Would u vote for HilLary if

Would you vote for Hillary if sex from a woman of your choosing was granted,

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I wouldn't vote for Hillary even if I was allowed to fuck you in the ass.


Could I impregnate her as well?

yes, I would


Yes because my state is a solid blue anyways

May as well get something out of it

came here to post >her

>Frauke will never be the mother of my children
What's the point any more?

>Sex from a woman of your choosing
You can get that now either way it's rape whether you take it yourself or someone else grants it to you

Can I say that I would and maybe go door to door, but be able to vote for anyone in the voting booth?

It's not like voting matters anyway, though so what the hell, I'm getting sex from a woman of my choosing.

If you're the type of loser who would trade ANYTHING for sex you deserve the gas along side your shitskin companions. Sex should only be had between two people who legitimately care about each other.

Anything else is pure degeneracy

I already get that.

Yeah, I'd fuck Kendall Jenner.

As a 28 year old virgin that really wants some pussy, no

lol, fucking cuck! Grow a spine.

Hell yeah, I live in Texas my vote wouldn't amount to shit.

I'd make the agreement and I'd get to fuck Merkel and I'd fuck her to death.

ITT: Pathetic fornicators.

I live in MD, so yeah, this.

>Would u vote for HilLary if...

No. Now off yourself for asking such a retarded question.

You guys would vote for the bitch that'll likely start world war III while on the rag about something just to get a little pussy, sad

Ironically, "rape culture" is the first thing Shillary wants to crack down upon

No way, I'd rather her be a feminist martyr.


>Used up black semen filled vagina


Idk about mine tho, NY has been Blue since Reagan, but Trump's got Home Field Advantage

However... Katy Perry is too hot to pass up


no, that is horrible. what kind of monster would propose this?

Is there any other type of cooch in PR?

Be sure to live steam friend

Same as anywhere else in the entire west. I'm afraid

>being coerced into anything for pussy

Mark of a beta or immature man. No pussy is worth your dignity.

Checkmate, Hillary.

Yep. I'd still tell people I voted for Trump and encourage them to. But any woman?
Shit: instagram.com/p/BE7nj7lrr_l/
Of course I would.

I would vote for Hillary if I were granted divorce law immunity, a wife of my choosing, my weight in bit coins, gene therapy and hereditary title to a compound on Elysium.


already fucked your mother OP
but thats ok im still #MentallyHill

If I would tell her I vote Hillary and after sex with her I vote Trump instead would I become a rapist?

Hell yeah, would fug the hell out Chelsea Clinton

Yes im in CA so my vote is waste anyway. Would impregnate a rothschild id take comfort in knowing my offspring would live only to be served by goyim

>virgin spotted

Anyone who would is a cucked faggots with zero dignity

Toastie roastie spotted



What if a campaign actually tried to do this? Would it legally count as prostitution? I mean, it isn't currency thats being exchanged.

Think of all the apathetic voters who don't give a fuck and wouldnt have voted otherwise. Its untapped potential.

No, because 80% of men would choose 20% of the women.
I'm not a cuck like you americans.


Hilary is going to win anyway, so what's one more vote from me and the men who do this? I would then choose a based female of good breeding stock to raise based kids with, thereby winning the long game.


yeah probably


>Implying any real white man would give up his honor for lust of the flesh

>October 2016
>hillary is down two points nationwide

Is she going to be loyal or a gamble?

I'd fuck Shillary while showering us both with a nice canister of anthrax, OP

No. I'd rather the women I have sex with didn't have her cunt mutilated afterwards by sharia law

Pic related?

Women detected

>Campaign promises

Without a doubt.


Nothing is worth destroying our republic over, Ill get much better pussy after Trump gets into office.

No. Selling out our country for individual pleasure is what's killing us in the first place.

If I could hit that titty demon, yeah

How different is your language from German?

No. I am not that cheap.

>say I voted Hilary
>get free pussy
>God Emperor Trump still one vote closer to power

It would work too, because all these shillary cunts are fucking idiots.

>Of your choosing

.....Pretty damn sure I would, famalam.

No, sage


I am voting for hillary regardless of any fantasies. Oh you want to deport 11 million people? Good fucking luck. That alone is enough to disqualify Trump because:
>now law enforcement spends time tracking illegals instead of actually fighting crime
>breaking apart of families many of whom have legal children
>illegal immigrants fulfill roles in society many of it's members do not want (e.g. orange pickers)
Yes, let's create a gestapo guys! huhuhuh wasn't hitler great XDXD?|
Maybe the best way to go about the next 4 years isn't just jamming a stick in the wheel that is already spinning fine, stick with the institutional shill and wait for an actual candidate that will usher America into a better conservative era.

The languages have evolved differently for many centuries.
Germans I believe have an easier time reading Dutch than hearing it, and can generally get the gist of what we're saying.
Dutch people learn German in high school, and I am able to read a book in German without much trouble.
I can get the gist of what someone's saying in German, but I would have trouble making myself understood in the language (beyond basic phrases and a little small talk) because I have been kind of neglecting to study it for the last couple of years.

only If I got to fuck Hillary herself...and have Bill know

Image search your pic

Top result "really really fat girl"

Why is this allowed? Who is that? I kinda remember an album

>If given the chance, men would choose the most desirable women in society
Oh fuck, what an astounding conclusion you've reached.

I'd vote for her over Trump for free
>inb4 I can't vote
no but Trump will still lose

Slide thread guys. I see another anons pointing this out and you should too.


I want to have sex with Hilary.

Pussy is not as important as MAGA

Yes, but only if I could have sex with her whenever I wanted for the rest of my life.

Enjoy your STDs

Why, you offering?

>muh sex

I'd understand if a virgin said yes. Non-virgins should know that sex is not that big of a deal.

Does that offer include 2D women?

Like bill would give a fuck.

Superior taste.


No matter who I'd vote for, the woman of my choosing will never be real


Yea, sure. Not like my single vote will be worth much. I'd gladly take it if I could fuck a girl of my choosing.

>game dev

Mostly yes

No one has been interested in me, and there's no chance of a girl caring about me. That's the problem.

Can it be sex with anime? Because then yes

I've been hearing conflicting stories about that.

Hillary is a straight up dike. Friend's father used to work for USSS during the Clinton years. He tells us that he would hear woman moaning behind Hillary's door when posted. Bill didn't sleep in the same room.

I know he's not bullshiting about the detail, I've seen plenty of pictures and video with him and her both in it.