There will never be a new music genre again

Anyone else depressed af because of this?

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Yeah, all of the newest sub genres are either mixings of other subgenres or electronic producers exploring slightly different textures
>tfw music is dead

trap, vaporwave, grime, air pop are only a couple years old. hands off the keyboard, sperg

Kill yourself, OP.

define new first u knob.

>only a couple of years old

Nigga what that shit came out of uk garage and developed alongside dubstep 15+ years ago

Subgenre of rap with a different beat
Literal meme
Rap with a british accent
>air pop
Lesbian loli pop with slightly different prod
Amazing innovations you got there. Btw I meant entire new music genres, not some shit that barely even qualifies as a subgenre of a subgenre


>Rap with a british accent
Modern grime yeah, early stuff literally came out of dance music + dancehall MC influence.

>early stuff literally came out of dance music + dancehall MC influence.
what does that even mean? grime isn't dance music at all. and dancehall has nothing to do with EDM. it's just jamaican EDM, like a certain style of beat.

Literally every thread with this shit. Listen man, you need to seek professional help for your mental health issues.

>A different drum pattern is all it takes to innovate in rap
Pic related, the avg rap fan

retarded as fuck, everything has always been derived from something else

rock is just blues

>grime isn't hip-hop
This shit is literally hip-hop idiots

and it's "dance music" influences are literally hip-hop too:

I was thinking the other day whats going to happen when rap becomes old and unpopular.
There arent really any new types of music anymore.

Everything has been pretty much done in every genre.

Maybe kubrick was right and we will all go back to classical music

Most Rock after ~mid 80s for the most part has nothing to do with blues besides being guitar based

And current rap has very little to do with the original tenets of hip-hop music/culture

technology's advancement will insure the development of new styles of music (and innovation in all art), as well as new art forms we can't currently conceive.

fundamentally change in technology and access to new or different tech advances at different places and times throughout history has been the single biggest driving force behind musical innovation. i would argue even as far as there being a greater causal link and generally more profound relationship between innovation in tech and music than with tech and visual art.

I disagree, it still has loads of features relating to old school rap, while 80s rock was only using blue notes from time to time, almost as just nostalgic callbacks to the past

Do you think this will become funny after the 100th time posting it?

trap doesn't sound anything like b-boy hip hop

Yeah. Turntables/scratching are gone. Breakdancing is gone. Grafitti is dead.

>There arent really any new types of music anymore.
>Everything has been pretty much done in every genre.
This is just you being myopic and uninformed. Culture inches along at pretty much the same rate it always has.

Saying it doesn't sound ANYTHING like it is a bit much, it's still poetry rhymed to a 4/4 beat, it's still structurally and conceptually the same thing

more than that, the style of the writing and delivery has changed completely (rhyme schemes and rhythmic qualities), and the drum patterns, etc.

None of that is hip-hop

culture froze after the cold war ended. The first one to react to this was kurt cobain who just fused a directionless angst against nothing in particular with the sounds of the past

You see threads all the time, by some retard being all "is trap the new punk hurrrr?"

People arent making anything new, they are trying to recreate the past

only in the same sense that rock is structurally and conceptually the same thing as blues

Funny? You think that transcending the entire universe with just the scale of a bat's wing was in any way intended to be humourous?

bullshit, recent past just seems more current than the more distant past, and you're imagining that "novelty" just comes out of nowhere rather than being a slow evolution. everything has a precedent

Me? I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me. Think about yourself.

i really like this track

tf is air pop

>reads Retromania once

Phonk is completely new

Except it's not, a structure of a rock song is completely different from a blues song

dream pop

Lmao have you ever even listened to blues niggy

you idiot, rock follows the standard 12 or 18 bar style of blues. He's not saying they sound the same. one influenced the other. but you wouldnt know that since your library is probably full of meme nu metal

>rock follows the standard 12 or 18 bar style of blues
Mainly only blues rock

"Blues rock" is rock bud. Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Beach Boys, almost all of their songs follow a similar said pattern. Dont confuse rock with metal or other genres

I was referring to rock after the ~mid 80s, where blues influence was almost non existant

>what are the cocteau twins

we ran out of instruments
there's nothing left to do that isn't weird avant-garde

>ran out of instruments

people just arent trying

i want to see some fucking lutes up in this bish

instruments are dead at this point

i really hate absolutist statements like this.

