What does Sup Forums think about Communism?

Not shitty Stalinist Communism, but proper Marxism.

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-3342999,00.html

>their communism didnt work but i promise mine will

Communism will win in the end

could only work in a spiritually awakened species

could work, and does work with ants. we are much more advanced than them though

Neat concept in political theory but completely impossible to properly implement.

Personally I'm a Nationalist

Still shit.


The dialectical science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism will lead the workers to peace and victory

retarded ideology that always fails, yet still finds followers among retards. no surprise there i guess

Communism is shit. It literally comes from satan. It's founders are children of anti-white 'rabbi'. All 'Jewish' roots.

It's designed to destroy civilization and trespass against God and His children.

It's anti-life, and starts at atheism, ergo it's full of anti-Christs. I don't believe there are any communists in heaven.

It has literally no redeeming qualities.

> I don't believe there are any communists in heaven

well theres your problem

What the hell does Hegel have to do with Marx, Lenin or Mao?

Completely incompatible with human nature.

No, it's their problem.

Heaven does exist. The bible is true. Communism is satanism.

All I can do to fight against Communism is forgive the people who have been deceived by the serpent in to trespassing against me by persecuting me and taking away my rights, and murdering me, and also to try to educate people.

Communism starts with atheism. And that's just sad.

All you need to know.

We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish (Israeli Ynet News),7340,L-3342999,00.html

Vladimir Putin said: "80 to 85% Jews in 1st Soviet Government." (Wh en they set up the first commie government, out of the 545 commissars, 477 were Jews and most of the others were married to Jews.)

“Some call it Communism, I call it JUDAISM.” ~ Rabbi S. Wise, The American Bulletin, May 5, 1935. (Judaism is nothing but disguised, camouflaged Communism.)

>Not Stalinist.

Capitalism has produced an unprecedented standard of living within the mere 400 years of its existence. Communism can't compare to the success of capitalism.

>proper Marxism

Doesn't exist anymore than "real Islam" does

Anyway, Marxism is essentially a secular end times cult. It replaces the faithful and the sinners with the have-nots and the haves, and replaces the Rapture with the revolution. The Communist Manifesto is essentially an economic version of the Book of Revelations.

Marxism isn't the only economic religion though. Objectivism is also basically an end times cult, only a free market one instead of a statist one. Atlas Shrugged is another rip off of the Book of Revelations, only this time, good and evil are replaced with the producers and the moochers, and the Rapture is replaced with the collapse of Socialist America and John Galt picking up the producers to Free Market Paradise

I like Mao and his writings to be honest. Some of it is real good. I like him as a leader too even if he did some shitty too.

inb4 "muh famine"

China had a famine every single decade before that for hundreds of years and the communists stopped that. India continued to have famines well in to the 1990s.

Communism is the fairy story tyrants tell morons that can achieve though socialism.

The probably is that the state will never step aside.

State shouldn't step aside, brother. Give people influence? Sure.

Anyone on any side that believe you can abolish the state and have a functioning society is truly delusional.

Marxism = Luciferian

Marxism takes stock from Hegelian concepts of contradictions and dialectics.

Pic related

> scummunism
> proper


> satan

Whoa! Easy there little guy we will get to story time later

You haven't tried my version.

>proper Marxism
It works against human nature, that's why it is bound to fail, as it has.

"proper Marxism" will always degenerate into an oppressive stalinist like shitfest. The soviets actually tried to do what you want but failed miserably. The same was starting to happen in revolutionary spain.

> Heaven does exist. The bible is true.

Well I'm going to need some evidence of this.

>people can't be different from what I say they are

hahahaha ebin

Labor theory of value is shit. From there, all the implications based off of it are shit.

>da joos

>implying it failed

Wonder how well it would've gone for the US had all the world been communist

>it would have worked if we ALL did it at the same time

I have no idea how anyone can think communism is any good except in the most agrarian societies.

>people have to be what I say they are and different kinds of ideologies don't exist


>my special type of communism has not been tried out yet

Fuck you commies. It's not other people's fault that you fucked up your own life

Marxists & the fifth column in general share a sympathy and identify with the paradigm of the "victim culture". It's appeal lies in the denial of personal responsibility and romantic notions of the imagined oppressed overcoming their perceived oppressors.

If socialism so great, there is nothing that can stop u from starting a socialistic business haha. Go on. U r free to do so. Haha let me know how it went!

Stalinism was proper Marxism retard. Every commie shithole got where it did by buying into a meme of a decrepit butthurt kike

>it'll work this time, I promise

Probably. Though I'm not one of those cucks that think Stalin, Mao, Hoxha had "failed" versions of communism, but they did what they had to do when they were under attack.

>crying over degeneracy on Sup Forums
>hating communism
you can only pick one

The USSR achieved a hell of a lot for the world's first socialist state. The earliest attempts at capitalism failed miserably because feudalism was still too entrenched. Communism is the future of mankind, get used to it.

>Hey baby
>That other night when I beat you
>That's not what our marriage is like, baby
That's what you people sound like. There is no philosopher who has been more soundly and completely proven wrong than Marx.



Strawman much


Marxism as a philosophy is 100% correct, I don't know how anyone can dispute that. No matter how much the economy and world evolves the principles he outlined are definitely there.

The problem is how to utilize those principles especially in such a radically changing economy. I think the only political Marxism that could work would require heavy technological advances, enough that the government is forced to provide work/employment for people because so many things can be done with computers.

