How do I defeat her?

How do I defeat her?

learn chinese

with patience and consistent practice

kill yourself and hope you're born japanese, otherwise you're out of luck.

Move to japan?

This OP

Why learn Japanese? China is growing in strength, it will be the language of the future soon. Why the fuck would you learn Japanese

Why the fuck not. Who learns languages exclusively for business? What a shit meme brought up by monolingual retards. If I want to learn Korean just to understand kpop I will do it and there's nothing wrong with it

>Who learns languages exclusively for business

People who want a useful skill

Learning Japanese is the ultimate language meme

japan is one of the biggest economies in the entire world, there's absolutely nothing wrong with learning japanese

People who want to do business in China most likely have other reasons to like China as well. Rarely anybody just learns a language to make money
Japanese is far from a meme, dumb American

why do you hate japan


Zhang please

Who is she? What's the origin of the meme?

She is now in holidays with me

>it will be the language of the future soon

Chi Keung Ho come on this is sad

Just learn japanese. It's a real easy language to learn. Easier than english or french

It really is.. Japan is shrinking.. China is growing

Please take off the weeb googles

I'm not encouraging people to learn Japanese necessarily, but even though you are pushing this really common meme of "Chinese is the language of the future" there is really nothing to gain by learning Chinese from a business perspective. Anybody involved in serious, high-level or even mid-level business deals from China is going to already know English, so it would be an immense waste of time, and Mainland China not only produces nothing in the way of pop culture that is worthwhile but Chinese itself is immensely difficult compared to a language like English which is everywhere and easy as pie for pretty much anybody to learn.

Chinese will take over English.. the west is falling and China is rising. It's only a matter of time.

I'm trying to help you guys

>English which is everywhere and easy as pie for pretty much anybody to learn

Except people who speak languages very different to English.. like Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Chinese..

difference has got nothing to do with it, it's about how much you use english entertainment

finnish isn't an indo-european language and the way english is pronounced is just as gibberish to us

Finnish is nothing like English but Finns speak it as well as a lot of Americans. Aside from that, I think the problem with the people you mentioned is extremely poor or nonexistent English education and/or incredibly insular cultures. Both of these heavily apply to Japan.

China is good for business man.

But I have no interesting in Chinese culture.
Recent China is not good at cultural influence.

Chinese young people watching Hollywood,Anime and K-drama...

just curious, why do these western zhangs always manage to try to make china look bad? ive seen this shit on Sup Forums a gazillion times and nobody is always sold on it and in the end that "chinese is "useful", can make money" pressure turns into a meme in the opposite way of what they wanted to pull off.

people learn what they want. the reason is, in most cases, to dig further into a foreign culture or lifestyle or to communicate with foreign people. aside from business, nobody learns a language ideologically unless you are such diaspora or a chauvinist in a strange way

>nobody is always sold on it
That's because everyone here is a low iq weeb drone

well, you sound like you have some serious conviction but no.
as far as i can see on Sup Forums, the reason is, simply, china doesnt produce anything worth playing. thats the reason. simple as that.

poles have made some remarkable games, people actually enjoy it, love it, and such simple things cause people to learn a foreign language, respect its culture. even though poland is still a developing and politically a unstable country, they actually get the kudos.