the Internet, their goal is to destroy our way of life. No equivocation on their part. They're not saying if you stay home, we will not come after you. They are saying their goal is to rid the Middle East of all foreigners. Then, overthrow all governments that are not friendly to them, which means every single one of those governments. Then, to use that base as a way to spread their terrorism and their oppression across the globe to include a map that shows 100 years from now that the entire globe will be under their domination."


>Obama regurgitating Muslim Brotherhood propaganda




Seriously, fuck you sometimes Sup Forums.

Talk about a kid being eaten by an alligator but don't actively fight against Islam. Awesome. Keep this alive.

Yes. Something very similar happened here in the UK.

And, well, just look at Germany now, too.

It's almost as if half of our leaders have secretly converted to isalm?


Being massively slid by retarded threads on non-sensical, non-Sup Forums related bullshit.

It's only going to get worse lads, especially you Germany.


whoa, i was gonna post stuff about this guy. he's a badass.

this thread must be seen by all of Sup Forums

>wahh pay attention to me

Can't speak for your country, but ours is run by a cowardly faggot of a muslim himself. Our enemies know they have a friend in the White House.

Who invites koalas to picnics?

And here ladies and gentlemen is a waste of oxygen and a detriment to western society. Watch the videos or kys.

Don't remind me

great hadith/sunna source website in arabic and english

>that low quality shitposting
you dropped your leaf.

Some shorter subject videos if you don't have time for the briefs atm:
>Coughlin on the Explanatory Memorandum of the Muslim Brotherhood, and US government partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood in America.
>Countering Violent Extremism subversive narrative Part 1
>Countering Violent Extremism subversive narrative Part 2

much like samson his power is in the leaf

I appreciate any and all Islam related links, especially Hadiths and Islamic Law.

>our leaders have secretly converted to isalm?
Trudeau makes no secret of it, but then again one day later he's a jew or a hindu. Anything but a white Christian I guess.

>post yfw Trump wins and Brexit is a success

>tfw Trump would have to uproot your entire Military, Security and Political command structure to get rid of Muslim influence



Pretty based.
Zakat is based on income and the value of all of one's possessions.[12][13] It is customarily 2.5% of a Muslim's total savings and wealth above a minimum amount known as nisab,[14] but Islamic scholars differ on how much nisab is and other aspects of zakat.[14] The collected amount is paid first to zakat collectors, and then to poor Muslims, to new converts to Islam, to Islamic clergy, and others.


I'm reading Coughlin currently.

It's a TLDR kind of book.

You can get similar knowledge from a few Robert Spencer YT video lectures.

Am as well, only it's on a kindle. I'm going to order the paperback pretty soon.

"hh hah! I a-always knew we'd ww-win! (we have definetly won, right? They can't take it away from us? THIS HAS BEEN HELL I CAN'T TAKE MUCH MORE I'D GIVE ANYTHING NOT TO KNOW OR CARE ANYMORE)"

Also a good viewing.

>uno posto


The way to combat Islamic terrorism and Islam in general is a revitalization in Nordic Paganism.

>Rewards you for falling in battle
>(Meme) Magic is real
>Actively tells you to stand up to the enemy
>Prides sex and breeding

Fight fire with fire.

user in another thread lays it down:

>The first thing we need to do is simply enforce existing US law, and analyze the threat like we would any other ideological system. The problem is that our elites KNOW that if we were to apply standard best practices of analysis, it would essentially mean majorities in the Islamic world, as well as many sovereign states (some of the constitutions of which we have drafted), are EXPLICITLY declaring and engaged in civilization war with the US, and agree on the legal basis for the conflict according to Sharia. We need to at the very least treat this the way we treated the Cold War. There are currently 57 member states of the OIC that are de facto, if not de jure warring states with the US. We are ignoring the facts because we are terrified of a civilization conflict. Elites are desperate for an alternative. The problem is, it's not up to them.

so how do we subvert the muslims

they already love gay sex and traps

It's not a matter of changing your belief system, it's about not allowing external threats to drive your own narrative. The Soviets hold some blame in why we're at the stage we're at.

this is fucking gold op, great job.

Thanks bud, Make America Great Again.

You can't subvert them, you have to fight them.

Make America Feel Great Again


An actually decent thread. Good job OP. Not all leafs are gay.

These threads are always being slid hardcore, bumps definitely help. Maybe with Trump in office Coughlin can get his job back and we can get back to combating terrorism.

