Is this true? What do we call it? I was thinking something like "Anti Westernism"

Is this true? What do we call it? I was thinking something like "Anti Westernism"

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cultural vandalism


they also believe in the myth of the "noble savage" eat "organic", use homeopathic "medicine" and think nature is some caring mother who looks after her children.


>all liburuls are pro-Islam!!!!!!!!

We had a thread just yesterday, which is probably still up, about Sam Harris (liberal) saying Islam is a blight on humanity.

Leftism, if liberals were merely stupid, the laws of probability would dictate that at least some of their decisions would serve America's interests

and liberals will call him out as a racist because he's not following their narrative.

> One liberal
> meanwhile all the lefty parties in USA and Europe think otherwise

>Sam Harris (liberal)
Liberals describe him as a fascist hatemonger, though.

He's a classical liberal, not a liberal.

Germany nailed it


Spot on

It's actually from Christianity, extreme self guilt and forgiveness to the point of tolerance of any evil. This is what happens when there's no authority to regulate Christian morality, but the atheists don't mind maintaining Christian culture.

t. A Christian

Yep, like a friend called it, the disneyification of the world

non-scotch incomming

>eat "organic"

I will add this about the organic thing. It mostly boils down to sodium content. Fresh vegetables, fuck it. Forget the organic-ness about them.

But things like canned beans, it makes a big difference. Knocking out 600mg per day of sodium is a big step in the right direction for a lot of people. Especially if you have high blood pressure.

>taking the opinion of an atheist Zionist seriously
You must love watching him and Bill Maher suck each other off

Honest question:

If the modern Left can accept the tenants of Islam as a liberating force, why can't it accept Orthodox Judaism as also serving the same purpose?

Orthodox Jews, in particular Hasidim, seem like they embody plenty of things that would make their ideology good for revolution:

>isolation from the dominant, capitalist ideology
>reject existing world entirely
>live off each other and distrust the government
>believe in direct action to bring the messiah
>believe messiah brings utopia aka communism
>lurianic kabbalah is basically historical materialism

Also, let's not forget Jews, both secular AND religious, played a huge role in the development of communist theory and practice and participated in many revolutions. Don't pretend Marx was never exposed to Jewish paradigms just because he was raised Protestant.

victim blaming, check your priv

This somehow makes me wonder if all these virtue signalling bastards have read Rousseau... Somehow I doubt it.

I like this term, but to be honest I just like the Dutch.

Scotch or no scotch, it's hard to deny most western nations are Christian cultured, which means forgiveness and thus tolerance is considered a high virtue. In fact it's one of the last virtues left.

In typical Christian style, I'm saying, sorry, this was my fault. My bad. We really did have good intentions.

>if all these virtue signalling bastards have read Rousseau... Somehow I doubt it

link his blog please? jesus.

Brilliant user, perfectly worded too. Definitely screenshotting this.
t. Redpilled Catholic

People only just figuring this out now?

I-I hope this is bait

>tfw coming down from caffeine intoxication and too tired to pick up on the sarcasm
Why do this?

I think a large part of it is that the uncontrollable digital media is picking up, people are now more inclined to source opinions from YouTube demagogues than authoritarian media sources, the former being more likely to form arguments based on facts, figures, reason and logical conclusions, which are naturally more convincing than pure sophistry.

I'm tired, so I'll bite.

100% this

they are anti-civ

fuck off you dirty jew. salt being bad is 100% untrue.

salt is good for you.

it goes way back when they found out iodine is good for you and fluoride is bad. so the jews started fluoridating the water and calling salt bad (most salt is fortified with iodine).

made me kek

>cultural vandalism
I like it.

The alt-right definition of liberal is simply: "he who has not been brainwashed in the exact same manner that I have."

>and think nature is some caring mother who looks after her children.

You mean like the welfare state?

>cultural vandalism

so in other words, cultural marxism

Nature is the most ruthless force on this planet. I love it how pro hippie these people are but in complete denial of the nature of nature. Many of there self acclaimed problems are just these faggots brushing up against the force of nature.

