Rank the best 4 album streak of the 2000s

Other comparable 4 album streaks as well?


Kid A, Amnesiac, HTTT and In Rainbows

Rated R- songs for the deaf-Lullabies to paralize-Era vulgaris


Kid A/Amnesiac/HTTT/In Rainbows

Vespertine/Medulla/Drawing Restraint 9/Volta

Girls Can Tell
Kill the Moonlight
Gimme Fiction
Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga


Not debut, post, homogenic, vespertine?

>of the 2000s

Not exclusively 2000's but I'm posting it anyway

This is a long drive -> Lonesome Crowded West -> moon & Antarctica -> Good news for people who love bad news

>Here Comes the Indian

Is hail to the thief hated on here? Because its one of my favorite albums

Jenny Lewis and the guy from Boy Meets World have the most underrated 4 album stretch, though the last one pretty much sucked

This a good one

Agree or disagree, Death Cab For Cutie deserve to be included here

We Have the Facts -> The Photo Album -> Transatlanticism -> Plans

the new one was garbage though

I also like narrow stairs a lot

Left to his own device
At the cut
West of rome
Dark development

sung tongs > feels > strawberry jam >> MPP

Do you even know what a streak is?