Worst romance language, one of the worst languages PERIOD

Worst romance language, one of the worst languages PERIOD.

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At least I can tell easily how to pronounce a word when I read in Spanish because Spanish pronunciation is not as irregular as in English or French.

Sp*nish. Speak French.


Romanian in Canada detected.

Why are Canadians such terrible posters?

I have to admit that some Spanish words sound very autistic.


i'm a sp*nish speaker and i can confirm this

That's not Portuguese

Portuguese is way prettier than Romanian and Spanish.

t. Alberto Barbosa

no its not too much ugly sounds

I'm convinced at least half of the shitty ones are proxies really.

Oh boy the CHI brigade showed up. anyways


>Putting anything before Portuguese



Portuguese from Porto aka chav Portuguese is actually the most hilarious thing in existence

>Worst romance language
You mean the worst language to heard? To learn? be more precise please.
Also, Spanish sounds pretty cool for me. I'm not invaded by spanish-speaking people tho, so maybe I'm not biased by this data.



I always thought Canadians were nice people, but you disappoint me. Go fuck a moose or something, stupid leaf.



French sounds gay.

I'd prefer speaking English

I'd like some examples, this is just wrong

>bem não vão boing yoing yoing


- Pour Caen, quelle heure?
- Pour où?
- Pour Caen!
- Comment voulez-vous que je vous dise quand, si je ne sais pas où?
- Comment? Vous ne savez pas où est Caen?
- Si vous ne me le dites pas!
- Mais je vous ai dit Caen!
-Oui!... mais vous ne m'avez pas dit où!
- Monsieur... je vous demande une petite minute d'attention! Je voudrais que vous me donniez l'heure des départs des cars qui partent pour Caen!
- !!...
- Enfin!... Caen!... dans le Calvados!...
- C'est vague!
- ... En Normandie!...
- Ma parole! Vous débarquez!
- Ah!... là où a eu lieu le débarquement!... En Normandie! A Caen...
- Là!
- Prenez le car.
- Il part quand?
- Il part au quart.
- !!... Mais (regardant sa montre)... le quart est passé!
- Ah! Si le car est passé, vous l'avez raté.
- !!... Alors... et le prochain?
- Il part à Sète.
- Mais il va à Caen?
- Non il va à Sète.
- Il Mais, moi, je ne veux pas aller à Sète... Je veux aller à Caen!
- D'abord, qu'est-ce que vous allez faire à Caen?
- Rien !... rien !... Je n'ai rien à y faire!
- Alors Si vous n'avez rien à faire à Caen, allez à Sète.
- !!... Qu'est-ce que vous voulez que j'aille faire à Sète?
- Prendre le car!
- Pour où?
- Pour Caen.
- Comment voulez-vous que je vous dise quand, si je ne sais pas où!...
- Comment!... Vous ne savez pas où est Caen?
- Mais si, je sais où est Caen!... Ça fait une demi-heure que je vous dis que c'est dans le Calvados!... Que c'est là où je veux passer mes vacances, parce que je n'ai rien à y faire!
- Ne criez pas!... Ne criez pas!... on va s'occuper de vous.
Il a téléphoné au Dépot.
Mon vieux!... (regardant sa montre):
A vingt-deux, le car était là.
Les flics m'ont embarqué à sept...
Et je suis arrivé au quart.
Où j'ai passé la nuit!

Reminder this is the version of Spanish they picture in their heads when they say Spanish is ugly youtube.com/watch?v=bRDBm2k83F8

>inb4 a stream of mestizo apes barge in and start spewing Taringa memes

Looks like a budget harp... Now, I see why they call it a jewish harp.

not an argument

It's heavily associated here as a disgusting, greasy language.

It is rather gross to hear in all honesty, I like how Chinese sounds better.

you forgot about rromani-an, the bastardized version of the Transylvanian language

los estados unidos del canadá chino

Verificato, day of the rake very soon.


I vehemently disagree. Spanish best Romance language. Best pronunciation. Spanish > Italian > Portuguese > French

hojas todo el mundo


portuguese sounds the best

speak romanian : ^)

rromani-an is ugly
bastardized Transylvanian with turkish and slavic loanwords

Occitan = Catalan > French > Italian > Portuguese = Spanish >>>>>>> Romanian

You mad at my digits? Go kill some baby seals with a club or something.

Good thread

Italian > Portuguese
> French > Romanian > Sp*nish

Sp*nish sounds like you're trying to speak Portuguese with your mouth full of mud, or if you couldn't move your tongue at all. Spanish is to Portuguese what the retarded brother is to the healthy brother.

>assigning gender to a fucking coffee table
suuure spanish is greaaat.....

That's what we think of Portuguese.
Lots of other languages assign gender to inanimate objects. French, Italian, Portuguese, German, etc.

Don't drag us into this.
We're shitting on Spanish right now.

Oh well you're wrong and we're right

>Dat argumentum ad populum
Yes, and they're retarded too.

Spain is a basque country.

i agree with that

>The cucktalan believes this

Catalan is just spanish if you remove the last letter of every word. You are not a language. You dont even have an accent. Your so called language was so fucked by the castillians that all that remains is a pathetic raped bastard of a dialect of Castillian spanish.

transilvania is rightful romanian land

>magyar delusions

t. only has heard Chicanos speak

italian > the rest.

los catalanes son los unicos que se ofenden cuando alguien no habla su idioma, los gallegos y los vascos tienen la decencia de pasarse al español si alguien no les entiende

I'd say french is the worst romance language followed by romanian, because they lost most of their roman/latin heritage.

French is way better than Italian. I might be biased though, because every other Romance language takes fucking forever to pronounce since they're so primitive. With French you say sentences even faster than with English.

>lost most of their roman latin heritage
Good. French is the best romance language. Our ancestors are the gauls and we have surpassed the l*tins.


>You dont even have an accent.
Man, you have never heard a Catalan.

> der Band
> das Band
> die Band

>wanting to be a barbarian
Top kekkonen

You're the barbarian now, l*tins. DELICIA

He might have heard Barcelonese """Catalans"""

I have, they sound like Spaniards with a slight mental retardation

Yup, catalans from Barcelona. Is there a purer catalan? Do you have any video of people speaking it?

hon hon le oui croissant

Hahaha try german fagot

Get out of my thread

that's not mexico