Was she right?

Was she right?

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No, as usual.

(((Ayn Rand)))
what do you think?
Anyone who gets to define such a revolting term, such as racism, will use it as a bludgeon to silence those they dislike.
In short, racism is a worthless term.

>a kike promoting the destruction of the white race

What else is new

she is actually, racism is just a modern day term for tribalism which is completely natural in all forms of life and essential for the survival for all lifeforms


>Racism is colectivism!!!

t. Autism Rand, aka "the discusting kike who had to go to Medicare when she get a cancer"

But yeah, racism is dumb, in Sup Forums sense.

>Saying racism is bad destroys the white race

You people are weaker than I thought

Yeah she was absolutely right. People can make fun of her all they want on here for being Jewish but she gave the best intellectual arguments against leftism/collectivism

(((Aryn Rand)))

> muuh coletivism is bad and breeds violence... become a shitty nihilist individualist cosmopolitan and everything is solved :DDD

Objectivism is a meme

Some moron posted his SAT on here yesterday and it was horrible. That is when i finally realized why Sup Forums is a bunch of collectivists that hate on ayn rand and support trump. They are not smart enough to succeed on their own.

They need someone to tell them what to do. They need an echochamber where all dissenting opinions are paid shills. They need simplistic us vs them paradigms.

The average Sup Forumstard could not survive in an individualists society. This is why he wants authoritarian government.

(((Ayn Rand)))

we need a Rand merchant

Your country is a corrupt shit hole

Racism is the only sensible form of collectivism.

>That is when i finally realized why Sup Forums is a bunch of collectivists that hate on ayn rand and support trump. They are not smart enough to succeed on their own.

Not an argument. Voat, which is just as nationalist and here, has more college graduates than liberal shit like Reddit and Tumblr.

Yes, considering whites are the least racist and primitive. That being said racism is still a good thing and whites should be more racist for their own good.

Was she Jewish and trying to protect herself from genocide? Yes! Very clearly. Do the opposite of what Jews say.

fucking libertarians

>I'm at college but I hate liberals, so I'll just default to babby's first right wing ideology

>collects neetbux

Stay classy, Ayn.

Do you even have to change the original? She was a fucking troglodyte. I've taken shits that were better looking than Ayn Rand.

> United States of Ashkenazi



>1 post by this ID

if you think having a college degree means you are intelligent then yep you are proving my point. You are buying into groupthink and equating something that almost anyone can accomplish with being above average. And most degrees are earned by showing up and repeating what you are told. Come the fuck on you mad cunt. That is the definition of collectivism.

Pretty sad that the modern day (((GOP))) basically worships this Jew whore.

If you want to know why SJWs are running rampant, it's because the right wing has also been subverted for 50 years.

A reasonable Australian?

>People who believe in nationalist-collectivism are dumb, despite the most widely observed measure of "intellect" proving they're as smart or smarter than the general population

Top kek. You've literally moved the goalposts

>any measure of intelligence is collectivism!

Let's see. Dumb retort that makes no sense given that promoting non racism destroys in group preference and wrenches open the flood gates. As what is described as racism is self defense mechanisms humans have developed over millions of years, such as ethnic nepotism which are still very much encouraged in others.

To go with it, the typical unfitting picture shills for some reason attach to all their posts.

Ayn Rand is a kike, a cunt, an ugly bitch, and a shortsighted pseudo-pseudo-pseudo-intellectual.

t. Person who wasted value life time reading Atlas Shrugged

Jews are bigger racists than Sup Forums, what did she mean by this?

If modern liberals read Ayn's opinions on colonialism and primitive cultures they'd undeniably accuse her of being a racist.

She was a massive racist and openly admitted it. She was also a Jewish supremacist and openly admitted it. On television. Check YouTube it's in a talkshow interview

I like to think of libertarianism as classical liberalism, where one has equality of rights which make us free.
We know we're not equal; we're not ever going to be equal, so equal treatment isn't ever going to work. Having "Equality" as a moral, yet believing in inequality, is contradictory.
The left wing is primarily individualistic; even "altruistic" beliefs such as communism still gives wiggle room for the individual, and in fact the individual is praised above all. True collectivism is about knowing who your collective is; that's something she doesn't understand, because she's a product of revolutionary politics; she has never known the meaning behind Russian nationalism. The collective is the progenitor of morals; the reason she clings to "Liberty and equality", is because they are utilitarian beliefs, not moral beliefs, but beliefs which are used to attain an ideal utopia, a utopia based on her "morals" . The non-aggression principle is one example, because it sounds good, until someone goes around insulting and disrespecting American patriots and the families of veterans; disrespect is a legitimate reason to beat the shit out of an unpatriotic person; the non-aggression principle has no bearing on morality whatsoever. It's the collective who decides morality, not the individual. There's cognitive dissonance in people who believe in libertarianism yet have religion or morals.

no, thats family. Racism is second

this is typical psychobabble from the product of a culture that believes there is a set of rules for themselves and one for everybody else

muzzie-tier shit
as another user said, do the opposite

>check YouTube
>this lethargic

>answering an intellectual challenge with a racial meme

oh irony

She's not a Jewish supremacist. It was the Donahue show. For her, choosing between socialist Israel and the Muslim brutes, she picked the lesser of two evils. Given the choice, I don't anyone of us wouldn't pick Israel over the muslim extremists. youtube.com/watch?v=2uHSv1asFvU

If the white race is so weak that it can crumble from introducing new races into society, it can't be that strong.

Seriously, race mixing isn't that common because it's natural for most people to want to stick with their own.

So the only reason you'd be worried about it is if you're really insecure.

Shilling it constantly though is perverse, and is usually the fucking sexual fantasy of some fucked up kike.

Race mixing on a small scale has always happened though, and you shouldn't give a shit.

not about relationships

>female intellectuals

>Kike hates white people
What's new about it?

You can't expect a woman to understand conceps like nationhood, nationalism, and especially honor.


More like purest

You should judge every individual by his own merits.

That said statistical analysis of trends emerging along racial lines and making decisions informed by that information is not racism.

Racism is taking that statistical data and assuming it applies to every individual even after an individual demonstrates otherwise. Outliers exist.

Based ayn rand

Czech 'em

1 post by this id

>This triggers the stormweenie.

What do those things have to do with race?