Note: General Organa died on her way back to her home planet

Note: General Organa died on her way back to her home planet

Drug overdose? I gotta try out that someday

pls no

Why didn't they just put her in a bacta tank?

the heart is the strongest organa

Along with her lieteunts parsley and sage

She's only 60?

Holy fuck i thought she was in her 70's.

But her home planet was destroyed

Why didn't Leia learn the ways of the force like her twin brother? I'm sure force powers would be useful as General.

Drugs will do that.

She died from Kylo Ren force choking her. Like Daughter,Like mother.

They'll just CGI her again

wait... "home planet"... wat...¿

oppressive patriarchy. the alliance is very male dominated.

She saw Rogue one, and died of disappointment.



honestly though she was one of the worst parts of TFA, perhaps this is for the best

If people could die of disappointment, you'd be an orphan.

Opening movie starts with a funeral. They say she died of a broken heart after the death of Solo at the hands of her son.

they have already filmed scenes with fisher though, this would take extensive rewrites

They have her in CGI.

wow... what are people talking about? this looks fantastic

I doubt many considering how little she is in force awakens. Still Rogue One had rewrites and got on time.