They'll spin whatever story to suit said agenda no matter how ridiculous it is. Blacks think dominant genes that are present and come to fruitian when breeding with a black is a positive trait and not the bottom line slave genes. That you can easily acquire breeding any other tribe of human with blacks you'll always have a gene stock of slaves. And they think recessive, more rare and precious traits are slave traits. That with these genes survival and replication only works with someone of similar gene set. You can breed with other tribes and still have aspects of oneself within the child sired but once you breed with the slave stock all you're going to acquire are slave genes.
Nature ensured there would be an abundance of slaves and a ruling class through genes.
Niggers will never understand this and literally believe coal is more precious to gold.

They believe Jewellery shops should be raising the value of coal above silver and gold because of how deluded they are.
A utopian society is pretty much one without negroes and semetic muslims.

Or muslims period.

It doesn't take blacks and muslims to create an underclass, though.

Look at the white underclass in Britain, for example. Dysgenics at its finest (worst). The same could probably be said about certain enclaves of whites in America, as well.

My feminist sister was talking about the oppression of Muslims and that, I think they have this delusion that the Middle East is just a giant bazaar of carpets, curry and people on camels. They don't see how Iran separates by gender and make women sit at the back or out on the street while the men sit inside, or how they throw gays off rooftops and hang them from cranes. They don't see female genital mutilation or acid attacks in Afghanistan. They don't see girls kidnapped in Nigeria and Mali by Boko Haram and sold off as sex slaves. Either they don't see these things or they choose to ignore the existence of them because it won't fit their narrative. They look at the Muslims in our nations which have been forced into secularization and think it's the norm while on the other side of the world Saudi Arabia pumps out terrorist propaganda, girls are honor killed in Pakistan and children are sold off into marriage in Yemen.

The left are as anti civilization as it comes defending this, but I don't see it changing.

They're cultural Marxists.

> One can hypothesize the presence of an initiatic Counter-Traditional body at work wherever a steady trend toward disorder persists. In the case of the rise of modernity, many different groups and interests were united in working to overthrow the old order: Protestants, Neo-Pagans, natural scientists, rationalist and empiricist philosophers, capitalists, and political liberals were among the first wave. Subsequent waves included Jews, socialists, anarchists, and Communists. But since the Second World War, the Jewish element of subversion and hegemony has become dominant.

self haters

Europhobia user

They aren't anti-western-civilization, they are anti-white.

>eat "organic", use homeopathic "medicine"

Literally nothing wrong with either of these.

Probiotics and enzymes were considered homeopathic before mainstream medicine picked up on it.

Germany and Scandinavia both have licensed "Nature doctors".

Well stated.

That's pretty good. I'm gonna use that.


Fear of Western Civilization. We can use it as a buzzword like Islamophobia to shame our foes and use their style of deception against them.

Are you fucking retarded?

Nature is a cruel bitch.

She is Medea, not Gaia.

Systematic dishonoring is what it really is.

EVERY single institution which people think of as "honored" is being dishonored, while other groups that don't have honor in our society are being exalted like crazy.

Take for example Christianity. You can disagree with it all you like, but I have nothing but respect for many Christians who have faith in adversity, and still maintain to hold onto their values and ways of life. But Christianity, and religion in general, is being disparaged; people are saying that it's a tool of the weak minded or something to that effect; but in the same breath, these very same kind of people who disparage "religion" as a means of doping the people, will defend Islam and Muslims. through their teeth.

White people are racist, bigoted, sexist, ignorant people, but Africans are magically exempt from this.

Do you know why this is?
The classical liberal (A view that many of you guys share) will ask for true equality, the equality in being treated equally.
The modern leftist looks at the results, and blacks are in worse condition, and Muslims are being treated like second class citizens; so in their eyes, equality shouldn't be a treatment, but a result. Leftists want to dismantle what very little honor we have left and replace it with that very stupid idealistic egalitarianism. This is what French republicanism did to France; it de-socialized them and gave way to a type of theocracy centered around equality and liberty.

