Is the media leading us astray about what happened in Orlando?

Is there any way this man could be mistaken and these people are behaving truthfully?

I've certainly seen this video in every montage talking about this indecent. After watching these dissections I feel like we are almost certainly being led astray to some extent about this scenario. What do you think bros?

Other urls found in this thread:

This is a 100% textbook hoax we're dealing with here, and nothing more.

This smiling joker can't even contain his happiness at finally getting his 15 minutes of fame and he claims to have been shot in the SIDE and witnesses all that carnage? And here he is doing and interview looking plum and chipper? Fuck off! HOAX.


Yeah I saw his interview on facebook. It definitely looked like bullshit to me.

This negress landwhale also claims to have been shot in the side and seen her friend die. Yet she's doing the interview from home already and displays barely at the emotion.

But why use a Muslim shooter as the hoax? Maybe he was planning this regardless and they just decided to use it to their advantage? It's all so strange.

>is the media leading us astray about

The answer is always yes.
No exceptions.



Another cringey performance from an actor who, try as he may, just cannot force a single tear.

You don't think the government would use Muslims as a way to scare the people as an excuse for increased police state and unjust wars? I guess you don't remember 9/11.

Besides, its not like the Hillary voters are going to switch to trump now, they just believe #NotAllMuslims and #BlameThePatriarchy anyway. This is just a divide and conquer tactic to stir emotions. And make no mistake: ISIS itself is a CIA-funded "hoax" as well. Remember the bullshit beheading videos? They used crisis actors for that too. user, our whole media "reality" is fake and gay. Pretty much all big national and international news stories are hoaxes.

Ultimate mind fuck. Muslim Gay Salt Rifle. They dropped the agenda just to fuck with us.

Forgot pic

dat jew nose

dat jew mug

wag that (((dawg)))

Then what the fuck do I do? I'm literally listening to the fillibuster on C-SPAN right now and stressing out.

You've never seen people react to stressful situations with laughter? How often do you leave your house?

I don't know man. Its very tough to live with this hoax reality. I made the big mistake of messaging the wrong person on Goybook, an old friend from high school, about this hoax and he totally flipped out on me, threatened to get in touch with where I go to grad school and my professor and basically fuck up my life. Hopefully nothing will come of this but it just makes me realize how fucked this situation is.

The whole thing is really very laughably fake. It always is. With Sandy Hook, Boston, Brussels, the Dylan Roof shooting, the reporter chick who got shot... its fucking obviously fake every time. When this shit happened instantly knew it would be fake and as soon as I saw the footage of them carrying the "injured" out of the club I knew it was def a hoax. (turns out they were carrying the "victims" back TOWARDS the club).

We're probably not that far away from the point where questioning these hoaxes gets your own ass labeled as insane and dragged off to some ward. It's sucks but its the red pill reality we must deal with. The ones who laugh, the ones who mock, the ones who even lash out out at us... they don't know how deep the lies at the foundation of our society really go...

And its not over. Mark my words, there will be even bigger hoaxes to come before this year is done.

Show me an example of an interview of someone connected with this shooting where it looks to you like they are displaying genuine emotion. For reference here is one which looks like total bullshit. You can see she is reading off a script and at 3:45 she gives a spiel about muh assault weapons.

This thread is being slid.

I don't know why but at one point during the video my brain just started repaying let the bodies hit the floor


Kind of a weak premise, they do have a mental disorder. Do you really expect them to act logically? I mean shit one of them went all hodor killing their own people.

Did you watch that episode of "America's Got Talent" where the old guy covered the song? Because they did a predictive programming segment for that, displaying Dunkin Donuts cups, where dunkin donuts was featured in the background of the hoax rescue footage.

>8 years under a Republican government
>24 mass shootings
>8 years under a Democratic government
>58 mass shootings

I think we know the problem and it isn't guns.

Durhruhrurhurhur I'm sooooo happy my son died!!!

>captcha: select all juice

There were hoax shootings under the republicans as well, Virginia Tech was of course fake too. I didn't realize it then but going back its just as obvious as this one. And of course 9/11 the biggest hoax of all took place under the Republishits.

Honestly I couldn't make it much farther than the first few minutes. He's really converting text into numbers and back into text? This makes him seem insane.

Haha I know man, this is truly advanced level hoaxology. Maybe he takes it too far in this vid. But the stuff with "33" is real. Shit comes up wayyy to often to be a coincidence. The haoxers are definitely occultists and into numerology. They are kabbalistic jews and freemasons.

This guy supposedly bled for 33 minutes (someone was standing over him with a stopwatch?) and this is what they showed on TV:

How many lbs of explosives found in brussels?

Well thats a pretty specific prediction there Bill

Number of years between start of construction on twin towers in 1968 and collapse in 2001? That's right, 33...


