Will Clinton dodge the debates?

We all know the debates will be Trump's chance to expose Clinton to the normies and eviscerate her in front of the nation. If I was a Clinton advisor I would strongly urge her to avoid debating Trump. Will Clinton make the smart move and avoid debating Trump?

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You can't debate in jail.

(1 FPBP by this ID)

Clinton will debate because the audience will be stacked with Democrats who will clap and cheer at everything she says, and boo Trump at everything he says.

Considering Trump was too afraid to debate Bernie and his "tactics" mostly consist of catch phrases and repeating the same 3 policies, I doubt it will earn him any favours

> stacked with Democrats who will clap and cheer at everything she says, and boo Trump at everything he says.

This will undoubtedly happen.

>1 (one) post by this ID

Hello, Reddit!


plus any attempt possivle, even sacrificing bill, just to not have to debate trump. it would be a wreck for hillary to debate against trump if she cant even keep her shit straight talking to a delusional old man

Can't Trump attack that tho?
Surely his supporters will want to attend debates and it will be suspicious if nobody gets in?

>Too afraid
More like his advisors told him he was being dumb after he issued the challenge. Why spend ammo pointlessly on not-your-enemy.

He already has made statements about the audience being full of jeb/rubio donors during the primary debates

It's going to be hilarious watching Trump and Hillary argue on stage like a married old couple.



>why did the Saudis give you millions of dollars? A country that treats women as second class citizens. Did they pay for past or future favors? And how could you accept money from that country while claiming to stand up for women's rights?


She'll debate him. She can't wait to debate him.

link or it didn't happen

Seek the recording here:

Unless she has btfo'ing level dirt on Trump it's better to just avoid them entirely and call him racist from tweeter. Let the media do the the rest.




i came

If she wins, enjoy your next pointless middle-eastern war.

That wine has been souring for 40 years. And now we're left with a rotten vintage

Most people won't watch the whole debates. News coverage will just be soundbite after soundbite of lines her staff wrote in advance to make fun of Trump. It's going to be uphill, but I don't think Hillary has the ability to win anyone over.

I don't know that the "quote" being displayed in 's image is real. But here's the tape of her laughing about helping the rapist:

>He took a lie detector test! I had him take a polygraph test, which he failed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraph tests [Laughter]

Having an audience is annoying as fuck either way.

If I was Hillary, I would honestly be terrified of debating Trump

How do you take Trump on in a debate?

>Clinton dodging debates
What kind of fantasy world do you live in? Oh, the kind where you think presidential debates would help Trump.

Keep on talk talk talking to yourself, the one thing Trump has going for him is that, even though everyone's heard media talking about him, everyone's skeptical about media these days most independents have never even seen the stuff that comes out of his mouth. Every time Trump's own words come to public attention his general polling plummets.

Also found these for you:

Against Hillary, yes, he'd win a debate.
The only reason Bernie was dropped by his party is because she has a better PR crew. She has literally no achievements worth having to her political career.

Debates are going to be almost the only coverage where people see Trump without a kikespam lens over it.

The past 2 weeks of blatant kikespam here and in the greater press has been disgraceful. Like schoolchildren copying test answers from their kike hedge-fund teacher.

>Oh, the kind where you think presidential debates would help Trump.
The only way it wouldn't is in how the media summarizes the debates. Obviously they'll pick mostly clips of Hillary looking good, but that was always going to be the case. In terms of actual comparison of personalities, I don't think the country is so far gone that someone like Hillary could ever look more genuine or trustworthy than Trump.

oh god trumps finished with such a burning retort.
I am now a #clitmissile

Where's that from?

I don't actually remember any But this is related:

>Hillary Clinton Received a Secret Memo Stating Obama Admin Supporting ISIS
Hillary Clinton received a classified intelligence report stating that the Obama administration was actively supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq, the terrorist group that became the Islamic State.
The memo made clear that Al Qaeda in Iraq was speaking through Muhammad Al Adnani, who is now the senior spokesman for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS. Western and Gulf states were supporting the terrorist group to try to overthrow Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad, who was being propped up by the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese.
In August 2012, a “SECRET” classified memo was sent to various top Obama administration officials and agencies, including to the State Department and to Clinton’s office personally.
>“The document is an IAR, an intelligence information report,” said Christopher J. Farrell, who serves on the board of directors of Judicial Watch, which obtained the document. “It is produced by somebody within the Defense intelligence agency (DIA). It is reporting from the field by an intelligence agent” who could be a U.S. government agent, a defense attaché, or a source.
>“It’s a report from the field back to headquarters with some intelligence that somebody is willing to bet their career on,” Farrell said.

2nd part:

Farrell confirmed that the report was sent to Clinton’s office, based on the recipient marking “RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHINGTON DC.”
The report identifies Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) as being one of the principal elements of the Syrian opposition, which the West was choosing to “support.”

The intelligence report contains an extensive backgrounder on AQI and its methods and capabilities, noting that AQI was speaking through the spokesman of the Islamic State of Iraq Muhammad Al Adnani.
Al Adnani is now the chief spokesman for the current version of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS.

Read the rest!

Also related- remember the Benghazi thing that Hillary is being investigated for?

.Obama Administration knew Arms were moving from Benghazi to ISIS before 2012 Election

Interesting, thanks

wikileaks appears to be down right now (at least for me) but here ya go


thank you

I've been worried about this since Trump won the nomination.
What are the odds that Hill debates him, with 10 mins left of debate and closing statements about to be made Hill starts breaking down into tears about how hurtful Trump is.
She's a fucking women and people are stupid and eat shit like that up.
This bitch would definitely pull some shit like that. With any luck it'd backfire and they'd see her blatantly playing the distressed bitch card. Or maybe that she's too weak to be president.
I don't fucking know though.

>She's a fucking women and people are stupid and eat shit like that up
Nah. CNN will, but people won't.

>She's a fucking women
No she isn't, her and Bill are sociopaths. Besides, people would absolutely hate her for doing that. Even Bernie tries to look "strong" in his fucked up definition of the word; almost no one would vote for her if she did that.

Anyone have any good sources regarding the US involvement in the arming of ISIS?

If it happens I hope you're right.
God I fucking hate that bitch.

It would be a really bad move. It would make her seem totally overconfident in her chances at winning the election and like a complete coward like she doesn't think she could take trump in a debate. She also totally fails to match trumps energy so not debating him could hurt her but it would be worse to just refuse.

Only Trump is going to mop the floor with that mess