So now we know he's Snoke...

So now we know he's Snoke, how do you feel that Disney is manipulating you into caring about all future non-episodic movies in case there's an equally big reveal?

Other urls found in this thread:

>non force user
>becoming sith master

eh, i didn't realize it until now, thanks op

>literally doesn't give a fuck about vader and his superstitious religion
>loves the fuck out of "his" death star
>blown to fuck on his death star
fuck no

>now we know he's Snoke

not even a (You)

Snoke isn't a sith

Snoke is not force sensitive. He's just a fucked up old man with a big beamer. He however knows that he could use Kylo Ren to do his bidding, by manipulating him.

You people are retarded

same lol

Yes, just as Tarkin was Vader's superior so Snoke is Ren's superior. It's pottery.

>implying that isn't LE EBIN PLOT TWIST of the new shitfest movies

>There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
Totally not a force sensitive guys hes the really the guy who exploded

yes he is you moron
he trained the dude from TFA

Now you're just reaching

damn he looks like *this* in the movie?

I'm not OP and you're a moron if you don't think they will pull some retarded crap like that and ruin another character in these shitfests, retard.

This, for the lack of a better word, is true.

People assume that he knows shit about the force, which is false, he knows shit about the Empire and how to manipulate forcewielders, those that do not follow him have to be killed off however because they pose a threat.

Neither of them are sith.

It's really the only explanation for Starkiller. Who else would have built it?

guys, this is literally shilling on another level

disney story group actually has fucking shills now to help them get a feel of how people would react to narrative decisions

>read this wall of text
he is very much a sith apprentice
he needed to "complete his training" to become a legit sith

you're just creating delusional shit one after another to legitimize your retarded theory

>retarded theory
>the Director of the movie outright states he isn't sith
>retarded theory

Your bait is poor

He's a Sith according to the script. He has an apprentice, play by Benicio del Toro that will become Kylo Ren's mentor.

Kylo Ren however is just some low level forcesensitive.

Also for anyone interested:

Snoke is Sheev

it's just semantics, idiot. he's a bad guy who uses the force and has a red lightsabre. he's a sith. stop being so autistic

>he's a sith because I say so
>the director is wrong
>everyone else is autistic but me

tarkin was fucking vaporized

Luke trained kylo
pay attention next time retard

Snoke is a Whill. Screencap this. You'll all see soon enough.

would you rather I just call him "bad guy with a red lightsabre" instead?

That's pretty much all he is. He's infatuated by the sith (well, more his grandfathers legacy) but he isn't one. This has been stated multiple times by various sources. And before you start with the 'citation needed' shit, do a quick google!

yes, but only turboautists would rather say with 6 words what can be said with 1

he's a sith in all but name

What the fuck is a Whill?

Snoke is Darth Plaque

Plaque? Nigga doesn't even have teeth!

but he's not though

snoke is Sifo-Dyas


Sincerely, he reassembles him only by some physical aspects, Tarkin died in the deathstar. And this another stupid theorie though it has been confirmed Snoke is a complete new character.

Snoke is a survivor of order 66

whatever you say, autist

>calls others autist
>chooses to believe his own fanfic

I may be a retard but you're the one whose typing is giving all the assumptions of being one

Y'all are tripping
Snoke is Jar-Jar Binks
Not even trolling this totally sold me [r]

you could call him a knight of ren

I am one with Reddit
Memes are one with me
I am one with Reddit
Memes are one with me
I am one with Reddit
Memes are one with me

maybe Snoke is THE Darth Ren. And autistic as he is, he calls his possy the Knights of Ren..

Those who deny Tarkin is force-sensitive why was he wearing a cloak in R1 and looking very much like the emperor? Remind us who wears cloaks in Star Wars. And why does Vader report to Tarkin?

any of the billion people who were building the previous 2

the sith are a specific and very exclusive order. dark side force users who aren't in it are all over the canon.

How did he survive the Death Star being blown up?

Fucking retards in this thread can't even into basic semantics.

Sith: a specific organization of dark side users, from master to apprentice, who take the title "Darth"

sith: general fan term for any dark side using bad guy.

Kylo Ren and Snoke are sith, but not capital "s" Sith. This is a half-assed ploy to get around that retarded prophecy about Vader destroying the Sith, because garden variety dark side users apparently don't count for that because, even though they're sith, they're not Sith.

It's just Abrams hackery in a vein attempt to get around Lucas hackery


>implying smoke isn't Leia
They didn't even try and change their voices

Plot armour

>general fan term
Where else do 'fans' call non-sith 'sith'?

You are literally the only person pushing this and you are wrong, no matter how many times you use the word 'semantics'.

It's Snoke then?

>bad guy who uses the force and has a red lightsabre. he's a sith

OK, so who was the trainer he later murdered?

>get Kylo Ren, it is time to complete his training

I think instead of captcha we need a basic IQ test so these retards can't post anymore

>the Director of the movie outright states he isn't sith
>JJ Abrams

How can you be this dense

Snoke is his clone, Taarkin


>People assume that he knows shit about the force
Are you retarded?

From Star Wars databank
>Snoke is powerful with the dark side of the Force

From Wookipedia
>Snoke was a Force-sensitive male humanoid alien who served as the Supreme Leader of the First Order approximately thirty years after the Battle of Endor.

Name another one then, and provide a source for where they are named.

Bad guys are referred to as sith. Nobody uses terms like dark Jedi, gray Jedi, sith acolyte, etc outside of your wookiepiedia forums, nerd

which video game is that pic from?

eu is non canon, nerd, nobody cares what Star Wars autists cry about.

but whose clone is Sheev then?


Can I get a side-by-side?

OPs image is a bust if I remember correctly.