It comes from a very narrow mindset.

Hey i guess people dont make folk music anymore because they made them electronic guitars

The fact vaporwave is a meme doesn't mean it isn't a music genre

Folk music(braaapped loudly while typing here) is dead

Music looks like it isn't changing because the changes are long term
Saying some genres are subgenres because they use some patterns from old music is lime saying all music is the same because they all use sound

>Dont confuse rock with metal
Metal is derived from Rock

There has been no new genre that disrupted the mainstream since fucking Grunge. It's pathetic.

you say that while the number one guy in the charts is a ginger hobbit that plays an acoustic

nu metal
Gingers arrn't human, hu-man is derived from hue man, hue is colour, what gives us colour? Melanin

Simply because the music industry is shit
Everything evolved to be more cheesy than the last famous genre
They took the corny EDM and made it even cornier

>nu metal
I guess you could argue about that but still that's mid-90s. It's been 2 decades.

I think the Internet destroyed the music industry
For the first time listening to music from all around the world became way too easy and all the local scenes started dying out

>Metal is derived from Rock

You aren't wrong
In my region, the only alive bands play covers of Pink Floyd, Guns n' Roses and stuff for 40 year old men

If subgrenres don't count then there's like 8 genres

not gonna lie it's starting to get a little funny

It is

Thats the point because all genres are fully explored

the internet develops its own scenes though
what music genre is this then?

Wooaah, jazz with some shitty sound effects on top
Really makes one ponder

that's silly


>tfw witch house was the last new genre

Why are you supporting a false statement?

Trap has been around for 10+ Years now

Its impossible to think of the future or to make anything new anymore.

I said earlier that grunge and cobain where the first ones who reacted to this post cold war end of history garbage world.
Grunge is hauntological.

Vaporwave, trap, blackgaze.>All of these "new" genres are hauntological.

What is the absolute dummy definition of hauntological
Something familiar but different

Okay, lets say you fuse grunge with shoegaze, but you dress like tupac. you dress like a gangsta rapper from he 90's.
That would be something familiar but different.

And thats what music basically is now

That's because the people are shit, once we get some better people then music will progress again

post *noun*core
*white dominant music genre* rap
*location* neofolk

Are you familiar with the hardcore continuum?

slap bass-ukulele duets

>Okay, lets say you fuse grunge with shoegaze, but you dress like tupac. you dress like a gangsta rapper from he 90's.
>That would be something familiar but different.

Music has always been like that.

what genre is this?

let's make up some genres with this formula

plumber house
post tractorcore
greenland neofolk

has it?

If you went back to the 60's and played them aphex twin they would be like "oh holy shit what the fuck is this future music"

can you even imagine a future where music is actually different?

As of right now its just this stagnate triumvirate of shitty top 40 poptamism, pop rap, and EDM.

Tibetan vapor-slap-U-base throat singing

Why the cold war exactly?

Grime is garage with raps.

There's a lot of exploration in sub-bass and semitones still left. It would sound "out of tune" to our ears, but futurefolk will enjoy it.


why dont we use this formula to create a genre?

For example, someone go make me Cream-step track

Havent you realized it yet you sweet sweet summer child :)

After communism died the only thing left is capitalism.
Globalist liberal capitalism.
Can you picture the future anymore? Anything different that isnt a capitalist boot stomping on your face forever?

