I sometimes imagine myself traveling to the UK and USA and becoming friends with some of the people there

I sometimes imagine myself traveling to the UK and USA and becoming friends with some of the people there...

I do the same with Italy and Japan

No you don't, you're just bullies.

We're not falling for that again

Bring the right attitude and you will. Everyone loves Germans.

For me it's Ancient Egypt, and they accept me. I live my days as a scribe making hieroglyphs and shit.

I never bullied you, not even on Sup Forums.
Ok once I told a brit on /bant/ to kill himself but he was posting smug anime girls so it was totally justified

Germans are notorious bullies. We see the way you go after the Czech and the Polish posters. You haven't changed in 70... actually, it's over 1,000 years of bulling your central European neighbours.

I lack experience with Americans and brits, what would be the right attitude?

I was going to respond to this but on the balance it does seem like you were justified, yes.

just be friendly to people and be willing to try new things.

And dont bring up politics, or at least presidential politics

>tfw no german exchange student to teach me soccer

Ok thanks. I'm not into politics anyway.

You know how horrible it is to not like soccer in Germany? People literally treat you like an outsider with aids if you say you don't like soccer.

I would say it's more like fighting than bullying since poles also witch hunt germ posters.
But we definitely started it by invading them 70 years ago.

what if I say my main knowledge of soccer is NT play and MLS

I really don't know that much about soccer but I guess this could be enough to start a good conversation

I imagine going to Japan and learning how to play Street Fighter with pro stars like Daigo and Bonchan.

B-but I really like you guys (not speaking for my whole country tho)

I'll be your friend.

Can i have some money friend?

You accept credit cards?