Favorite Sup Forums pics

Nirvana and Boredoms

I use this as my mousepad.


You just know Kurt was absolutely sick of being around Dave at this point.



i would be too. i used to think dave was that "down to earth" and cool chill rock star guy but as i get older he seems like he's too happy in interviews like it's a facade he's trying to keep up and it's just annoying. one time he was chewing gum really obnoxiously in an interview i watched which triggered the fuck out of me. and on top of that his face became a very punchable face around the time his hair started getting long again

Where did you get the mouse pad?

he looks like your average non descript white business dad



and cornelius?

One of those $1 mousepad threads a few years back. I don't think they're that cheap any more and I can't remember what site.

that's basically what he's been ever since he went sober

cowcow does really cheap mousepads if you sign up for their mailing list







Imagine being Beyonce in that photo and having to be all like "damn, Death Grips, you fuckin' fire, all beastly with your tight bangers and horrific industrial hip hop tracks. I would totally listen to you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is control the minds of children for the Illuminati. Like seriously imagine having to be Beyonce and not only stand in that room while Death Grips flaunts their disgusting music in front of you, the favorable production barely concealing their lack of talent, and just sit there, track after track, hour after hour, while the perfected that sound. Not only having to tolerate their monstrous fucking visage but their haughty attitude as everyone on Pitchfork tells them they've STILL GOT IT and DAMN, DEAF GRIPS SOUNDS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch their mannish fucking gremlin faces contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of music executives and Illuminati members and later alleged Jay Z for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Texas. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on MC Ride's bald head as he writhes it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "artistic (for that is what he calls it)" expression, the art he worked so hard for with professional sound engineers in the previous months. And then the camera man calls for another picture, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Beyonce. You're not going to lose your future world domination over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.


you must really not like death grips.
What are you doing on Sup Forums?



Death Grips is a fucking pop group.
Stay noided! jhahahahaha

Fresh pasta!

it's a reversal of a copypasta about stefan having to pose with bey you turd goblin


that baby actually like it could be Henry and Nicks

Kurt had some cool pictures with him too

dis one better

"Bill Groundhog Day, Ghostbustin'-ass Murray!"
"Who you gon' call?"




I bet not one of those gaylords even tried to bang her out of fear of rejection... Smh

>wtf a baby???

My theory for this image is that MC Ride, the absolute madman, was making fun of the way he moves his arms when he's performing and everyone was just having a good time.


Oh, I remember that. They had this referral promo that allowed you to get free mousepads or some shit. I posted a thread for that on Sup Forums, right when Sup Forums stopped working for a few hours and page 0 was frozen.

I got so many free mousepads that day.



literally who

This picture actually inspired me a sense of joy and kindness hard to describe when I was a teenager. It was on the walls of a goth club, and always cheered me up.

unironically one of my favourite pics.

two of the biggest pillars in goth music. post-punk was a magical time.

My theory is that it was dinner time at that moment

he's fast

except she was in a relationship with neil for quite a while
dagger is about their breakup