Do not forget the fact that Japanese Empire did not do wrong in Asia

Do not forget the fact that Japanese Empire did not do wrong in Asia.

Japanese Empire just wanted to expell you White Imperiialists from Our Asia.

Other urls found in this thread:

Japanese Empire just wanted to expell Eternal White Imperiallits a.k.a. the United States of America and The United Kingdom of """""great"""""" Britain

t. Akira on vacation

Japanese Empire just wanted to expell Eternal White Imperiallits a.k.a. the United States of America and The United Kingdom of """""great"""""" Britain

t. Kim jong un living in Brazill

What a colossal cuckold you are, holy shit. Consider suicide.

Japan did everything wrong because they lost the war

What our lord America-sama does and says was, is, and will be the right all the time

Japanese Empire just wanted to expell Eternal White Imperiallits a.k.a. the United States of America and The United Kingdom of """""great"""""" Britain

t. Kim jong un living in Brazill

t. Park geun hye living in Brazil

Watch out for this cunt. He's a sneaky one.

how cucked does he get? he hasnt said anything cuck
dont you like whites made fun of

Fuck you

Why you Americans murdered innocent Japanese people?

You do not have your soul in it?


You alerady murdered and raped innocent Native Americans..

Sorry for not knowing a fact that you whites were created by satan.

now you know

Understand him. I guess he is a Zainichi monkey using Brazil proxy

>korea under japanese rule
>prosperous and united
>korea under american rule
>divided and circumsized

it's safer at least

korea under japan was iraq tier

it is easy to forget now but koreans used to be patriots

Epic bantz.

even before imperial japan they were tributary of chinese dynasties for centuries. korea should had pursued independence instead of becoming american vassal.

yes, and look how well that turned out for North Korea.

learn to history

north korea was simply in sphere of influence of communist wave that came from china. it wasnt an independence movement.

imagine iraqis try to assassinate bush

>korea under japan was iraq tier
t. park kim che

not sure if you really seriously think of it this way. its worse than those if whites wuznt there we'd be kungz notions on twitter. im not offending niggas but saying retarded speculations are just retarded.

why does it matter to you

korea was always iraq tier, even before Japanese rule. Stop with your half-assed knowledge.

sorry i won't bother you again

huh? then why does the narrative that korea wuz like iraq matter to you

Are you from ilbe?

mao killed more chinese then the japanese did anyway

I forgive you son

I just dont like the Japanese rape and killing. Why did japan have to do this to their asian brothers and sisters? Otherwise I would accept japan dominance.


they made the same mistake as hitler in russia. If they came as liberators then everyone would be happy to help them.

Probably you are the smartest Korean
Dunno why CEO of Samsung still let you aren't in them

praise Lemay chef who cooked filthy japs and 'truly' liberate asia from totalitarian state

also Truman chef. his big giant mushroom stew seems so tasty. I want to have a chance to eat it.

nigga, what are you taking about? do you china niggas really believe you dindu nuffin to azns and wuz pure and innocent?

man, you literally tortured killed and slaughtered a bunch of both innocent koreans and their soldiers during korean war. shit like rape wouldve happened many times coz it was a literal shambles. dont pretend like we wuz innocent victimz.

koreans dont bring the story and the history up in public and education coz they are just scared of you and their traditional submissive mindsets to china. but that doesnt mean you dindu nuffin.

Shut up and breed more daughters to suck off our dicks

t. American

we did, spread chemical agents on Chinese or stole tons of treasures from China. even though white is undoubtedly scum who first brought conflict in East Asia, what Japan did cannot be justified.

the expel of white scums was just an eventuality, Japan was intent on replacing themselves with white and ruling other countries.

japanese are so cruel. . .

what da fuk is dis nigga? 50 cent ass nigga? if i was sayin something wrong bout what china niggas did against korean bros as da red flag sayin on the above just come at me, nigga.

i cant believe it, you guys know english :')

Japanese ruling class has been in fact North Korean origins since Meiji Restoration which was what UK/US's plan to hijack Japan.

their primary purpose was to cause civil war in Japan however the plan was failed by the last Tokugawa warlord who realized it and avoided war.

yet Korean minority living in Japan, supported by western imperialists, still on the top in Japan.
while they obey white master, they still wish to protect Korean peninsula, their homeland and recover its territory from China(the reason why Japan supported Manchu 満州).

ordinary Japanese people are nothing to do with them, we are either victim of imperial Japan carried out by Koreans. Abe is typical family of that, he's Korean and strong tie with North Korea.

What are you on?

My family is from former Northern Korean Zaibatsu/Pharmaceutical Conglomerate before WWII and they never had any connections with Japanese ruling class. You are stupid, we hate Japanese

damn these are serious political shills

fuck, this is why int has become fucking hopeless trash

Chinese are cruel, too

>implying Western imperialism in Asia wasn't a good thing

Hitoshi pls




fuck off proxy falseflagger

that being said, repeat after me


Thank you my fellow. I respect Japanese culuture and hisforu

I am from DCinside.