Trying to watch the videos but my internet connection keeps crapping out on me.

But your effort is appreciated.

The muslim subversion feels all too close here and I'm incredibly lucky to not have any mosques in my town yet.
But every day, on the media and outside I get confronted with this religion one way or another and I don't like it at all.

surely there is some way?

Please bump this. It's hard to compete with all the slide threads right now.

OP keep posting this from time to time if it gets slid off.

Also Jerry Boykin, career ruined after he named the muslim, kicked from a prayer breakfast last week by greatest ally to the enemy within, an atheist group.

Multiple fronts.

I'd refer you back to this post



I've made it my mission to duplicate these threads for a good while. Expect to see this multiple times a day.

KEK is pleased with your conduct.

Quad get, but yeah I'd love for this to be it's own daily general. This is extremely important, a good majority of Sup Forums users are simply unaware for Islam and what's going on, as much as they'll pretend to understand.

This is our futures and our children's futures, and I don't feel like fathering children that are just going to end up in the Islamic State of Canada.


Checked and a bump for OP. Good stuff.

You know Trump is going to lose, right?

one more bump

Same here. We're at war whether we like it or not.


He won't lose, but he could definitely "lose."


>We're at war whether we like it or not.

And that right there is our problem. Only one side has OPENLY, not secretly, OPENLY declared war and the other is hiding behind PC culture to quell this Civilization War that's brewing.

Checked. Should just make it a habit on Sup Forums to spam sliding threads with links to important ones


I've been trying but I'm also expecting a ban if I do it any longer. For now I'm just trying to keep this thread alive, it's hard to say if these threads don't get a lot of traction due to Sup Forums disinterest or sliding.

Maybe a combination of both.


I have to go make delicious food, PLESE for the love of Kek keep this bumped and the discussions going.

Slide threads are out and burying this thread.

If it's not muslims, it's the zionists.

America has already been co-opted by outside interests.

For the last 15 years, the US government has been an effective playing piece in the international stage, waging war on behalf of zionism and israeli interests.

The Saudis used Al-Qaida as a front for 9-11. What is their real relationship with Israel? Why do both entities oppose Iran?

There was a woman on CNN yesterday who blamed the attacks on male masculinity, didn't catch her name but I'll try and find the clip.

Too many narratives being thrown down our throats to intentionally confuse the idiots.

No slide for you, Mr. Schlomohammed ibn al Israhiliberg

I heard that too, I don't let it bother me as I need to keep my mind clear.
I've finally accepted for myself that islam does not qualify as just another religion and thus does not deserve any form of protection from the state or by law like it does now.
It is the cancer destroying us slowly.

The most frustrating thing is that I can barely find people to talk about this, the average person is very uneducated on subjects like this, doesn't bother with facts and data at all and just sticks to feelings and "muh equality, love not war" bullshit.

Radical Liberalism is the cancer.

Islam is a bloody invasion!

More as a collective effort. Like every f5 everyone spends in an interesting thread, they link the thread in some of the 20 new twitter threads. Like picking up the occasional trash at the park and throwing it away.

>The most frustrating thing is that I can barely find people to talk about this, the average person is very uneducated on subjects like this, doesn't bother with facts and data at all and just sticks to feelings and "muh equality, love not war" bullshit.

This is why we're in such a bad spot. I've lost friends trying to explain this to them.

You need a collective group to combat the collective shills and sliders.


Bless you, OP. I've got loads of links to bump with.

>vital understanding of the mechanics:

eesti bump

Very nice, it would probably be a very good idea to start a pastebin with some essential links.

This is way better.

Actual DNC strategy. An excerpt:


Working with the DNC and allied groups, we will use several different methods to land these attacks, including:

• Reporter Outreach: Working through the DNC and others, we should use background briefings, prep with reporters for interviews with GOP candidates, off-the-record conversations and oppo pitches to help pitch stories with no fingerprints and utilize reporters to drive a message.
• Releases and Social Media: Where appropriate these attacks can be leveraged for more public release, particularly the attacks around specific issues where a public release can point out that Republicans are outside of the mainstream.
• Bracketing Events: Both the DNC and outside groups are looking to do events and press surrounding Republican events to insert our messaging into their press and to force them to answer questions around key issues.

I've got his book, I've only read one or two chapters, but it's great.