The lawsuit he had to pay the Goldbergs or whatever they were called was also 33 million.


33 feet deep El chapo tunnel

Yeah right...

it just took me a few hours to find this picture. I also happen to be a superior red headed jew. So enjoy my superiority over all of you.

Why is no one being carried bleeding?
50 people shot and not a drop of blood on anyone.

The ones that lived didnt bleed very much.

If they did they would have died at the scene.

Not to mention the first thing they do at the scene is cover the wound.

I also have sky blue eyes and beautiful past skin

>bloke claims helps wounded person on floor. Claims took off bandana to try and stem bleeding but person died.
Not a drop of blood on his spotless hands.
Not a drop of blood on his clothes
As calm as a Hindu cow.

So how fucking far does this scheme extend? There is literally so much conflicting information being thrown at me at every moment and all of it seems like smoke and mirrors crap. I don't know who to trust anymore, I can't even trust Sup Forums, one of my long time sanctuaries since I was a child. I don't know what to make of all this information but for the first time in my life, though I always suspected it, I am absolutely sure the "illuminati" or "lizard people" or Jews or whatever are up to something and I am very concerned, I know I'm late to the party but now I just feel so bewildered.

no blood at all to be seen, just ketchup

if you can't tell this casual hombre is completely uninjured than you can't tell reality from fiction

That's what I'm saying, why are these people being carried?
They have zero physical injuries from what can be seen.

As far as hoaxes and fake "hollywood" reality goes it goes back to the end of world war ii at least. I have come to believe the entire Cold War was essentially a hoax itself, just like "the war on terror," nothing more than a way to scare the citizens of each country against the capitalist/communist menace when in reality the two sides were just two aspects of the same coin, with crypto-communists already in power in the USA and in Britain.

"The conspiracy" with Freemasonry and "The Illuminati" goes back to the founding of this country.

There were already "tin foil hatters" in 1798...

Because its a staged fucking hollywood hoax!

You wanna know how many people died in Orlando? A big fat zero. How many injured? Another big fat zero.

Same goes for Boston, Brussels, San Bernadino, and almsot certainly Paris as well. The same you-know-who's are faking them all and the sheeple lap it up.

Obama going for absolute rule?

Thanks for that picture senpai.

Same shit different toilet from the ""Brussels Bombing""

I don't think its impossible that we will end up with a 3rd term of Obama.

brussels frauds



>every attack a hoax...muh master plan they are all in on it
Dude you are full of shit. I'm not sure if you're a total paranoid mentally ill fuck or just trying to convince others to join you in the loony bin so they will be discredited as well.

Either way you are not good for anyone but leftists.

I think anyone evil enough to plan out a "false flag" attack or hoax or wahtever would be evil enough to just kill people in the first place.

Sure bud

its not even illegal to run a false flag

running them "live" would be much more chaotic give them much less control over the propaganda affect.

maybe the real killings are coming though.

lay off the mary jane lads. and stay the fuck away from lucy

So, someone gave me a shirt with holes in it to put on. Went to acting school because people said I was pretty, but my role isn't pretty, feels

At least you don't have to wear a sock on your face like "Mason Wells" 3 time terrorist attack survivor

Oh man, they don't even try to hide it.

They love to mock. Put the truth in plain sight and then laugh it up over the sheeple's inability to see it.


During the state of the union speech at the beginning of this year, right when Paul Ryan brought down the gavel and started the session... what time did it read on the clock above the whole room? That's right... 9:11...


Bump guys I'll be home soon.

Masonic 33 hoax code "pure coincidence"

Good points. However what makes you think switching to Trump is a problem for them...

I'm not a fucking shill, and if I could, I would still vote Trump, however the deeper this goes the more unlikely it is that his hands are clean. If he dies then we will know that he was telling the truth I suppose.

Switching to Trump is definitely no problem, he is 100% one of them, and if "dies" in an assassination it will be another hoax, another fake just like this "attack."

If he does win they will push the divide and conquer meme to no end, the lib shits will be all agitated and riled up and they will pull more hoaxes involving "hate crimes" against mexicans, blacks, etc. And Obama will be somehow sticking around in the background as their hero and savior, maybe even as head of the UN or something.

Trayvon Martin? Probably a hoax too. The young Trayvon character seems to have been played by the actually much older Jahvaris Fulton. This pic looks more like a bloodless mannequin. No social security death index for "Trayvon Martin."

wat da fok...

OK, but why? Why use all these subversion tactics when they could easily repeal the second amendment. You think anyone who supports guns will actually try and fight back against our military?

The shooter Omar Mateen appeared 2012 in a documentary. His lines sounded scripted. He is just another small actor.