DCinside is a Korean website like 2ch and Sup Forums or Reddit.


조선족 육변기

니애미 조선족들이 육변기로 쓰다가 인육으로 잡아 먹었을 듯 ㅋ

>a chinese man who likes to lie because he is a CCP spy and Mao Zedong worshiper

Japanese Empire was the Empire and Liberator of us Asians. Be proud Asian and stop lying to everyone.

Only White Imperiallists likes you to say that ""Japan did do wrong in Asia"" meme.

t. A Korean man who is a proud Asian and loves the Empire that liberated us Asians from White Imperiallists

Kill yourself Zainichi monkey

Zainichis have to go back to their homeland a.k.a. Gyeongsangdo the Kingdom of Park Geun Hye the quuen of Great Gyeongsangdo.

lol no
japan wanted to play western and be it's own imperialists in asia. Stealing land, resources and killing is not expelling white imperialists. You didn't even touch european or american powers, you piggy-backed off of them until ww2 when you got too greedy and then got btfo'd into permanent cuckdom by USA.

I just don;t know what to say about this absurdity...even we got nuked and still have better intelligence than you guys.
Just because their ancestors did something doesn't mean their descendants are responsible for that shit. Please kill yourself Korean faggot or fucking Koreaboo watever

>be butthurt because asians expelled white imperiallists from their homeland

Really makes me think....

Zainichi monkey stop pretending to be japanese.

Japanese people are smart and you look dumb. I guess you are zainichi because your intelligence

is fucking inferior than average Japanese people

DC 라도 홍어새끼들한테 침식 당했다더니 정말이네
일베에서 분탕치는 것도 모자라서 이제 Sup Forums까지 와서 이지랄하네 시발 진짜 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
전라도 새끼들 언젠가 날 잡아서 북괴 새끼들이랑 같이 핵 미사일 탄두 앞에 놓고 공개처형 시켜야됨 진짜

>be zainichi korean
>be poor in japan
>has low iq
>cannot speak in human language

You are pathetic.

네 다음 조선족

>학력은 고졸
>일본에서 편의점 알바 인생으로 사는 중
>지능은 평균보다 심히 떨어짐
>영어로 말할 지능이 못 되기 때문에 Sup Forums에서도 한국어로 말함

내가 너였으면 자신의 열등함에 부끄러워서 진작에 자살했을 것임.

너도 참 철면피다. 그렇게 지능이 낮아서 인생을 왜 사냐? ㅋㅋ

통구이 새끼한테 적당히 팩폭해라 ㅋㅋ 저새끼 저러다 자살하겠다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

>중졸 경상도 청년
>지능이 낮아서 외국인들이랑 대화도 못 함
>경상도어로 Sup Forums에서 열등감 폭발하는 중
자살하세요 그냥


느금마 보g 김대한 쉐프가 노릇하게 구워서 드심

통구이야 경상도어 말고 영어로 이야기 해

아? 머리 나쁜 통구이라 영어도 못 하는 구나? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Oh wow. Sorry my friend, didn't know that you could speak in human language, since what you are saying is just bunch of fucking gibberish. Also, didn't wanna do the 'english teacher' thing to you, but if you want to say your second sentence properly, it is 'because of your intelligence', not just 'because your intelligence'. Have a good day :D

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ영어로 말해볼까 한번?
i am pretty sure that i'm way better than most of you Korean shitposters here, with a bit of Japanese skill. That makes me multilingual (Korean, Japanese and English). What else can you miserable Kim-jong un cock suckers can do? hmm?

t.일본에서 편의점 알바 중인 중졸 경상도 통구이

제발 Sup Forums 와서 지랄들 하지말고 니들 좋아하는 Sup Forums나/ jp/로 꺼져 제발. 그것도 싫으면 Sup Forums, /r9k/ 이런데 가서 끼리끼리 놀든가. 미친 홍어 새끼들이 이제는 창녀들마냥 해외 진출까지 해서 지랄들이네

t. 흑인 니그로급 범죄민족 강간범 경상도 통구이

경상도 통구이 돼지년들은 성적으로 아무런 매력이 없지 않나요?

나한테 영어로 이야기하라더니 정작 같은 구문만 반복하는 재미없는 홍어분, 영어로 대화하시죠?

It was you guys after all who started this whole shit, right? please, i am really expecting to read your BS in english :D

자살 언제하노 경상도 통구이 게이야 경상도로 돌아가라 이기야 일본인들도 경상도 자이니치 원숭이들은 혐오한다 이기 ㅋㅋ

나 쌍도 사람 아닌데 병신 홍어 새끼들아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ막상 나한테 영어 시켜놓고 내가 진짜 하니까 쫄려서 영어 못쓰죠? 에휴 존 나 한심한 새끼들 진짜 Sup Forums까지 와서 뭣들 하는거냐ㅉㅉ 니들 수준에 맞는 DC 나 오유에서 놀아 물 흐리지 말고 ^^

그쪽이 쓴 영어가 많이 부자연스러우시네요. 머리 나쁘신 거 보니까 경상도 사람 맞으시는 것 같네요.

