Anyone else felt the earthquake in Aegean sea?

Anyone else felt the earthquake in Aegean sea?


Yeah i am 10-20 kms from bodrum

In Cos

Spending the night in the car, still shaking at times

It wasnt that bad, but maybe thats because this region is solely new-built summerhouses so i feel somewhat safe, also this was far better than the earthquake i had in '99

Housing is much superior truly, didn't spot any damage on newbuilt buildings. The quakes last substantially longer. The '99 Athens one was worse in effect as well.

Hope that is the end, altho there is minor tsunamis

any damages user? hope you and your family are ok

and yeah, i am currently located right across the Leros island so we are pretty close, the sea here is getting higher too

shook a little more again

Family is alright, typical mother shaking and being a headless chicken, father being cool, the others were contacted via phone.

Damn, it really does not stop

Might as well spend the night like this, cant sleep anyways

pls poseidon kill all the roaches

I am heading upstairs at dawn. Broken glasses to scoop only luckily, let's hope it ceases - it just won't ayy

We dont even have broken glass here, did the windows break or just stuff like plates/bowls?

God's wrath for opposing the coup

we were fucked both ways anyways

Just cosmetic bowls and a brandy bottle rip

Is electricity up?

It is now at long last

fuck its still shaking

burada 2-3 tane boktene yuvarlak suratlı diye asyatik diyen geri zekalı bir orospu çocuğu vardı, burayı okuyorsan sana söylüyorum: siktir git inci sözlük'te yaz amına koduğumun aptal k*rdü seni

don't be a faggot

ben değilim o bıremın

Stay calm people

>Mosques damaged
>Churches damaged
>God's wrath
If the name of the God is POSEIDON then you are right (shakes earth, causes floods, BTFOs muslem mosques and christian churches)

I don't believe in any God who doesn't give me a gf

So I am pretty much agnostic


how are you still not stoned to death in there, or do you just pretend to be a muslim

I pretend, don't practice, and nobody cares because they think I am stark-raving mad

>get home from holiday in kos four days ago
>miss fun earthquake

>his country doesnt have earthquakes


omg i just did

no I didn't you fucking retard

Sen değilsin biliyorum da eğer o adam buradaysa onun ta anasını sikeyim ben

then you dont need to fucking post do you

well how fucking convenient

so dead levants and gr**ks?