Will the Slavs ever recover?

Will the Slavs ever recover?

Some of these maps make westerns look worse than certain "slavs", which makes your points invalid

>Greeks could build a superior country through hard work
>Slavs can't

Really causes thought

You can't recover from being a Slav.

What is that country again? Can't recall.

dont get this obsession with Slavs on this board


It's not obsession, just genuine question

Those cigarettes stats must've gone down since then with the smoking ban and the rise of vaping

Like 1 or 2

What's your point

>says the sw*de

It's easy to cherrypick if you want something to fit your agenda.

alls i'm getting from this is that pooland is so shitty not even shitskins want to move there

think of Tim McLean

lmao idk who that is . im actually a currynigger


Stop being retarded.


who said this



It's true.