Culture is determined by genetics

>culture is determined by genetics
>yet two almost identical ethnic groups have two completely different cultures for example china and japan
explain yourselves stormfags

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ergo Mass immigration and the death of white people is a good thing.

checkmate atheists

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>Culture is determined by genetics

literally no sane person has ever insinuated or believed this notion

Really? Well I'm with her now

>almost identical ethnic groups
>china and japan
I am #DisputedIsland now.

still no arguments alt-right l i t e r a l l y on suicide watch

You hear it here all the time
the moment you say that blacks, arabs or aborigenals are fucked up because of their culture rather than because they have low IQ or whatever you get the "genetics caused their shitty culture" people

Also niggers from murica are very better than the african ones.

Geneticists spend a lot of time estimating the heritability of various traits and these vary often between 0 and 1. The environment is always a factor and hereditarians have never denied this.

Meanwhile egalitarians take 0% genetic influence as a matter of faith, especially with politically sensitive topics like race and intelligence. Anything else is a priori wrong.

They have shitty cultures because they are shitty people who can't develop a better one. It doesn't mean they would have exactly the same Allahu Snackbar shit if they started all over and built a new culture but it wouldn't be any better. Culture has an impact on individual, genetics influence both individual and culture in the long civilizational run.

It's more in the spectrum of "blacks, arabs and abbos have shitty cultures because of their low intelligence, brought to them by genetics.

Both Japanese and Chinese have different cultures, but quite advanced.

lol no

All the smart Africans are 1st or 2nd generation immigrants from Africa. American blacks are the dumbest of the dumb. Slavers in Africa sold the worst of their race into slavery to the Europeans.

Ability to prosper and develop is a racial characteristic. Peaceful, innovative and artful cultures are a result of development.

Obviously war will set that back.

> completely different
Literally the same alphabet, fashions, eating utensils, and obsession with tea.

Not really. If you meet Africans here they tend to be a dice roll. Some of them seem human and some of them seem less than human.

The cultures of China and Japan are not that different and neither are they that genetically distinct. They're both shame motivated traditionalist reverent of ancestors collectivist technologically adaptable societies and have been for basically as long as we can tell. They vary slightly in degree and not in kind ie Japan is technically slightly more militaristic in that their bureaucratic ruling class was also a warrior class, but still nowhere close to the degree that European societies were dominated by an outright warrior class, for example.

I've read that if the niggers of america alone could form a country it would be like the 10nth most rich in the world. Thats pretty impressive.

General intelligence is 80% determined by genes and 20% influenced by environment. The average general intelligence and bell curve spread of a population influences their culture. Other factors include their technology, geography, and economy, as well as historical accident. There is also a feedback from environment to genes. You can't say that genes determine culture but they certainly have an influence.

t. anthropologist

> culture is determined by genetics

literally wat

A culture is made of people. People's intelligence in various areas, emotional intelligence, natural urges, etc. are heavily influenced by genetics. A bunch of similar people with similar genetics develop a cultural framework within which to interact.

>pure-blooded japanese are born with a blue dot at the base of their spine that fades in the first two weeks outside the womb
>chinese dont

the fuck out of here fingolian

It's not a simple ratio, both genetics and environment act as limiters on intellectual development. You can be raised with all the information in the world at your fingertips, but genetic retardation can prevent you from using any of it. You can be a natural genius, but if you're never allowed to touch a book or perform any task because society thinks it's dangerous to let you learn anything, you end up just as stupid as the retard.

It can even be socially imposed stupidity, as we are seeing from forced feminization of schools making all boys get failing grades.

You're that determined to put the cart before the horse, huh? Good luck with your shitposting, maybe you'll be Australian some day.


Heritability estimates are valid for a given average environment by definition. They have to be redone in radically different living conditions.

I'd really enjoy if you tell me from where culture develops then. If you're going to come at this from a 'genetic difference stops at the neck humans are born as blank slates!' type thing then your opinion is worthless, but if you have a reasonable counterpoint I'd love to hear it.

It determines the potential quality of the culture. If you can imagine a culture in which blacks iz kangz on par with whites or asians, then please elaborate.

>completely different culture
>japan and China

From human imagination, and from the one law that governs it: "where imagination contradicts reality, reality always overrules imagination."

So culture is entirely artificial and consciously made up by people and doesn't naturally occur without purposeful effort?

Culture is as natural as any other imaginary social construct. It depends on whether your definition of "nature" includes or excludes things only human beings do.

North Korea and South Korea. Even better.