>implying 경상도 통구이 is Korean

You are not Korean, dude.

can I join this fuckfest

Japan and Korea can never lead asia, only chyna

왜 경상도 애들은 항상 자기 고향을 숨기냐?ㅋㅋ 고향이 부끄러운가? 하긴 나라도 그런 강간범 소굴 출신이면 쪽팔리겠다

크으 그럼 어디 머리 좋으신 홍어 분 영어 실력 한번 보고 싶네요! 얼마나 잘하시는지 한번 보게 뭐라도 써주시겠어요?

For example, let's talk about Loh-moo hyeon, who was one of the former presidents in South Korea. He got involved in corruption issue and ended up committing suicide. What do you think about this issue?

I am 100% that i'm more like Korean than you user. At least we don't consider you fuckers belong to same entity with us.

팩트 - 전라도는 한국에서 가장 못사는 곳이다. 서울에서 가장 못사는 강북땅으로 전라도 촌들을 다 살수있다. 전라도 씹거지들은 삼청교육대에 보내서 패야 답.

광주는? 폭.동이야
폭동군들을 진압해주신 General 전땅크 각하 고맙습니다! 그리고 그립습니다

피떡갈비 부릉부릉~~

경상도 통구이 한 마리가 고향을 숨기네? 니들은 한국인 아니니까 우리나라 내정에 신경 좀 끄고 살아 제발

Please do not pretend to be Korean. You are not Korean, you guys are just Gyeongsangdo monkeys. Go back to your homeland, the Kingdom of Gyeongsangdo muh great and proud queen Park Guen Hye.

진짜 홍어 새끼들 국내도 모자라서 해외 사이트까지 와서 병신짓하는거 보고 부랄을 탁쳐버림...조만간 염전노예도 세계화 해서 다문화 시켜버릴 수도 있음 ㅎㄷㄷ

아아... general 전두환 각하... 그립습니다. 전라도 폭동군들을 땅크에 눌려주시니 영광입니다!

fuggggggg :DDDDDDD

통구이가 왜 한국인인 척 하는 거야? 고향이 쪽팔림? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

OK. First of all, it's 'don't pretend that you are Korean', not 'pretend to be korean' my friend. Secondly, neither your homeland (located on 7'o clock direction of the Korean peninsula) nor Gyeongsangdo deserve to exist. I hope both regions just get nuked and wiped off from the peninsula, but still ssangdo bitches are way better than you jeol-lado cunts. So please, my friend, choke on your own dick and fucking kill yourself, for the whole world's sake.

This tbqh

Gyeongsangdo people are not Korean. They are historically descendants of Mongol invaders who immigrated to Korea during the war.

왜 라도 사람들은 항상 고향 물어보면 숨기거나 화내요? 자기 고향이 부끄럽나? ㅎㅎ

Any source that you found that info?
Also, what's better?: ssangdo bitches, the offspring of mongol immigrants?


Lado cunts: who are mostly descended from criminals and rapers during 19th century in Korea?

>gyeongsangdo monkeys speaking in their shitty monkey language
>always pretend to be glorious Korean

Why do they pretend to be Korean? I cannot understand the reason. Because their country is just shithole and our colony?

Gyeongsangdo monkeys, I am sorry. But my ancestors removed you Gyeongsangdo monkeys because you monkeys commit many crimes in our country.

경상도 애들은 자기 고향 항상 숨기더라

You are right. We Koreans did not do wrong.

>Gyeongsangdo monkeys rape many Korean girls because their Gyeongsangdo female monkeys are fucking ugly and disgusting
>remove rapist Gyeongsangdo monkeys from Korea

>implying Gyeongsangdo monkeys can understand Human language

>trust me! I am not shitty Gyeongsangdo monkey! I am really Korean!!
>no proof

Kill yourself you dumb shit Gyeongsangdo a.k.a. monkeys who likes to eat shit

제발 얘들아...영어 쓸 거면 잘 좀 쓰자...진짜 읽다가 존 나 암걸리겠다

>gyeongsangdo monkeys speak in their shitty monkey language
>always pretend they are Korean

Why do they pretend like they are Korean? i can't understand, cause their country is just a shithole, which we colonized. Gyeongsanddo monkeys, I am sorry, but my ancestors 'killed' (if you use word 'remove' here, it sounds awkward) all you monkeys, because you monkeys had committed many crimes in our country -> then how are those monkeys still alive in Korea? i wonder what your ancestors did :D
>trust me! i'm not 'a' shitty gyeongsandgo monkey! (blahblah)
-> nah dude. We all are happened to be born in Korea, but still everyone thinks that people from jeo-lado should be perished.

홍어들 분탕 열심히 치면서 자딸하렴 저녁이나 먹어야지 이거도 내일 되면 archive 될건데 열심히들 하렴~