Tfw I fell for global-warming-isnt-real meme

>tfw I fell for global-warming-isnt-real meme

Kill me, Sup Forums

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>1 post by this ID


>global warming isn't real
>Scientists owned by jews
>statistics made by Jews
>world always gets warmer or cooler naturally
>no real evidence that man is making it warmer
>we cant and wont do anything to fix this
A preview of what to expect from the typical Sup Forumsster

>1 post by this ID


Did you see the increase in shitposting this last days?

Its cause we are not posting enough kek pictures, if we would post enough kek pictures then shilling would diminish

This is what global warming is lad, you point at something real and invent your own ideologically partisan explanation for it

Kill me

What do you propose to do then?
Should all countries band together to help it stop?

>we cant and wont do anything to fix this
Should my country stop trying to feed the poor and instead give the money to the UN for a global-cooling ray? Do you think some retarded project like that could ever work?

>accurate temperature recordings

Pretending to be retarded is a nice hobby but it's getting to the point where people can no longer tell you're just pretending, user. You better take a break.

>Thermometers didn't exist in 1850


I honestly dont give a shit.

>feeding the poor
Gonna do a great deal of help when they cant breathe because the air is scorching their lungs.

Mercury in a fucking vial isn't a difficult recipe

Do i seriously need to explain that user's point to you? or are you just rusing me?

Well then why should the rest of the world give a single fuck about an Al Gore meme lad, if you Americans want waste all your money on a global cooling ray, we are gonna keep burning car tires

Because mercury has changed so much in 150 years. Come on, not knowing where the lines of technological advancement cut and where they don't is being pretty ignorant of history. Temperature has been a serious concern of everyone since always and accurate thermometers have existed since the 18th century. The basic thermometer hasn't changed in 300 years and you hardly need a thermometer designed for use in experimental scientific research to make accurate climate charts.

You don't even need a thermometer.

Doesn't really exist when you have a linear growth of co2 levels and co2 levels have a logarithmic effect on global temperature. The diminishing returns on co2 are so high that we will run out of cheap oil before any real damage is done

Look at the same type of graph over the course of 1000 years. This change in temp isn't odd at all.

>Because mercury has changed so much in 150 years.

>To get a complete picture of Earth’s temperature, scientists combine measurements from the air above land and the ocean surface collected by ships, buoys and sometimes satellites, too.

I can safely say that the methods of collecting global temperature data have changed significantly since 1850.

Also, I'm assuming the weather monitoring stations from 1850 to 1910 were mostly in continental Europe and England, but the chart doesn't say. If it's compiling data since record keeping began, the simple fact is older data will most certainly be colder because the temperatures were recorded in colder climate areas instead of globally.

>mfw even questioning global warming labels you a lunatic

its just the "scientific" version of holocaust denial

>climate varies by 1 degree over 150 years
>this means mankind is completely responsible for it
>guess we better invade china and every industrialized nation

Global warming is not real. Even Trump said so.

>shows 0.000001% of earths climate history


Just out of interest: is there anyone on this planet who actually disputes that CO2 is rather opaque to parts of the IR spectrum which are emitted by earth and thus has a greenhouse effect?

You'd have to be chronically retarded to deny that. It's a simple measurement that most have hopefully done themselves in HS.

I always thought the dispute was over how much of a heating effect it will have and not whether it has one. By how much it'll heat earth is fairly hard to establish while acknowledging that CO2 has a greenhouse effect only requires a HS level understanding of physics. As a bonus you'll also understand why there's this need to shoot most IR telescopes into space.

The other questions remaining are:
How much of this warming is due to greenhouse effect?
How much of the greenhouse effect is due to human activity?
Is it possible to prevent/revert the damage being done by human caused green house activity?

I'm believe that it is important for us to reduce carbon emissions but it's a good idea to remain skeptical.

The point is that the chart is fallacious, people weren't paying enough attention at global temperatures in 1850 as much as they started doing after the 70s; the increase of cross-testing that that implies means that it is possible that older records are simply mistaken and the graph doesn't show an increase in temperature, but an increase in focus to make correct global temperature measurings

Like that troll thread:

"Lol, ever since i saw Kek memes here i keep seeing frogs everywhere!"

Maybe you are not seeing more frogs, only paying more attention to them

Global warming is real, guys

>10% of an iceberg is above water.

Precisely why I dont give a shit. Half the people trying to fix shit, other half trying to fuck it. Shits a lost cause.

You can measure temperature by analyzing ice cores. I'm not saying that humans contribute much to the natural cycles of warming and cooling, but to deny that the temperatures are rising is pretty fucking stupid.

This. Denying we're in a warming period just makes our political position look massive global conspiracy level insane

it's nothing but a globalist kike plot to tax the nations of the world without providing any solution to the made-up problem

We're on a warm age, but it will return to a medium temperature age (Temp; 283 K ± 5 K). (end of Holocene). (next 5000 years)
And finally; a glaciation (Temp; 273 K and less). (Antrhopocene). (10.000 years of length)
>Climate change is real, because of Earth auto-CO2-regulation and ocean effect.

If you don't believe in global warming you are a nutcase

Im not denying it, i was just explaining what this post meant Im trying to source the image, but i don't know if its from ice cores, why would it start at 1850 when other graphs show a 2000 year span?

Don't forget where you are.

>lives in the east
>fell for the meme

Lad, we've literally had our seasons changed. Back home, winter now starts in December, when it used to start in October about 10 years ago.

