Get ready for internet ID and censoring via "hate speech" legislation

Get ready for internet ID and censoring via "hate speech" legislation

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"protections for web users"
I feel SAFE

safety is our number one concern :)

the only thing they could do is try to force big sites to make you register via a driver license to verify yourself.

or have stricter identity checks with your ISP

or an actual login card like they proposed

or anything else they want since now they own the internet


Do you think Americans would stand for having to get an internet Id? Fuck that mess


Anonymity is cancer and brought us nothing but degeneracy.

Yeah this is being done for the wrong reasons but in the end it will stop porn and Internet addiction which is a societal plague.

The only issue I have is this is being done too late and we already have a whole generation of furries and other deviants thanks to the Internet.

says the anonymous faggot

You are a raging faggot, why are you even on an anonymous Malaysian mud sculpting board in the first place?

Why is porn bad? It gives some outlet to inferior men who are hated by women and doomed to die alone.

why you replying to him? Removing anonymity would not get rid of porn

But it would mean everyone would know what kind of porn you're watching.

Possibly but porn is the least of their worries. Why would they get rid of something that keep people complacent?

I don't know. I was just asking that guy why does he think porn is a societal plague. I'm not saying I agree with him that it is and that they will get rid of porn.

oh there it is. bilderberg group meeting was shadowed by the shooting because they are pissed the free exchange of information will fuck up their shit like it alomost did this election cycle

Yes. The past 15 years have shown that Americans will accept anything. The Marxists won.

Really I took the bait to bump the thread, but yeah you don't think they'd use the porn you watch against you when your looking for a job? I don't need people knowing what I jerk it to man, I'm ashamed enough already

Is america also cucked ?

>implying normies would even recognize that I'm watching porn

Seeing as how they want to break the traditional family they would be more likely to celebrate your perversions than condemn them.

never been able to do these :/

what's your IRL name, then? I'm sure you won't mind sharing since you hate anonymity so much.

as for this ruling, this is just another example of old money not understanding new technology. there is absolutely no way to stop anonymity on the internet and no way to control the flow of information at this point in civilization. all that will happen is a black market for anonymous networks will spring up. the authorities can shut them down, but another will just spring up. TOR is a perfect example of why attempted federal control of anonymous networks is a sisyphean venture.


Can't stop ideas with bullets