If you're under 90% you can fuck right off

If you're under 90% you can fuck right off.

That makes no sense at all. You agree with Hillary on science issues but with Johnson and Trump on environmental issues.

God you're such subhuman waste. If I had you in front of me I would fight you to death and impregnate your wife by force after I killed you. Trust me.

>Hernia Panders is still counted

If you kill me I win.

Daaaamn, Jill Stein used to be pretty hot in the 70s

This isn't a Trump board.
This kike worshipper and his cult need to fuck off

>Why do I let the MSM tell me what the issues are

37% leftist

Into the oven you go

Make me.

Where'd you find this picture? Google's bringing up nothing.

its a scan from a book about Jill

Ah alright, thanks Mexibro.

Australia has superior banter and is a better shitposter then canada

>92‰ Trump
>96‰ Johnson
Just kill me senpai

Try hard aussies trying to suck up to Americucks.

fuck off Steve

I voted Trump during the primary (Illinois) and will vote for him in the general unless he literally goes insane. And I don't consider anything he's done so far even remotely insane.

Be careful, Trudeau is prepping to apologize to the world on Leaflands behalf for that post about rape.

I'm cool with this. But Gary's not gonna win so...Trump is cool

>Inb4 lol libertarian cuck

Not my fault Australian politics is so fucking boring.

Not quite 90 since I'm not super far right, just a slightly right of center-right. Still the best candidate for me

What a fucking meme candidate!

>tfw biggest MAGA in here

feels good man

I have some libtard opinions but I don't see the resemblance to hilary's policies. Either way I support trump

I answered all of the questions


Reporting in




As long as they include him theyd might as well include ¡Jeb!

Feels good desu fampai.