Quick question. Can people establish a kingdom in Europe? any kind of monarchy or system of government such as once had been?
It's impossible under a democracy. This is why the west has fallen.We've made what makes us "western" illegal.

in of themselves these are not bad things, but they seem to attract a certain kind of person

it's kinda like how a style of internet forum where you don't need an account and can post pictures easily doesn't necessarily suggest the 4th reich but in reality that's how it has played out


>Leftism is inspired by Satan to destroy Christian civilisation
>Islam is inspired by Satan to destroy Christian civilisation

Both serve Satan and work to implement Satan's goals

It is both logical and inevitable to proceed from Locke's ideas of "human rights" to the Warren court's conception of "protected classes".

Liberalism in all of its forms - including "classical liberalism" - is a disease.

Hippy anarchists are what I see every time I find a bernbot in California. Pretty much all of that.

>Go bernie!
>I eat silver when I get a cold
>when I run out I eat one of my 9078969 piercings
>My race is canvas I think I had uncovered skin once
>I dip these beets farmed by mexican immigrants into silver when I get a cold and want to stick it to fascists
>Is bull prepping homosexual or heterosexual? Or perhaps it's own sexuality?
>Europe is perfect except for all the white people.

Anti-western is correct, they hate western culture (hence the naem cultural marxism) and want to tear it apart, by extension they also hate, hate, hate white people. Even if we were a non-violent cuck-country like sweden, they simple will not stop. They'll only stop when they MADE to stop.


This is not true at all.

Look at developed nations of the Far East like Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore.

They are certainly not pro-LGBT, nor pro-Islam.

Well said user

west hate.

Harris is a gigantic faggot

Check the flag before you even ask

As a history buff that map triggers me so much, when Muhammad died in 632 all that his nation controlled was the Arabian peninsula. The battles afterwards when they started expanding out are accurate in their location but for fucks sake, they didint even fucking get Constantinople until 1453.

What about non-left people that understand that western civilization and its intrinsic cuckoldry are the root for feminism, faggotry, socialism, anti-white ideologies and every sort of degeneracy?

The end of western civilization is a good thing, however takes over it won't be as much of a cuck as us.


>we should all be equal
>let's make some groups more equal than others

You're fucking retarded

The soft racism of lowered expectations.

Its ok to dump all over Catholicism because its a reformed first-world religion. Its not ok to dump on Islam because its a religion of third-world brown people.

When you think about it, the globalism liberals are ironically the most elitist bunch. "All you backwards cave-dwellers and goat-fuckers get a free pass while the white male must (and does) live up to incredibly high standards"

It was Tony Blair, don't ask me how I know but it was Tony Blair who killed Jo Cox and then he pinned it on the other guy

Spread the facts lads

1 post by this id

They're like us in a sense. They wan't to destroy and replace society. The difference is that they want a commie paradise.

Of course it's true. It's the only unifying strain of thought that makes the actions of the left logical.

I've just been calling it anti western but I'm open to new names.

>homeopathic "medicine" is not bad
Ask Steve Jobs about that.
Oh wait...

The problem is that if it was REAL medicine, it wouldn't need the "homeopathic" modifier - it would just be called "medicine" (i.e. it actually works and isn't some psuedo-scientific mumbo jumbo.)

Homeopathic medicine kills people who should've had actual medical treatment.

That's not what it means.
Let's say you have 2 kids; only one of the kids is mommy's favorite and gets treated better than the other; this leads the other kid to feel left out and neglected. You, on the other hand, treat both kids equally. Due to the fact that their mother treats one better than the other, should you compensate for the other kid's neglect by treating him better than the other?

Or put mathematically; the mother gives Ben a cookie every day, neglecting Josh. You give 1 cookie to Ben and 1 Cookie to Josh, because you believe in equal treatment. Is it really equality when throughout their lives, Josh receives half as much as his brother, even though you're treating them equally?

It's not that one group should be more equal than the other; it's that there's an obvious inequality, and that inequality is being compensated through reparation (in the case of slavery) or increased minimum wage and other things.

>Is this true?

>What do we call it?
treason, retardation, ignorance, delusion

But no one knows what that means. Call it Westophobia.

This too.

I think I sort of agree... But could you explain why it's inevitable to go from equality of opportunity in front of the law to equality of results?

