Are there any realistic movies where Chad doesnt win?

Are there any realistic movies where Chad doesnt win?

Last of the Mohicans.

>Chad not winning

friday the 13th

That dude is not Chad. He just has facial hair and a nice jacket

The Guest

Looks like he lost there m8

This ugly asian guy has a hotter girl than the chad in the OP

Depends on your definition on Chad. If you mean a non autistic, not obese and with decent body hygiene guy, that may be pretty hard. specially for the realistic aspect.

why did she break up with her other bf

Who is the Chad on the right?

>This ugly asian guy has a hotter girl than the chad in the OP
Ugly chubby Asian > Chad in the OP

>>This ugly asian guy has a hotter girl than the chad in the OP
This girl is a legit b

Can't Hardly Wait

Remember that scene where the Chad boyfriend talks to the previous Big Man on Campus whose in college? They sum it up well; you might've been hot shit in your hometown but you're just another face in university.

Girls like JLH's character would dump their chad bf who takes them for granted and date other guys instead.

He looks like a slightly more handsome version the Kylo Renn dude.

any movie with tom cruise in it because tom cruise is a manlet and manlets cannot be chads

>wh-wh-why does a guy with h-h-h-high sexual market value a-always win?

>>>This ugly asian guy has a hotter girl than the chad in the OP
How did he get her?

he'd look better without the shitty beard

>>>>This ugly asian guy has a hotter girl than the chad in the OP


He's a rich Asian come to take over North America for his Mother land.

The Goonies
The Lost Boys



he could do much better

does bande a part count as realistic?

"Revenge Of The Nerds"

why all the hate against chads? Females don't want ugly losers, and that's the way it must be.

>Defending Chad
Don't you have a bull to prep?

I'm a chad myself

All the Chads just need to die off first.