Babe Ruth was black

Babe Ruth was black.


Was his real name Benjamin Bubba Rufus III then?

Either half black or got some indian in him. Maybe both

Looks very southern italian to me.

So black.

light skinned black. We call them Italians

okay ahmed

babe ruth was actually a black woman named Ruthniqua Babes
Babe Ruth didn't even know how to play baseball but because she was a black woman nobody wanted to recognize her work

and white

fpbp lmao

Im from palermo and have blonde hair light skin and blue eyes. Southern italy isnt all tan skinned

His real name was Muhammad al Americani he was actually muslim

yes because Sicily is the original melting pot. we have arabs and nordics that heavily mixed during centuries

that's my name as well


>this was a 29 year old man in the early 20th century
none of us would make it in that era




>Ruth's nickname there was "Niggerlips", as he had large facial features and was darker than most boys at the all-white reformatory.[10]


He looks it desu.