Sandy Hook and Aurora guy were on antidepressants

>Sandy Hook and Aurora guy were on antidepressants
when are we gonna prove the link between mass shootings and prescription drugs?

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Anonymous (ID: GDX8k38o) 06/17/16(Fri)18:09:34 No.77597258▶>Sandy Hook and Aurora guy were on antidepressants
when are we gonna prove the link between mass shootings and prescription drugs?
Anonymous (ID: JkfaibWN) 06/17/16(Fri)18:10:22 No.77597326 ▶


antidepressants cause autism

Its been proven thousands of times.
Just like how pimozide cures body dysmorphia in transgendered individuals.

but you wont ever, ever, EVER hear about it in mainstream culture.

Isn't there already a warning on the containers?

yeah because that's more reasonable than thinking being fucked in the head causes both

It's actually because with depression one of the main things that goes away is motivation, when these meds "work" motivation is one of the first things that comes back, not pushing depression away. So now you have a highly depressed but for the first in a long time, motivated person.

It's more than just those two.

no goy! it is our violent culture! guns are the problem!

When there is an actual link and not just your government hiring people to kill it's own cotizens.

>WARNING: may cause increase in suicidal thoughts and depression symptoms
Wew lad

Quality post, friend

Then everyone in Denmark should be on a killing spree with their hunting rifles.


Doctors put me on SSRIs as a child, it fucked up my brain chemistry to the point where I can't remeber things and I am always irritated. The fillers in the pills fucked up my intestinal track so much that I can't take a solid shit.

That's even more effect than cause.
Is society keeping boys down?

How is it so difficult to accept that some people are just bad? It could be mental illness, drugs, or a rude waitress one day. But some people are simply willing to do terrible things, end of story.

There is a type of person that wants to continually look away. On theleft they blame guns (which actually makes sense but not the way they put it, less guns for shitty people means less shitty people shooting) and the right want to find blame in anything but the person.

Stop trying to find ways that explain why someone bad is never going to be you. It could be. We all have boiling points. I'd slaughter a nation to protect my daughter and happily rot in jail if need be. EVERYONE has that ability in them. It's not drugs or religion that ultimately make it happen. It's having your line in the sand crossed. We love to judge when our lines are so far back but is that helpful? I'd say since we're seeing schools and clubs and theaters shot up that it's not fucking helping at all.

Our entire way of talking about this stuff has got to change. It's easy to blame guns, Islam, brown people, crazy people...but that blame results in nothing ever being done and nothing changing. So let's all try to figure out something better. Even if we get it wrong at first, let's goddamn DO something this time.

Berscipshun drugs mage u grazyer?

So was the Orlando "jihadi". So were the San Bernadino "jihadis". And so was the "Britain First" wanker who killed Jo Cox. Peter Hitchens has been going on about this for donkey's ages.

lol I have a similar deal with DRIs causing permanent damage to the receptors
our healthcare is so shit

Big Phurma Damage Gontrol

>le drugs made them do it!
>ignoring the fact that a certain amount of people taking these kind of drugs are more likely to just be batshit to begin with

wew lad

it's likely less the meds themselves and more the gratuitous prescribing of meds that are unnecessary only due to most medical group doctors getting kickbacks from pharmaceutical reps for writing a script.

Jesus Christ. Sorry dude.

My cousins were normal kids until my half retarded aunt started putting them on prescription drugs because they "felt sad."

Now they're just sort of stupid idiots living in the same mile radius as they always have.

the liquid shits is likely from the serotonin agonist, i had a similar issue with vilazodone but it stopped after i ceased taking it


Fuck I drunkenly chose to inhale l a FAT crystal meth for the first time last night a party. I suppose i had a bad panic attack that could have actually been an overdose. Im feel so anxious today and have a empty headed feeling.
>never again fuck meth

duh its been proven , now prove the cia is doing it on purpose. what's the end goal? you pacified or in jail . laws its all about pushing bad laws to the top whilst burying the dead kids.

Perhaps they were on them because they had something wrong?

Chicken and egg, dude.

All throughout history, there's always someone that nigs out and massacres people. It's rare as fuck, though, and you can't stop it no matter what you do. People can't seem to understand this.

Doctors are notorious for prescribing anybody with any problem SSRI inhibitors/anti-depressants here in the US that regularly make things worse, not better. Nobody gets sued or anything.

I don't understand why this doesn't even make the Sup Forums news or twitter or anything

The NRA is powerful, but not as powerful as the Pharma-Industry.
Those guys don't fuck around.
To answer your question: never.

Supreme gentleman was on em

Man it's pretty much permanant scarring of my intestines. I have to get occasional nutrient boosters and stuff because I can't process food correctly. I haven't taken SSRIs in years.

I was on ADs for a short time. I'm glad I quit them

And autism causes cucks such as yourself

Good that you quit them before they caused any major damage.