I'll finish it when I get back from vacation, and can post excerpts, just keep the General going for a month or two.

so are we to be scared/hate all muslims or are we just to be wary of an elite higher up group(s), just like what natsocs say about jews?

The reality is the elites are fucking absolutely terrified of a civilization war between Islam and the West, and who can blame them?

It's going to be a fucking insanely bloody fight, millions are going to die. This is World War material.

Good man, I plan on keeping this general going for a long time despite sliding and MIDF fuckery.

>treat this the way we treated the Cold War

I've been saying this for a while now, we didn't let openly hostile communists in our countries, we took in defectors, as we should only take in true converts.

Why didn't they pursue a policy of containment like the Cold War parallel would suggest? Or was that the initial plan and it failed? I'm not familiar enough with modern middle eastern history to really pinpoint a moment where we lost control of the situation if that happened.

Right on

I don't know if he mentions this in his red pill briefs, but he goes into detail about Islamic law, and the way experts apply, study and make the law. It's very informative, and goes to show that there can be no true reformation like the Christian church had with Martin Luther.

So when you see some moderates calling for reform in Islam, you can understand that they are actually looked down upon by most Muslims, and are basically apostates, but they are good for the narrative, as they are used as poster children of the moderate Muslim.

Because people fail to see it as a political system and a system of law, and think it is just another religion. Especially normies who read about the Islam is peace, everyday in the newspapers. If you don't pick up the Quran how would you know what's inside it?

>A peek into a future:

>It's not a matter of changing your belief system, it's about not allowing external threats to drive your own narrative.

Agreed. We need to start getting the word out to people too. The clueless are easy enough to inform. Those who've already taken the religion of peace bait though? How do we get through to them?

Any ideas on this, spit em out guys!

> Another common way of using muruna is for a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim or to behave like a non-Muslim so their true agenda will not be suspected. The 9/11 hijackers visited strip clubs and bars during their off-times while taking classes in the U.S. to fly airplanes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the White House.

> Many Americans believe Hillary Clinton’s aide, Huma Abedin, married Jewish Congressman (((Anthony Weiner))) at least in part to burnish her security credentials so she could infiltrate the highest levels of the Administration.

> how do we get through to them?

I don't know user, it's hard I'm in college and most people are extremely blue pilled about Islam, even my own cousin who is pretty far down the rabbit hole, (a little too far I'd say) buys the meme that Islamic attacks are just Zionist attempts at framing Islam, it's crazy. Some times the red pill can come in doses that are to high.

do you have a link to this video, I was recently speaking with a friend about how Islam will not reform. I did digging later and saw that they had 'some' reforms so I realized there is a vehicle for reform, but if you what you say is true, that'll give me more ammo.

his idea was that it's up to the practitioners to change the religion, but my counter to that is that whatever extra-legal changes they make will make whatever they're doing not Islam, like Mormonism to Christianity. while what people like ISIL are doing is more along the 'true believer' lines.

Good vid

Jeep up tej good work

im guessing the book you linked eloquently covers this?

I dont hate your average muslim but I realize the whole middle east is propped up by a bunch of countries that fuel radical groups, and as long as groups like ISIS are still a thing and the US stays butt buddies with Saudi Arabia, nothing it going to be made in terms of progress to help the situation.

this is something I've been pondering lately, because if you look at the middle east, its so incredibly fucked up its not even funny, and I dont think your average joe knows its recent history let alone how bad things are. The public is too ignorant to know how to solve it let alone get officials to solve it. There are very little solutions to the situation and with groups like ISIS and mass exodus's like the migrant situation things can only get worse, even domestically.

another question is this: is this legitimate, or is this just sensationalist pandering to sell books?

>If you don't pick up the Quran how would you know what's inside it?

We live in a world of second hand information and proof.

>You don't need to read the source to be an expert, there's plenty of information on Twitter and Facebook! xD

Say what you want about Muhammad, the man was a tactical genius to set up Islam in such a way as to make him the perpetual Prophet for the rest of time.

>How do we get through to them?

That's the 6 million shekel question.

That woman is a vile cunt. Weiner had to send out pics of his wiener because she won't fuck him. It's haram.

Excellent thread, brother.

Sometimes I feel like the majority of the Canadian shitposters are part of a psyop because it came out of absolutely nowhere last year.

I will continue to actively fight against the enemy of my civilization on all fronts, regardless of the consequences.