>What we may be witnessing is not just the end of the Cold War, or the passing of a particular period of post-war history, but the end of history as such: that is, the end point of mankind's ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government

Hauntology (a portmanteau of haunting and ontology) is a concept coined by philosopher Jacques Derrida in his 1993 book Spectres of Marx. The term refers to the situation of temporal, historical, and ontological disjunction in which the apparent presence of being is replaced by a deferred non-origin, represented by "the figure of the ghost as that which is neither present, nor absent, neither dead nor alive."[1] The concept is derived from Derrida's deconstructive method, in which any attempt to locate the origin of identity or history must inevitably find itself dependent on an always-already existing set of linguistic conditions—thus making "haunting the state proper to being as such."[2][3][4]

Derrida's writing in Spectres is marked by a preoccupation with the "death" of communism after the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union, in particular after theorists such as Francis Fukuyama asserted that capitalism had conclusively triumphed over other political-economic systems and reached the "end of history." Taking inspiration from the pervasive ghost imagery in Marx's writing, Spectres has been said to concern itself with the question, "if communism was always spectral, what does it mean to say it is now dead?"

School shooterhouse
Post Malonecore
Minecraft trap
Compton neofolk

>If you went back to the 60's and played them aphex twin they would be like "oh holy shit what the fuck is this future music"
Stockhausen and other electronic composers were a thing in the 60s (and before even). What there wasn't in the 60s that would make Aphex Twin sound like "future music" is the rythmic approach to electronic music. This rythmic approach already existed though, so Aphex Twin is, in a certain way, a fusion of electronic sounds + a rythmic approach to music.
Besides, White Noise and Silver Apples were making music with this fusion in the end of the 60s already. Maybe the only aspect in Aphex Twin's music that would make it seem like future music is just a higher sound quality.
Maybe truly new music comes mostly from technological development, like electronic music, and everything else is just fusion of the musical discoveries that come from technology with stuff that already exist, or stuff that already exist + more stuff that already exist (one sometimes a lot older, while one recent; Pet Sounds for instance: the psychedelic pop that already was a thing at the time (which also was a fusion between something that already existed with more stuff already existing or new technology stuff, I don't know) + some instrumentation that, until that album, was not really heard in pop music. Pop + the unusual instrumentation created a "new" genre called Baroque Pop. None of it is truly new, except for the fusion of these, and many other things - this was only one part of the fusion that the album is).
This post is a mess, but I'm sure you get the point.

carnie house
inuit throat rap
icelandic neofolk

Electronic music is still a fusion of older musical discoveries

how would that be any different if communism was the global economic system?

Well, there you go. Even technology can't be completely new, and so as music that comes from technology.
New music has always been some kind of fusion.

Contemporary writers such as theorist Mark Fisher have specifically used the concept of hauntology to describe a sense in which contemporary culture is haunted by the "lost futures" of modernity which were purportedly cancelled in postmodernity and neoliberalism. Hauntology has been described as a "pining for a future that never arrived;"[8] in contrast to the nostalgia and revivalism which dominate postmodernity, hauntological art and culture is typified by a critical foregrounding of the historical and metaphysical disjunctions of contemporary capitalist culture as well as a "refusal to give up on the desire for the future."[3] Fisher and others have drawn attention to the shift into post-Fordist economies in the late 1970s, which Fisher argues has "gradually and systematically deprived artists of the resources necessary to produce the new."[2] Hauntology has been used as a critical lens in various forms of media and theory, including music, political theory, architecture, Afrofuturism, and psychoanalysis.[1][3][9]

I mean, music that was considered new has always been some kind of fusion.

basically, taking the hauntolgical approach. It isnt a remake, it isnt nostalgia.

Its something made from a future that never happened.

And thus, truly new.

So how does postmodernity cancel the "lost futures" of modernity?
Also what does fisher mean by "resources" in that qoute? I assume he doesn't mean material resources does he?

wrong. from the 60's up blues progressions were the mainstay of the hayday of what's considered classic rock to the foundations of beginning hard rock and leads into metal of all sorts.