And yet you post on Sup Forums. Your not exactly the top of any hierarchy are you?

From what limited knowledge I have, I can tell you that fresh blood is important to many occultists. It is indeed possible that people are dying in these.

If I had to guess, I'd say the "injured" crisis actors are for propaganda effect, whereas the people that are actually killed are done so precisely and methodically by professionals.

Sadly, I do think innocent people die in these, even the hoaxes.

What worries me even more is the fact that we are able to discuss this.

He did work as a security guard. This seems like over consistency if you know what I mean. You'd think he'd notice the cameras though.

Will someone watch this. I never see it posted... and it's pretty good.

>What worries me even more is the fact that we are able to discuss this.


Well, you'd think it would be well within the power of certain organizations to limit our speech. The reason the fact that they aren't worries me is that if they could, why wouldn't that? It tells me that what we are saying is no reason for them to be alarmed. It tells me that either their techniques are so effective that it won't matter, or that what we are saying will have no consequence to them if spread.

This exactly has me terrified as well. What's their game here? In order for conspiracies to be true (and after seeing the videos I posted in the OP I am sure they are to some extent) they must be playing every single angle. It just boggles my mind that the worst possible outcome is coming true. I can't fucking believe this is happening, I feel powerless.

DW lad, it's all a spook. It sucks but as long as you live a happy life then it's fine.

I mean, it's a spooky and all but... I don't want to have to find out of ghost are real you know what I'm saying?

Hopefully they are indeed a limited entity and we are under the radar. And even if we aren't you can bet that there are indeed people who are. With what little I know about the internet, I am still fairly certain that you can become literally untraceable with some know how.

I mean I don't care that much about being untraceable. I don't do anything sketchy on the internet. I'm not like some terrorist or something. I don't care about laying low, I just want this world to be normal. I want people to be happy not afraid. I don't want this to devolve into some sort of dystopia hell on Earth.

PS I changed fromy PC to my phone this is OP.

True, but the U.S. has a very powerful constitution, thanks to the First Amendment. They already try to install censorship with political correctness and hate speech.

We don't have the same amount of freedom of speech in Europe. The German government threatens to take your children away if you have intolerant views.


well, i dunno if it's evidence of 'the matrix' or some shit, but it definitely was staged. probably just a local camera team paid some bystanders for some quick 'dramatic' footage.

remmeber the dad from Sandy hook?

What I mean in bringing up untracability is that it isn't so far fetched that people are talking out about this without the authorities being aware.

Untimely there are several possibility.

1. We are a non threat and are on the wrong track

2. We are a non threat and are on the right track, however this information is unlikely to spread, or the populace are too closed minded to accept it

3. We are gibbering random nonsense on the internet and no one cares.

4. We are under the radar of the Authorities.

5. We are a threat and we are being dismantled

6. There is nothing going on and the world is as it seems with some very odd quirks

These are all fairly likely as I see it.

Robbie Parker the classic crisis actor

Notice how there are no shills spamming skepticism today. The "hoax" threads the past few days were totally bombarded with posters trying so hard on the of course its real it was on TV, k thx mohamed, go get a tinfoil hat memes.

By speech I mean speech on this website. No matter what, the current lay out of things can only be explained by assumptions of coincidence. We are in the dark for the most part.

We don't know for sure who the enemy is
We don't know for sure if they exist
We don't know for sure that we aren't playing to their fiddle

We don't know anything.


Odd. So these threads are normally shilled on hard?

I'm gonna delete my history desu

>all of the repeating digits through post number in this thread.

I wonder if kek will protect us form the ebil pyramid-eye-geomtry-n-numbers-n-sheeeit niggers

satan is on your side

Cool. Better than no one I guess. I'd rather not go to hell though.

Pretty sure Colbert already figured it out

false flags all around they just trying to take away our guns

2, 4 & 5

You're welcome.

Seems like the most easy to believe combination, no doubt. They aren't exactly inclusive, but yeah, I think I get what you are saying.

7. We are a low level threat, we are have avoided major focus, but are still being dismantled, possibly by multiple forces.

>I don't want this to devolve into some sort of dystopia hell on Earth.

They do call Satan the "prince of this world" after all. I had been an atheist until recently but I can't say that anymore.

Columbine had real bodies, at least of the alleged shooters, right? (although that picture apparently has some questionable aspects, related to how the gunshot to the side of the head could be self-inflicted with a rifle)

I'd have a big fucking smile on my face if I survived a shooting and was brought out to safety. Guy could've been in shock and they carried him out or some shit.

What does seem fishy to me is the logistics of the shooting. It should be obvious that the guy didn't do it by himself.

What does it mean brotha?

if 50 people just died next to you, would you not have at least a little blood splash on you?


Perfect heart shot. Allah himself must have guided those bullets.