I do believe this is a valid line of thinking, and the link between SSRIs and psychotic episodes should be evaluated. There is already a black box warning on SSRIs as a warning that they can cause suicidal ideation or suicide itself.

With that said, you can't say at this time that SSRIs *CAUSE* psychotic episodes. The more obvious explanation is that the sort of people who are on psych drugs are fucked up in the head in the first place, and the SSRIs simply aren't doing a sufficient job to curb their mental problems (SSRIs are notorious for being pretty low-efficacy)

i;ve been saying SSRIs are linked to mass shootings for over a decade yet everyone can only get up in arms about civilians rights scribed in the constitution and wont even acknowledge the mass medication and brainwashing and mind control of the populace brought on by said SSRIs . fuck fuck fuck fuck this gay fuck shit society.

>With that said, you can't say at this time that SSRIs *CAUSE* psychotic episodes

Said by someone who has never had their drink spiked with an SSRI and as a result got sent whirrling into the depths of psychosis for the better part of two years.


Can we start a meme like BAN ASSAULT DRUGS

The evidence is right there for all the mass shooters. Even the orlando shooter was denied the police academy for weed, steroids and declined to deny PRESCRIPTION DRUG USE

Your full of shit, maybe a heavy anti-psychotic but it wasn't an SSRI, they take weeks of taking to even work.

ban assault drugs
ban assault mosques

Milo already has BAN ASSAULT ISLAM going with the help of the LBGTQ fags


This is memetic hijacking at it's most effective form

>people with psychiatric disorders use psychiatric medication
>people with psychiatric disorders commit mass murders more often than mentally healthy people
It must be the drugs causing them to commit those murders, absolutely no confounding factor imaginable!

but serotonin inhibitors are so gooood desu...

>they take weeks of taking to even work.
shutup nigger.

It was geodon.

Im sick of you pharma faggots thinking you know what SSRIs do because you were told what they are capable of in college. you niggers are professional shills and your conditioning has been brainwashed. My drink was spiked with a heavy dose of Geodon and I my back seized up almost immediately. I had to walk 3 miles home with my back arched over. Every step i took it got worse until I had to crawl on all fours through my door.

That night i had brain seizures. I didnt know it was a brain seizure because it took the form of sleep paralysis and sounded like close range explosions and gunfire accompanied by flashing light, which scared the fuck out of me and sent me whirrling into psychosis. I didn't even know what had happened until someone came clean about it and i found out they spiked my drink. Then looked up the side effects which were "extremely rare" but in line with what i experienced. You niggers like to say it takes awhile to build up in your system but you're fucking wrong. One dose will fuck your neurons.

There is also more of a correlation between use of anti depressants by pregnant women and children born with autism than there is for vaccinations.

Geodon is an atypical anti-psychotic, not an SSRI.

I think generalized anxiety and depression is just an emergent factor of civilization restraining the human will.

When you take a drug that inhibits your inhibitions you've essentially gone rogue.

Called it.

What you were experiencing were so called extrapyramidal symptoms, which are listed under 'common side effects' for Geodon.

>which are listed under 'common side effects' for Geodon.

there was nothing stating what I experienced 5 years ago. and every year their classifications and side effects seem to change radically

^ this article used to state it was a consequence of SSRI withdraw. Now it says "stress"

It has to do with giving depressed psychos energy and motiviation.

Prescription drugs treat the symptoms of depression not the cause. The cause is a shitty life as the result of terrible decisions made.

We have too many lazy antz

Shitty parents most likely.

Cases of tinnitus are not unheard of in combination with psychiatric disorders and SSRI withdrawal can cause many related symptoms.
But Geodon is not an SSRI. Could you tell me more about how your drink got spiked with Geodon? It seems like an interesting story.
>It has to do with giving depressed psychos energy and motiviation.
>Prescription drugs treat the symptoms of depression not the cause.
I completely agree. The cause can be very hard to treat, but in general Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the preferable option in almost every case of depression. Only the most severe cases actually benefit from medication, and should preferably receive this medication in combination with CBT as well.

Only due to the great influence of the pharmaceutical industry in the US, CBT is not used as much as medication. SSRI's have no proven effect in light or moderate depression.
Another problem is that SSRI's have been linked with increased suicidal thoughts. My own explanation would be that indeed the underlying problems still exist, but that patients become less worried about death. Anyway, GlaxoSmithKline received a 3 billion dollar fine for actively hiding reports that reported the increased risk of suicide in adolescents.

Yet because CBT takes more time, is not always paid for by insurance, and because of the pharmaceutical industry's influence, too many doctors in the US still prescribe SSRI's too easily.

tl;dr SSRI's cause suicidal idolation, try to get CBT instead if you have depression

but SSRI are so good for anxiety desu...

