V-videogame movies can be good, they just never got a good director

>v-videogame movies can be good, they just never got a good director
>director of Macbeth
>starring one of the greatest actors of our generation
>still sucks shit

Sup Forums eternally BTFO

Okay? Fuck off and tell them on Sup Forums then. Nobody cares about vidyameme schlock.

>trusting rottentomatoes
not that i expect the movie to be good or anything. i just think it's funny that you're posting its RT score to "prove" somehow that it's bad.

Name 3 movies with

Not even Kurosawa, Tarkovsky or Bergman could have saved Assassin's Creed's trainwreck of a script.

Game movies could be good if the source material wasn't shit.

Warcraft remains the best vidya game movie of all time followed by Mortal Kombat. Prove me wrong.

i havent seen mortal kombat but I can't disagree with objective truth.

i preferred Silent Hill, but Warcraft was good too

Whoa be careful, don't set that bar too high

were there multiple or only one sh movie? i remember the trailer disturbing me as a little teenie bopper

Video games offer a completely different experience to films and people need to realise this and stop trying to make the two combine togeter

Fuck you they both were kino better than capeshit

>they both were kino

Now you're resorting to FOTM buzzwords

Doom is the best video game movie.

there's two, but only the first is good. the second (Silent Hill: Revelations) is one of the worst films i've ever seen, in fact.

L'Homme Chauve-Souris contre Das Übermensch (2016)

Resident Evil 1

All Blizzard had to do was to make one of their intros 90min long and they still fucked up.

>>starring one of the greatest actors of our generation
Has he ever played more than 1 character? Everything I've seen him in he's playing the same theme - cold and calm on the outside with a dark/brooding background, doesn't matter if it's Magneto, that dude from Shame or Steve Jobs. Even Leo has more diversity.

ty senpai ill try it when i get the chance

There's a sequel. Lower budget, felt like a scyfy tv movie at times, but closer to the source material and still worth a watch (but only a single watch).

>still no Beyond Good and Evil movie and/or tv series

fuck off, hipster.

universal pictures fucked this up. their budget was too low for the film, given how impressive the cgi was, they had to bring in shitty actors and build rushed sets to compensate for their low budget. not to mention the 40 min that never made the big screen. i heard assassin's creed's original runtime was 2h 20 min and it got cut down to 1h 40min. same problems. they never give full creative control when it comes to vidya. it's gonna be a long while until we see a solidly crafted video game film.


Considering how bad the script was, I think the director, cinematographer, and cast actually did a commendable job.

Sup Forumsermin will never learn.

Speed Racer

What's in the script? How hard is it to shoot "Yo, Buddy, we are putting you in this machine to relive your ancestor's genetic memory". This is AC 1 and it gets weird later.

I liked Warcraft, but aside from Ben Foster and maybe Travis Fimmel the human actors were awful, and aside from Medivh the human characters were very poorly written. I gave no fucks about the King and knew hardly anything about Lothar or his son, so the King's sacrifice and Lothar's son dying had zero impact. The orc scenes were awesome, and I actually gave a crap about about them.

The battle scenes were fantastic as well. However, the set up was ridiculous and the movie jumped around far too much. Take LotR - after a brief intro which actually told an entire self-contained story, you're in The Shire for about 40 minutes being introduced to the three main characters. In the beginning of Warcraft, there's a voiceover of the history of Azeroth, played over a duel that makes no sense, even to someone like me who has played WC3 and WoW for over a decade and then -BAM!- you're on Draenor, then Ironforge, them Goldshire, then Stormwind... you have no idea how far the human characters are traveling or how long it took them. I really wish there was an extended cut to see if Duncan had to cut anything that made the movie flow better for the interest of running time.

kung pow

>I really wish there was an extended cut to see if Duncan had to cut anything that made the movie flow better for the interest of running time.
there are some deleted scenes that were on the blu ray. but i doubt the extended cut will ever happen, considering they had unfinished effects for some of the stuff they filmed but never got to put on the big screen.

I wnated to like the movie and tbqh is better than many people say about it, but most of the humans had 0 charisma. Looked like cosplayer.

Also, the videogame orc anatomy and the "real" humans killed the immersion for me.


>personal opinions
I've liked lots of films that were slated, whether you like them or not it's still better they exist than not.