Why are these 3 musicians just so far above everyone else?

why are these 3 musicians just so far above everyone else?

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who the hell are they?

top right is bjork

The final boss of shitty taste.



But how is the face


i miss her already

Bjork is actually good, but the only reason you like the other two is because you're a brainlet retard that unironically engages in waifu worship faggot bullshit. Waifu posting should result in instant permabans, fucking beta males.


me too

what is with the choa memeing and where did you hide my kate

because the choaposter is a moron. he took the original meme and like a parasite replaced kate with choa. pic related is the original meme.

on a scale from 1-10 how good is this song would you say?


mods please don't ban me. I'm not him

Does you guys are prepared to ChoA experience?


2 talented female musicians vs. 1 girl band member that probably knows nothing about music . All she has to do is look good.


You're not looking hard enough

easy pussy.