Is anyone surprised?

That was fairly obvious. Her backers would have dropped her if she did, Wall Street is incompatible with Comrade Free Shit

couldn't he have bribed her with all of his donations?
probably did not match what goldman sachs offered her

That's what you get for being a whiteknight beta cuck

>1 post by this ID
Stop replying to shill threads

Bernie has spent most of money, he only has a few million left.

Clinton wants the trudaeu effect.

So she will pick a hot young white male, but with a tinge of the exotic.

She's gonna' nominate that Saudi chick as VP, screen cap this

Fuck you Sven. You only say 1 post by this ID when the OP hasn't replied in over 20 posts

still makes off with a few million. very shrewd.

Well she's fucked now

I doubt it. She's picking a spic.

Yeah. I have no idea why she wouldn't pick bongleburns, because that means the berniebots will drift to trumps campaign and not vote for her at all

wow, you can't make this up

Got u senpai

Male Bern victims will vote for Meme Johnson and females will vote for Hilldog. Very few if any will vote Trump

really makes you think

If this surprises anyone then they are not very bright.

Berncucks BTFO

This thread is lousy. But the pic is great.

>berniebots will drift to trumps campaign

getting fucked once by Clinton is enough we don't wanna get fucked again, trump fag

>Picks him to get his supporters
>Wins GE
>Bernie dies shortly after
>"Oh vey, what a tragedy!"

Hillary Picks Lambright as VP.

I'd take that, she's going to jail, so that would put me as President.

Shut up Wayne you'll never be president

>Sanders gets a heart attack
>Clinton gets a stroke
Just imagine. Then this guy gets to be president.

fuck that piece of shit

nominating her bottom bitch isn't going to fly

>a conservative won't pick a progressive as a VP

>Ayn Rand lover in charge capitalist nation

He would fuck us so bad Obama would look good

I don't care. If he's president, that means two liberal cucks have died for him to get that spot. At the end of the day, all is well.

Why do you care who's the president of the US, Colgate?