It's regressivism.

There are no debtor or creditor groups of people. Or at least, there shouldn't be.

>history buff
Are you retarded? That is not a concurrent map, it's an events map.


>get raised on Disney cartoons to think nature is beautiful and loving (Pocahontas), animals are thoughtful and caring (lion king), and Islam is a rich and lively culture (Aladdin) when in reality bears maul your shit, people die starving in the wilderness and modern Islam is completely bonkers

It all makes sense. The answers were there all along.

> Guénon and Evola believe that the occult war is carried on by secret initiatic societies. Just as Tradition is propagated through initiatic societies, the Counter-Tradition is propagated through counter-initiatic societies, which are profane images of genuine initiatic orders teaching inverted doctrines that promote decadence and decline.

Faggotry and feminism for white people and family values for Ahmed and his 3 wives.
You do the math.
The idea that there is some sort of effort to replace population is surely "some wacky conspiracy thory :o)" and makes you worse than Hitler to even consider.
It's pure mental illness/swedishness.

>, animals are thoughtful and caring (lion king),

I haven't seen that movie. I always wonder if it ever shows the lions eating lunch.

>about Sam Harris (liberal) saying Islam is a blight on humanity.

Or Bill Maher

> The idea that there is some sort of effort to replace population is surely "some wacky conspiracy thory :o)"

Why can't people understand, that is literally the basis of all wars and genocides. Replacing the population with pro-(you) faction.

Multiculturalism is also an age old tactic of divide and conquer.

It's called the jews and we must kill them all before they kill us.

Really makes you think.

The underclasses coming into power in Britain is largely the reason for the its current undoing.

Granted this is a problem in most democracies, but particularly in so for aristocratic empires. White Amercans are mostly from the pioneering stock that survived a myriad of challenges to get to this point, and I think is a major reason we are the greatest nation on earth and why we always produce a savior to take the helm and avert disaster like Reagan and Trump.

Say what you like about Reagan's globalist shit, at the time communism was losing its taboo and America had a real danger of following Russia's example and a lot of our left-wing politicians were in bed with the USSR and our academia was full of subversive elements trying to gain a foothold. The threat then was a lot more surreptitious because we didn't have all the information from Moscow that we do today and all the commie states were colluding to trick the world into the thinking they were legitimate and stable.

Now we have a more visceral threat of Islam and cultural Marxism in general and once again AMERICA is leading the western word away from destruction. Brexit wouldn't even have a shot if Trump hadn't shattered the overton window.

> Multiculturalism is also an age old tactic of divide and conquer.

I considered this.

There is a trick to fuck over the Muslim world.

Breed African niggers in mass and as Christians and send them to take over the Arab world.

Saudi Arabia needs to be Blacked.

>I can't spot an obvious joke

5th column.

If someone was really about nature, they'd be facists

>classical liberal
>endorses clinton
He is just another jew fuck, better than most of them but still a jew fuck

>alt-liberalism, the original unchanged one

More like human rights paradox.

Let's make this term big. The left constantly warps our language with their linguistic memes. Let's get back at em.

Cultural Vandalism.

It's not like they hide their hate for the west.

All this critical thinking, trying to break down the norms of our societies. Down with the family.

It's not some conspiracy theory. It's all open.
The weird thing is that they also want to increase the state. It's just a fucking mess.

>Nature, painted like a harlot.
>Red in tooth and claw.

Fuck with the bitch if you want...

I wish Wesley Clark was not put on that list.

He only has some Jewish ancestry and was strictly against the 7 Zionist neocon wars.

Anti normal White.

It's true and lately I have been sympathisizing with the left. They are still mental midgets but at the core, we both want to see this system desolve. Their problem is they have no vision for what will replace it, or they prefer something much worse like Islam or Bolshevism.

They don't understand that if we were dissolve the (((tentacles))) that strangled us, Western civilization would be much more appealing than it even is now.

It's cultural Marxism, deconstruct and denigrate the cultures of those states that rejected Communism (and now in the East, threw off Communism) to bring about a change to Marxist utopia.