Michelle Obama to all men: Be better

>Michelle Obama to all men: Be better.


Goes on to say:
>Be better at everything.
>Be fathers, good lord.
>Men can be better husbands.
>Do the dishes.

My favorite:
>Be a better employer, you know, if you're sitting at a seat of power of any kind, and you look around, and it you just see you, it's just you and a bunch of men, around a table, on a golf course, making deals, and you allow that to happen, be better.

Dear Michelle Do better at hiding your penis.

She should be a better man and shut up for once. His husband is the president, not him.

Just because you're the first man doesn't mean you can give all men advice on what to do with their lives.

>be fathers
Kek she knows who she's talking to

"...a bunch of men, at a golf course, making deals - and you ALLOW that to happen?"

Good grief. She's not joking, is she?

good catch

"Just be better"
>Laughter from women

How is she even given a platform, I wonder. Are we going to have to suffer this same insane shit next term?

I think she's just sick of Obamas shitty leadership but is a coward and can't say it to his face directly
>Be better

>>Do the dishes.

Dude, we know you're a nigger but fucking eh, there's a thing called a dish washing machine that's been around since 1850. We males, White(this maybe in part why you're clueless,) have been creating all sorts of things that have basically replaced women's work, to the point where women have a bunch of free time to complain about their easy existence.

>making deals

Remember, it's not just at a golf course, but at a table that's *on* a golf course

michelle obama is a literal double nigger.

>Be fathers, good lord.
Clearly she was talking to the black community

Better yourself like Michelle Obama. Go MtF.

、ある日、私はたわごとをしたトイレに行ったとき、それは本当に臭いだったので、私の犬が来て、チェックするために私は尋ねた、私の犬はそれがあまりにも臭いと言った、と私は私の金魚を尋ね、私の金魚が言いました「はい、これは知恵、たわごとを経験していますが、それがたに恩義する。あなたが最も公正に行動していないです。 」そして、私のアンビバレンスは当然私の屈辱が公開されたとして処罰され、誰もが、私は本当に臭いたわごとをしていたその時点で知っていました。




당신은 나무 척 척 척 척 을 얼마나 많은 나무 를 쓸 수 있다면 ?

I no talky ping pong

Sup Forums to Michelle Obama: Begone.

लेकिन हम जानते हैं कि कैसे होगा अगर हम भी शौचालय में पू नहीं कर सकते , तो मिशेल भी एक महिला है ?

you can stop shitting up the thread now

Women do realize that men do business and make deals because they are trying to make money, right? I realize they are used to men providing for them, but they do know that men dont start businesses with the sole purpose of providing for women, right?

Jag är Australian. Vi avslutar aldrig skiter upp tråden .


and she is right. most men are not chads and the rest of men are feeling shitty for not appealing sexually to women. so instead of saying that most men are rubbish, women encourage them to be providers, not for sex, but for the rest of the daily life : raising children, paying bills, listening to women. more importantly, non-chads must feel proud to be useful.

Yes but we can be better.

>>Be fathers, good lord.
>>Men can be better husbands.
Post yfw you realize she's talking about niggers.

he's right you know

She's just shit-testing us by telling us to 'be better'. When women say this what they really mean is 'please slap me in the face and put me in my place'.

Women will test when they perceive weakness or are pissed off at their man. It's a biological instinct in all women to fuck with us to test our mettle. My guess is that Obama is fucking other women.