>world's first socialist state
>Communism is the future of mankind

What does Sup Forums think about shit?

Not shitty shit, but proper shit.

Not an argument

Never worked, the single time they did implement it "properly" (as in Anarcho-communist) it turned the country into a fucking shithole.
We should have nuked them when we had the chance.

>you have to do it my way, you see...

>The USSR achieved a hell of a lot for the world's first socialist state

Well it's easy to achieve something when you enslave your whole population.

there are plenty of "socialistic" businesses, Franz. Don't they have co-ops in Germany?


It would probably resulted in world wide riots.
Sooner or later people would have woken up to the fact that there are countries where the government doesn't dictate what you can and can't have and where you can drink Coca Cola.

Well just checked out your contribution to this thread.


>believing in capitalism

What has Sup Forums become? Do you all just want what you have today but no muslims in your countries?

pic related: every modern day 'communist'

You might be onto something, Ahmed.

Doesnt work, it always end really badly for everyone involved, because no one can be free under "proper communism"

21th century "communism" is even worse
The ideology that theorized "The opium of the people" do not hesitate to ally with radical muslims to get their ways
It also considered thieves and criminals as subhumans who should be eradicated and now defend them as "victim of the society"

Overall you can see that they're trying a new recipe, but with the same rotten core

It's a retarded pie in the sky utopian fantasy

Thus attempts to implement it inevitably fail and produce some mutant political regime, usually authoritarian in nature

Just because capitalism is bad doesnt mean any alternative is necessarily better. Communists need to grow up and realise this essential fact

>hammer and sickle pic

Communism is just a world cancer.

>what has Sup Forums become
>implying Sup Forums has ever been fond of communism


Communism never worked.
Every country it was implemented in failed, is failing, or, adopted capitalism.
Capitalism isn't perfect but it's the best we have.

>That ID
You need to go back.

"The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack"

I think Communism could work properly in theory, but it would honestly be impossible trying to get it to work on a national scale.

Communism requires a community spirit to exist. Think of small villages in the countryside where everyone looks out for each other, or primitive tribes where everyone knows everyone else. For small communities of this size, Communism is practically human nature; everyone will work towards a common goal of improving their lives. If a plane crashed on a deserted island, and there were say 100 people, a Communist society would form very quickly.

On too large a scale, community spirit cannot exist. Past a few hundred or so people, the human mind cannot physically keep records of everyone in the community. On the scale of millions, this community spirit that drives Communist ideology breaks down completely, as you probably know less than 0.01% of the community you're supposed to work for. This causes people to become demotivated, because of the bystander effect. They feel that they do not matter, as everyone will do everything they want for them. They will be able to just lay back and watch everyone else slave away. Since the invention of the city, society has become less and less naturally Communist.

Small Village, Communism good
Big City, Communism bad

>Not shitty Stalinist Communism, but proper Marxism.

>REAL communism is different from communism in practice
>REAL communism hasn't been tried before

Broken record player with 6,000,000 speakers.

>that pic
Isaiah 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

Communism is shit and evil.

Dialectics implies there is a synthesis afterward, not just "muh communism".

And Ireland is still around; the Soviet Union is not.

>what is Holodomor

By "proper Marxism" you mean Trotskism? It's 100 times worse than Stalinism.


Cancer is spreading.

Most of the stuff the USSR achieved was either the result of them stealing it from the west or putting Nazi scientists to work.

All you need to know.

>Not shitty Stalinist Communism, but proper Marxism.

Proper Marxism is shitty Stalinist Communism...And it always will be.

state planning of economy does not work it cannot make good decision and when the state runs everything people do not try so hard because there is no personal benefits to it to they just do minimum. socialism is just idealism not a real thing for human people to really use in reality because it does not give people reasons to do anything in it and it hurts those who want successes

>communist society
>in a pre industrial set

>state planning of economy

>Proper Marxism is shitty Stalinist Communism


state planning of economy is socialism, classless stateless society is communism, marxist hold that to get to one you have to go through the other. discussing socialism has to be part of discussion of communism

>Jews have the highest IQs
>Support communism
Neckbeards on suicide/mass shooter watch

>state planning of economy is socialism, classless stateless society is communism


>marxist hold that to get to one you have to go through the other.


Are you the same Laos guy that was in my thread yesterday? Are you actually a local or a just there ofr work?

what was the thread? i have not seen others posting here i am local. this website is not well known in laos. i know it because i like anime a lot.

i did classes on marxism when i was in school. i read capital and lots of the smaller works as part of it. we had to do discussions on them.

I'd like to see the red square painted with commie blood

It was something about ommunism, i don't reccal very well.

What is life arounf in Laos? Do you live in the capital? Any good stories about your country?

They are really smart, you have to admit. They push for it in OTHER countries so those countries can go to shit while their country remains superior. If Jews are such Marxists, why doesn't Israel have open borders?

N-not, that communism!!!
Not t-that one either!!!!!
Mine! My kind of communism!! Yes!!! It has never been tried!!!!! I swear!!!!! This time everyone's gonna be rich!!!

Jews are also parasites.

was probably me then

life depends greatly on who and what you are, i do and that is to general to answer because it could be anything it is to broad

Communism is the end goal of humanity.

A united Earth. Total Freedom.

>proper Marxism

Socialism promises a utopia waiting behind the destruction of the present social order.

I don't want a united Earth