If you're stupid enough not to notice this you should kill yourself immediately.

The argument isn't "global warming isn't real", the argument is that it isn't caused by humans.

16O and 18O isotopes are used to date past climates senpai.

>number of people increase
>more vehicle exhaust
>still doesn't think that this is enough to gradually warm up the place

Factories are the main culprit, aren't they?

What idiots are going to say:
>I..its natural guys
>This is a cycle

Too bad it took always couple hundred of years to increase so drasticly
Not 150 years for more than 1 degree.
200 years for 2 -3

Thats insane and a clear indicator fo antrophogenic influence

I don't care about global warming but thanks for posting such a large NEO 80s color collection

You could just say outright that the industrial age never anticipated this side-effect of burning coal and oil.

no, its agriculture by far

I'm not becoming a vegan just to save the planet senpai.

Wow 200 years, that sure matters on a geological scale.



>Tail end of the Little Ice Age
>Oh no, it's warming up a little bit now

It's not unprecedented. We are in an interglacial; they're usually short, and the temps spike and crash easily. This one has been rather stable, too. Just enjoy it for now, there will be plenty of cold later.

Global warming is great. Why would one be again a rise in global temperature ?

whatever guys

>Agriculture yields have been increasing from all the excess CO2
>Deserts are greening
and the world is getting better everyday

doomsday fags can suck on my dick.

Extreme weather patterns become more frequent. It's not about the average temperature, but the frequency of days above 35 degrees. The weather is a bell curve.

Data should be going back much father in time to be revelant.

Can someone explain me why is this so controversial? On both sides, I don't get it.

taxing first world consumers for what is increasingly a third world pollution problem is bullshit and won't solve anything
it's an excuse to redistribute wealth to shitskins around the world

I don't fucking care if it gets warmer
the north will open up for development and the arabs will die in their homes

>less than one degree difference in 150+ years

it's when liberals act like conservatives, and conservatives act like liberals episode.

Liberals want to "preserve" nature
Conservatives want to "progress" past nature

It's a shitshow because both act like they have all the facts and can predict the future with no better science than economics.

I don't know why you posted a bunch of facts and then acted like Sup Forums was wrong

97% of scientists say the Earth is increasing in temperature due to increased carbon dioxide emissions due to human influence.
Republicans think that this is not true because they are all farmers who would go out of business if a carbon tax was introduced.
Other people argue that although the temperature is increasing, it is not due to humans.
Further still, retards on Sup Forums think that the Jews are bribing 97% of the scientific community so that they can force the Goyim to purchase Israel-approved eco-friendly devices.

Sure they do.

>Liberals want to "preserve" nature
No, liberals don't want the massive cost of living increases associated with global climate change.

Food costs go up because of greater crop failures. Insurance costs go up because of increase storm and flooding activity and additional health hazards. Tourism for certain areas drops due to systemic temperature changes. etc.

Screw the environment, ignoring climate change is shit for the economy.

Deniers are just letting the loan we're continuing to make debt payments on grow larger and larger.

Okay, it's real, granted. Now tell me why it's a bad thing.

This. Do you guys have any idea the bias they inserted when trying to pool data on a .5 degree change from instruments aND measurements with way higher error and way lower precision than .5 degrees? These "scientists" deserve to be shot, starting with Bill nye.

>97% Agree that global warming is happening- and we are the cause

>They're avoiding lying by saying they agree that global warming is happening, then using a hyphen to say "We are the cause" as a separate statement, but make it look like it has the support of scientists, hoping you won't tell the difference


refugees from shit-tier below-sea-level southasian countries

They can fuck thelselves. What else ?

Global warming is happening, because the sun is heating up at an unexpected pace. We used to think it woild be at least three billion years before the Earth became too hot to support carbon based life, but at this rate, every last drop of water will boil away in less than a billion years.

And if the rate of increase of solar intensity continues accelerating like it has been these last few years, we could be cooked away in less than a thousand years.

you're really not seeing the bigger picture. the biggest polluters in the world are china and those other sea nations. you think they are going to comply with this? you're fucking crazy. right now all we're doing is killing our economic competitiveness. the right thing to do as the usa is to tap into our oil reserves, start fracking, become energy independent, make lodsemone and use that surplus of wealth to start seriously working on alternative energy. what you're suggesting is just suicide. you say we die if we don't do anything and that's true. in like 200 years. crippling our economy and making it non competitive will kill us within two decades

Look at this guy, speaking for all liberals.
>wew lad
You almost had a valid argument.

Life has been on this planet for roughly a billion years. Why would the sun turn against humanity suddenly in the next 1000?

You fell for the chart that shows the last 150 years, and not the last say.. 2000, or 30,000 years.

That change is normal, it fluctuates, welcome to climate change, which is what its been degraded to being called because its normal.

Climate changes naturally, shithead. Thats why places that used to have water, are now desert.. and vice versa.

AstroPhysics is a shit show.
The only reason it hasn't been called out is because
there has been no way to reasonable test it.
We have thousands of scientist claiming facts
when, at the same time, my weatherman can't
tell me if it's going to rain next week or not.
Anyone claiming to know anything in these sciences
are either fraudulent or just stupid.

Maybe if we stopped giving out degrees for political allegiance,
and started running schools on merit, it would change.

>Kill me, Sup Forums

Kill yourself.

Hockeystick is a forgery. See