I am on Brintellix for OCD yet still find myself ruminating on the same fucking intrusive thoughts that practically crucify my well-being. I practice mindfulness and CBT as well but have barely gotten anywhere within the past year.

I'm not blue-pilled, I know that meds aren't the fucking solution. But a shitty upbringing and circumstances brought me to this point and I subconsciously know there's no turning my life around. People never really change, they're chained to the first 3 circumstantial years of their life forever. And for me my fate just so happens to be getting curbstomped by obsessive paranoia til the end of time.

That's said I won't be shooting up a school anytime soon.

They're also prescribed for anxiety, but CBT works for that as well. I could imagine it not being available in Bulgaria though, and if you feel they are helping you enough you should definitely just continue.

couldn't walk to the store w/o not having a massive panic attack.. now i go to any store in the neighborhood i want desu..

feels so good, i might actually try to find a job this year..

what do you take

Hitchens is also fucking retarded though, He thinks we can just execute or life imprison 40-50 million people because they use marijuana.

I ate mushrooms and went for a walk. When I cam back two days later, my sister was waiting for me at my parents house. She said wanted to make me breakfast with a big smile on her face. I was in a good mood, wasn't necessarily hungry but figured why not. She made me tea. I ate breakfast drank the tea and headed started to walk back to my house. I got a few blocks and that when the back seizure started. When i laid down and close my eyes, i couldn't move and I heard a loud back and saw a flash of light and it seemed like someone shot at my head point blank with a .45.

Over the next two years I had numerous episodes. Whenever I had a remotely stressful day and I laid down at night to close my eyes, i heard either loud explosions, semi auto gun fire and sometimes full auto gun fire all over the neighborhood, sometimes right outside my window or even close enough to be in my room. It would always freak me the fuck out and consume me with overwhelming paranoia and Id have to chug coffee and walk around the city until the sun came up. Sometimes having to stay up for days because i was too terrified to sleep. I didn't put the pieces together 100% until years later.

your sister sounds like a bit of a cunt

mixing psylocibin and anti psychotics should cancel each other out, but it still is dangerous


i think it's only for the eastern european market though. it's made in new zealand. it's 50mg serotonin inhibitor per pill, i take 1 every morning.

first 2-3 weeks were complete shit though, it actually got worse. but now, 3 months in i feel like i've been given another chance to make something out of myself on this earth desu..

will take em for at least a year, then we'll see.

yeaup. Sometimes I feel like suing the fuck out of her for the distress and incurring hospital bills since she was the cause of psychosis. If my brother wasn;t there to tell me what she did, I probably would have just figured I was utterly insane and beyond saving and might have never recovered.

I'm pretty sure that isn't first choice or second choice for the treatment of OCD. Do you know why your physician chose for this drug instead of drugs that have actually consistently been proven effective in clinical trials?

In OCD the effect is generally measured by how much time you spend having intrusive thoughts or doing compulsive behaviour. Do you feel it has been significantly reduced?
In serious cases of OCD it can be almost impossible to completely remove intrusive thoughts of compulsive behaviour, we can only attempt to reduce it.
If both CBT and medication are not effective enough you can also consider deep brain stimulation.

You're just a low IQ subhuman that can't figure out how the vibrations of the universe work dude. Not even trolling, just sorry.

Everything from the light on the screen you are looking at right now to the plastic water bottles your drink out of to the GMO food you eat is slowly eating away at you. You need to learn to control these things and free your mind so that YOU are in control of how you feel.

A human that is not in control of how it feels is basically just a talking monkey.

It's the depressive intentional anti-white demoralization, destruction amerikekold culture, but white women even being of the same race of the white male is put on the racial pedestal and don't have their relationship officially demoralized, related to shit, nothing, it's on the official racial point of view of try to low the white male, put the white male in the bottom, support and put white woman on the pedestal, try to please the nigger against the white male.
Years of amerikekold anti-white male racial demoralization, destruction, and the white males only being friend of a nigger on other movie, only being male against other white male,trying to keep racial white women supremacy while the white men were used to be put lowered on the bottom, only the relationship of white men boycotted while trying to support every fetish with white women and using the strategy of shaming the white male only, look at everything racially made by USA

How do you know it was Geodon that was in your drink?

And in light of your psychoses, did you have a diagnosis of Schizophrenia prior to this, or do you have one at the moment? I would appreciate if you could answer this honestly.

Thank you Mr. Occult, but we're not talking universal properties here, we're talking psychology.

>Everything from the light on the screen you are looking at right now to the plastic water bottles your drink out of to the GMO food you eat is slowly eating away at you.
You should see a psychiatrist tbqh

>How do you know it was Geodon that was in your drink?
it was my brothers prescription

>did you have a diagnosis of Schizophrenia prior to this


> do you have one at the moment?

no. I'm not on any medication. I'm fully functioning, athlethic and work full time as a developer

and since we're being honest here, it was LSD not mushrooms. But i know for certain it was the Geodon that fucked me.

