Saxophone Practicing Methods

Hello Sup Forums, I was wondering if anyone has some knowledge of hitting an octave above the high D on the saxophone. Its for a piece I'm working on, but I'm struggling to find that upper register. What would you suggest I do to help usher in that upper octave. I've been working on a lot of overtones, but none that can get into that area. Thanks in advance!

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saxophone is gay
you might as well learn how suck a dick, it's pretty much the same

pinch your embouchure hard as shit and blow fast

Get more action than you fag.

Please explain the concept of fast air to me. It throws me for a loop, and whenever I hear it I just think blow harder. What makes air fast?

increase your lung strength. a good trick is the dollar method that involves continuing to blow on a dollar bill and keep it pinned to the wall for as long as you can.

I guess I can kind of describe it like you’re trying to make a FFFFFF sound real hard

I haven't played saxophone in a while, but I know to play super high notes on the clarinet, you just have to squeak and pretend it wasn't literally just a planned mistake, idk how similar it is for sax though

The issue is that the notes are supposed to be that high. Imagine reading some sheet music and it wants you an octave above one of the highest notes on the clarinet. Is there any strategy you employ when approaching said notes?

I play the clarinet as well. Are you talking about that you are doing the correct fingering and the note isn't coming out correctly?

No. This is well beyond the point of fingerings. This is manually raising the pitch to hit a note. There may be fingerings that I don't know of to make it easier, but I don't know them. I'm trying to get an octave above the highest octave on the horn.

Wish I could help you personally, but I can't. Google how to play altissimo notes?

Here's a wikihow:

Thanks for the link. I'll take a look when I have a horn in my hands.

You're welcome. Also check out the subreddit /r/saxophonics if you haven't already. Here's a good comment I found:

>Altissimo is definitely something you have to work at. It is in no way an instant process, or even a quick one. For most people it takes about a year to get consistent, and even longer to truly master.
>It functions on a process known as "voicing." You're not contorting your lips and embouchure to get these notes; you should be altering your throat and vocal cavity. My best guess would be that when you attempt these notes you're either getting a weird, raspy sound that is not a note (you're trying to play with your embouchure and can't get high enough) or you're getting a note that shrieks way too high (you're unintentionally voicing too high, likely you're squeaking out an altissimo D).
>The fingerings don't *really* help if you don't know how to voice properly. That said, every horn maker and model is a little different in terms of which fingerings can help make which note. It's a process of experimentation for everyone and there's no real "universal" fingerings (although there are multiple possible fingerings per note per horn, some are just easier to hit than others).
>To improve your voicing you should practice overtones. Finger a low Bb3, and play it. Then, by altering your *throat,* not your lips, you should be able to blow an F5. Tighten up a little more and you'll play a Bb5. The better you get, the higher you'll be able to jump. You can do this process with all the lower-range notes; most people go through overtones from Bb3 up to D4. If you can blow overtones, you can blow altissimo. I'd also recommend you buy either Sigurd Rascher's Top Tones or Eugene Rousseau's High Tones book and follow it religiously.

Hey OP, Bari Sax player here. When I'm trying to hit altissimo fingers it's usually best to try for the note above once you can get the note you're trying to. Hitting the note above the already unranged note you're trying to get now will make it even easier to get the note you're trying to get!

Thanks for the input. I'm working on TV's Believer and I just want to nail it. My issue is starting. How do you get the first note?

What note is it?

Altissimo D to altissimo F or G.

I can only hit altissimo A, but my tip for D to F to G is to try and get G first then F and D will be a breeze, make sure to keep your embouchure tight and fast, but steady air.

Oh I meant first note as the note before the note above it you were talking about. Sorry for the confusion.

Meant for you. Completely missed that.