Can we agree that English has the most retarded pronunciation of any language?

Can we agree that English has the most retarded pronunciation of any language?
Why did they overcomplicate the way words are pronounced?
>virtue = berr-choo
What the fuck is that?

>oo is "u" like in "goon" "root" "moon" "toon" "poor"
>words like "door" "floor" "blood" exist


You must have some sort of mental deficiency

English and French are sure the most retarded languages

Phonetic languages are always better

Of course it's natural for you as native
Doesn't make English pronunciation any less stupid.


d'ear - remove the momentary pause and you will be pronouncing it correctly

>virtue = berr-choo
I think you might be the retarded one

>look at these arbitrary pronunciation rules for words that are written the same

I remember when I was a child watching American movies and not understanding the point of spelling bee competitions.

Why would the correct spelling words considered to be an achievement?

It turns out it really is an achivement if your language possesses a defective and non-phonemic orthography.

What makes your language any less arbitrary than English

>what is etymology

fuck off pedro

>virtue = berr-choo


all english

The fact that words sound exactly like they're spelled. If you see a spanish word that you've never seen before, you should still be able to pronounce it perfectly by following solid, consistent pronunciation rules. In English, you have to know the world already, otherwise you would never know whether to read dear as dehr or deer.

I used to think cupboards were covereds

>The fact that words sound exactly like they're spelled.
Only to you

Christ you faggots need to grow up

No, in spanish you can ALWAYS know how to pronounce a word if it is written correctly, punctuation rules cover everything.

I'm not the same mexican guy btw, I like english's pronunciation, and everyone learns it from a young age, so it's not that bad. I mean, Japanese and Arabic are "worse" (in terms of not being able to read new words).

>Only to you
Are you retarded? There are well established, consistent rules. If you know those rules, you know how to pronounce every word in the language. Sure, if you're a foreigner, you probably don't know those rules. But learning them is still much easier than learning how to pronounce every single word individually.

Basically if "dear" was a spanish word, there would only every be one possible way to pronounce it, because each of "d", "ea" and "r" only ever make one sound, whereas in english "ea" can sound like different things for no reason (actually, they can sound like different things in essentially the same word, like read). There is no rule. You just have to know how the "ea" sound is pronounced in every single word it shows up in.

In spanish you wouldn't have the same problem. If you see an "ea", you know there is only ONE sound it can make.

Reminder that English is the most relevant language in the world. There's a reason you're all speaking English instead of your native tongue.

Go figure why you assholes need to spell your names over the phone over and over.


danish is worse than english in terms of pronounciation, not even a contest