>deep brain stimulation
Where would I go for this? I always considered shit like hypnagogic suggestions but I don't know if it's formal or whatnot.

you sound like you need to pop a benzodiazepine or 2

I think it should about how they committed shootings even if they were on antidepressants. Having people on antidepressants might have actually prevented lot more shootings.


Does your brother have schizophrenia?

If you have a genetic predisposition towards psychosis, your taking the LSD may have caused the psychosis. Generally, when you have family under treatment for any psychiatric disorder, it is best to refrain from any kind of recreational drugs, even weed and alcohol.

what about like a great uncle

My hospital does it, but I'm sure there are hospitals that do it in the US as well.
It's a very difficult procedure though, so they don't do it for just anyone.

A bit far, but you might consider refraining from hallucinative drugs in particular (shrooms, LSD). I guess with a relatively weak connection you can drink alcohol though, possibly even smoke some weed every now and then.

Difficult as in the process of getting in or the procedure itself?

Not being able to take a solid shit would piss me off more than those other side effects desu.


I am in full control of how I feel and enjoy life to the fullest.

If that is "crazy", then you should stop being "normal" and become "crazy".

It involves inserting a needle into your brain through your skull, and stimulating very specific parts of your brain that are either overly active or not active enough with an electrical current.

I know this sounds really strange and not like a good idea at all, but the effect and side effects have been thoroughly investigated. Just to give you a general idea of why we don't just do it on everyone. Generally you want to be sure that medication is absolutely ineffective, and that CBT is ineffective as well (even when the patient shows up to every CBT appointment, which is generally one of the downsides of CBT).

If you don't consider yourself hindered in your daily life you don't need to seek help of course, but the idea that everything in your life eats away at you is a delusion. It sounds scary to me to believe such a thing, but if you have no problem living with it there's no real problem of course.

We are talking about a guy who is in so much mental trouble he takes pills everyday to make himself feel better.

I am not the one with a problem, I am the one trying to offer politically incorrect good advice.

yea he does but that's fucking bullshit.

i was fine until she spiked my drink with that shit.

That shit gave me brain seizures and hallucinations that was far than any psychedelic Ive ever had. The ferocity of which caused me to think I was under attack in a war I couldn't see which created kind of a self-created psychosis. You just don't experience point blank gunfire to your dome whenever you try to close your eyes and go about your day like everything is normal. To this day i can still take mushrooms, look at the stars and feel lovely, 10000 miles away from my sister.

If you or your surroundings don't think you have a problem, you don't have a problem. That's how it works in psychiatry, so you don't have a problem.

Please don't stigmatize taking medication though, if it helps people you shouldn't judge them for it.

I don't know the details of course. I don't know your sister, and I don't know your brother. If you trust your brother's story, I am sure you are doing the right thing.
But if you see any connection between prolonged hallucinations and taking mushrooms or LSD, I'd like to ask you to reconsider taking those.
Geodon in too high doses can cause muscle spasms (as the one you experienced with your back), it very often causes headaches, but it generally does not cause psychosis/hallucinations.
You should look for other causes for those problems, and LSD would be a likely explanation.

the way i see it, the psychosis was a symptom of the "exploding head syndrome" or the explosions and gunfire i was hearing when I tried to sleep, which is caused by a seizure in the frontal lobe, which was caused by the Geodon. If Geodon causes muscle spasms in my back it did the same thing to my brain. I only fully escaped the grip of psychosis after I found out that the hallucination i was having was caused by a brain spasm and I wasn't actually a warrior in an invisible war.

Oh fuck I'm on anti-depressants. I don't have a gun though. Should I be worried?

just be aware of the power of withdraw. SSRIs change the architecture of your neurological pathways and arn't full understood. In the "rare" occurrences when they absolute batshit, I'm convinced that's when school shooters happen

So do benzos. I won't touch an SSRI. They work great for some people though. Really its getting the right cocktail.

I understand.
If you are satisfied with that conclusion, I won't try to convince you otherwise.
Just if you keep suffering from psychosis, please don't stop yourself from considering other possible causes as well.
I hope you don't experience any more difficulties though.

benzos did nothing for my panic attacks m8. they help out when you are stressed and you need to relax your muscles and stuff, but other than that they are useless.

SSRI on the other hand are god send

It's the opposite for me, xanax is a godsend and SSRIs did nothing good for me.

Have you tried probiotics for the shits? Fixed me right up.

as long as it's working it's all good m8

i tried xanax, it's a bit stronger than our benzo pills here, but still i was having massive attacks even for something simple as going out to the store, or having to wait up in line at it or at the gym, etc.

after couple of months on SSRI i feel like i could be a normal human being again. i have zero panic attacks when i go out in my neighborhood. so good desu

it actually does in statistically significant portions