There is no hero like Ali; There is no sword like Zulfiqar

There is no hero like Ali; There is no sword like Zulfiqar


why is it allowed to create images of ali but not of muhammad?

Shia are actually ok with depicting Muhammad

don't they usually cover his face, though?

Ali isn't a divine person

how do we deal with the eternal sunnigger subhuman?

neither is Muhham*d, the bandist, pedophile and illiterate murderer.

muhammad is a genocidal cumslut
all*h is an even bigger shithead
it is only through Ali that one finds true salvation

Why is his beard green?

What's wrong with shias and their devotion towards Ali?

>Some of the differences that mark Alevis from mainstream Twelver Shias are the use of music and wine for religious ceremonial functions; non-observance of the five daily prayers and prostrations (they only bow twice in the presence of their spiritual leader), Ramadan, and the Hajj (they consider the pilgrimage to Mecca an external pretense, the real pilgrimage being internal in one's heart); and non-attendance of mosques; lack of taqlid towards the Grand Ayatollahs.


No, that's still the general Muslim body. Shia seem to be fine with it.

He looks like a faggot.

>he calls himself shia
>don't even flaggelate on Ashura

I saw videos of middle eastern dudes with one of those weapons where its like a bunch of chains with a blade on the end. Is that what you're referring to

It's just called "chains".
Better one is when there's metal blades shaped like cat claws at the end of chain.

Ali was a cuck and a persian cocksucker he even looks like an inbred if it wasn't for this retard we would still have the true Gods aka Umayyads

what if ali was zoroaster

fidaki fidaki, ya zainab fidaki

Zulfiqar sounds pretty badass desu


Ahmadiyya > Shi'a > dogs and pigs > S*nni

>middle east is not like in my animes
why do even live

Muhammad>>>>>>>>>Abu Bakr>>>>>>>>>>umar>>>>>>>>>>Ali>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>uthman>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>umayyade traitor

>umar is better than ali

Fuck YOU.

>conquer north africa
>convert it to your shitty sect of Islam
>side with crusaders because you are a traitor to the race
>have to wait for glorious sunni to rescue you
>north africa converts to sunnism because it's better than shitism
>thousand years later claim shitism is better than sunnism
If ali saw any one of you he would have beheaded you
Pic related.average brain size of shia roach

Glad i am not the only one who hates them