Why did Fantano give this album a 9? The insights are fedora tier, like 'dude religion is fake lmao'...

Why did Fantano give this album a 9? The insights are fedora tier, like 'dude religion is fake lmao'. And the music is just okay.

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Because music is subjective and we all don't think like you, user

It's not just about religion, it's about disillusionment with fucking losers like you who masturbate to hentai on VR headsets and demand to be entertained 24/7.
And the music is fantastic

Because it’s his opinion

wow man, people use social media too much, incredibly fucking deep

What’s wrong with either of you?


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Pure Comedy. The sound is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical sociology most of the lyrics will go over a typical listener’s head. There’s also Josh’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from David Foster Wallace, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these tracks, to realise that they’re not just trippy- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Father John Misty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Josh's existential audio speech “Pure Comedy,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Josh Tillman’s genius wit unfolds itself on their speakers. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have an Father John Misty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.


This album is pretty good, although incredibly long-winded and too many times he makes the same point but in different words. But some of the observations he makes are really well worded and actually pretty thought provoking. Total Entertainment Forever is a great example of this. I Love You, Honeybear is the infinitely better project as a whole, but the individual moments that make Pure Comedy good really carry the album.

how are you dumbasses going to pull 2 lines of text out of a song that is basically one holistic story to discredit an entire album?


It's a shame he dropped the asshole act he had on ILYHB in favor of le deep outsider whose above it all. Still decent.

what asshole act on ILYHB? it's his most honest album, about growing up and falling in love

This album makes me mad as fuck because most of the song feels like they could be instant classics of songwriting but then you listen to the lyrics and they strike you for how shallow they are. Take the ballad of the dying man. It's a beautiful song with a very powerful theme of a man deciding how to spend his final moments and dealing with his own death but its message is the same "dude social networks are dumb lmao" bullshit you hear from your middle aged uncle at thanksgiving closed by a trivial Plato reference and a catchphrase from existentialism 101 supposed to somehow give it a deeper meaning. It's like the author wants to give us some profound philosophical message but has absolutely no awareness of his own topic.

I agree.

He talks about women like they're fucking garbage


jesus christ this is bad


did the Amazing Atheist ghostwrite this? I imagine plebs think the "blunt simplicity" of the lyrics is somehow deep. even though it's just some shitlib fedora ranting. does he really think questioning people's faith is biting social commentary in 2017?

and the music is nothing better than your local starving acts. go buy their music instead. this is absolute shit. if you're on the fence, it's embarrassingly bad. don't bother trying to "get it".

Nice maymay but it's clearly a running theme that he uses to create a character

>Projecting this hard

>The insights are fedora tier, like 'dude religion is fake lmao'. And the music is just okay.
Have you considered that that might be the point?

so there's a twist at the end or something?

Are you suggesting that he wrote most of the album from the perspective of a stuck up fedora wearing, Rick and Morty watching, katana wielding turboatheist just as a lyrical divertissement?

I'm pretty sure it's a commentary on the pseudo-intellect hipster crowd (songs like Ballad of a Dying Man kind of point to this)


Are there some lines that lead you to believe this? Because all the "we leave as clueless as we came" theme can perfectly include the various fedorisms of the album, and I can't see any sarcasm (maybe there is and I'm thick, please point it out)

The lines right before that are clearly making fun of hipsters

Exactly what a fedora would do. I don't know man, he poses most of his nihilistic statements as facts, not opinions, yet closes every doubt with ye old reliable "we don't understand anything of the world anyway lmao". More than sarcastic he feels self-contraddictory

How are any of us supposed to know? Watch his review and he'll probably tell you himself. It's not like critics just put a number down and that's that.

The worst thing is that I feel like Father John Misty is self-aware of his pretension, but that fails to reflect meaningfully at all in Pure Comedy. It would be fine if he actually had something original to say, but it really seems to me there's nothing there other than Banksy-level "insight."
