Deep Digging

Heres's what I've dug up so far. I fucked off last night because the shilling was on the next level. Only one name in here is from the leaks so it's irrelevant if they're fake or not, everything else comes from proven sources and campaign tax papers. Maybe you faggots will actually look at this now instead of sliding this to death because it's important. I'm too tired to bother updating the pastebin but theres much more. If this thread or any future ones are still up when I wake up I'll update it with the rest.
>Sup Forums ded. Hillary's internet people better than us because infinite monies and power
>we all fucked and we don't even know it

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll even start you off

Really good stuff, bumping for others to see.

here's the shill factory we found. They work for Hillary and also work for both Greenpeace and Dupont chemicals


More docs, please. We must fight.


fine I'll update the pastbin, the euro niggers helping me last night were probably arrested for hate speech and are in gulag

Don't let them slide this

Unrelated what the fucking fuckery



nice thread m8y






Nearly done ~10 minutes probably

Bump for based doc dropper...

Take a bump

what is the significance of 6 bazillion? Why is it always 6 gorillans. Every time.

its some sort of talmudic magic

It's in their prophecy, 6 million. That's why that number was used for WW2 (in reality 270k died and none were gassed, mostly starvation and disease). Google it, interesting.

what am I looking at here

filed tax that George Soros donated $1,000,000 to Priorities USA Action on 12/17/15. And donated $6gorillion thus far. There were more recent ones from him too but we knew Soros funds Hillary so I didn't bother saving them I just thought the 6gorillion was funny


bump again

Nothing new/bump.