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I do not like black people that much

I don't


Morning Australia

Ching chong BTFO

Holy shit, that quote is real.

>n opposition, Sata warmed to his theme, saying in 2007: “We want the Chinese to leave and the old colonial rulers to return. They exploited our natural resources too, but at least they took good care of us. They built schools, taught us their language and brought us the British civilisation. At least Western capitalism has a human face; the Chinese are only out to exploit us.”


I think niggers are alright.

What about central/south americans?




Delete your account






nigger folklore




I look more like the East Europe guy even though my heritage is North/West. Am I secretly slav? Knowledge can be a scary thing.

Try this one.









Tfw Latin America has less negroes than America



>tfw Argentina is whiter than America

Queen of Sup Forums confirmed.










I love this picture





Remove watermelon.






Lost it.

Dumpen pastas

The genetic distance between Whites (British) and Blacks (Bantu) is 0.23:
The FST between the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103 which is half the White-Black difference despite the two being classified as separate species:
The FST between two gorilla species, Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei is 0.04 or 1/6 the difference between Blacks and Whites:
The FST between humans and Neanderthals is less than 0.08 or about 1/3 the Black-White difference:
The FST between humans and homo erectus is 0.17 which is 3/4 the Black-White distance:
Thus, whites and blacks are more genetically distant than two different chimpanzee species, two different gorilla species, humans vs. Neanderthals, and humans vs. homo erectus.

"I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all White men who have lived here like I must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, mental or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally with White men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: the superior and they the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will destroy all of his work. Let White men from anywhere in the world, who come to Africa remember that you must continually retain that status: you the master and they the inferior like children that you help or teach. Never fraternise with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you."
-Albert Schweitzer

is this good?

The chimpanzee IQ of 80 or 90 points is in comparison to human children. The development of the human brain does not cease in childhood - it continues to the age of 25. The development of the chimpanzee brain, on the other hand, ends quickly. Since then, the human-chimp gap widens and widens.

A similar things happens to blacks. Their early childhood scores are more similar to those of whites (see the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study), later they widen, and in adults the gap reaches 20 points. Also, the average black African IQ is not really 60 or 70 points. If you reject the samples which included e.g. children with a history of malaria or malnourished ones, samples tested with instruments which have known cultural biases etc. and focus only on the representative adult samples that use decent methodology, you'll find out that the real average IQ of an adult sub-Saharan black African is roughly 80 points… Which is still not something to be happy about:

Moreover, an average IQ of 80 points suggests an entirely genetic origin of the gap: African Americans score 85 points on average, while whites of European origin - 100 points. African Americans are roughly 1/4th white - and score 5 points higher than their pure African counterparts (5 points = 1/4th of the 20-point white European - black African gap):

What I've just written is the greatest taboo of modern science: whites and blacks do differ in their average cognitive abilities, and the reason for the difference lies in their genes rather than in the environment.

Yeah it is, I laffed. Got more? Fuck niggers

...have you ever looked into fixation indexes?

Fixation index, or FST, is a way to measure genetic distance between populations.
The FST between Whites (British) and Blacks (Bantu) is 0.23.
The FST between the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103
>...which is half the White-Black difference despite the two being classified as separate species.
The FST between two gorilla species, Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei is 0.04
>...or 1/6 the difference between Blacks and Whites.
The FST between humans and Neanderthals is less than 0.08
>...or about 1/3 the Black-White difference.
The FST between humans and homo erectus is 0.17
>...which is 3/4 the Black-White distance.

Thus Whites and Blacks are more genetically distant than two different chimpanzee species, two different gorilla species, humans vs Neanderthals, and humans vs homo erectus. If one is consistent and objective with taxonomic classification systems even in regards to human populations, Blacks and Whites could (and arguably should) be classified into separate species and at the very least into different subspecies.

Pretty crazy, huh? Makes a LOT of sense, huh?

Wikipedia states the same things.

>The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study tested the IQs of Whites, Blacks, and Mulattoes (half White and half Black) that were adopted into White upper-middle class homes. The study tested the adopted children's IQs at the age of 7 and there was a 10 year follow up when they were 17. The study is important because despite the fact that some of the Mulatto children considered themselves fully Black and that society considered them fully Black, they scored in between the White and Black children; 109 for adopted Whites, 99 for adopted mulattos, and 89 for adopted Blacks.
>This shows that despite having the same environment (adoption into upper-middle class White families) the higher the White ancestry of self- and socially-percieved Blacks, the higher the IQ. This study completely shatters the notion that "Racism" or "Black culture" is the cause of the IQ gap as these same social constructions would effect the Mulatto children (who considered themselves fully Black) as well as the Black children.

A little

Was the guy in the pic proven to be a jew?

1) The preponderance of evidence demonstrates that in intelligence, brain size, and other life-history variables, East Asians average a higher IQ and larger brain than Europeans who average a higher IQ and larger brain than Africans. Further, these group differences are50-80% heritable. These are facts, not opinions and science must be governed by data. There is no place for the "moralistic fallacy" that reality must conform to our social, political, or ethical desires.

Source: [James Watson's most inconvenient truth: race realism and the moralistic fallacy.

2) "The Asian sub-sample averaged a higher IQ (110) at age 7 than did the white (102) or the black sub-samples (90)."

Source: [Cranial size and IQ in Asian Americans from birth to age seven](

3) Whites on average have a 15 point higher IQ than blacks, across many different studies.

> "There is a long-standing 15 point or 1 standard deviation difference between the intelligence test scores of African Americans and White Americans, though it might have narrowed slightly in the then recent years. The difference was largest on those tests, verbal or non-verbal, that best represented the general intelligence factor (g)."

Source: [American Psychological Association](




FUCKING kek'd hard what book is that I'm gonna read it to little niglets when I get the chance

Top kek! Maor lad





This one is scary af:










We are all humans and if we can just work together and love each other more than we love ourselves then we can do amazing things together!



Pick on and low quality b8




Good. I hope the chinks genocide those ungrateful apes.

So do I. Fuck that entire continent.

Nigger here, my IQ is low,I have a jail record,and don't know who my father is,but at least I don't jerk off to tranny porn

>meme nigger appears

Do you submit to white superiority?

>all of them are made from mud or straw
The picture in the middle is still right.