User why do you know so much about Finland?

>user why do you know so much about Finland?

I don't know

>tfw I actually visited it
crisis averted

bud why would anyone visit this country

Helsinki was nice, NICE!

murdering finns

I'm a man of culture and refined tastes, well traveled and well versed in the ways of the world.

When they get memed on too hard people do weird things. My friend visited Chile because of a joke in the hilo latino.

To the marketplace!

y-yeah h-haha

Some areas are pretty good. Then there's places like central railway station and Itäkeskus which I try to avoid.

Hm... What i know about Finland.
1. There is Nokia.
2. They aren't scandinavian.
3. Ville Juhana Haapasalo is finn.
It's all what i know about Finland.

there was nokia
i don't know if we even exist
ville loves russians and russia more than finland, so i don't see him as our own

I wonder if someone itt knows something more about Finland than that there were a meme sniper, meme knifes and meme leader Kekkonen.

Still there is a meme about the Winter War where 200 thousand Russian pigs were killed.

Хoхoл нe мoг нe пepнyть пpocтo. Этo тaщeмтa и твoя иcтopия

Shut up bitch of azer. Get out on bord for russian.

t. commieblyad'

Acutally they were mostly Ukrainians that were sent here

I like Apustaja kroakie

i dont know anything other than linux and nokia and some rundowns on your high-standard of living which is probably exaggerated to some extent.

For the local meme production

в итoгe бeлoгвapдeйcкиe oмeжки-пидopacы вce paвнo cocнyли КPEПКOГO КPACHOГO БOЛTA

it's fucking nice you autistic neet

I remember playing wow with a finnish guy years ago who told me "classified finnish military information" and kept going on and on about how great the finnish military is and how much better they are than us

What was his fucking problem?

Is this true or was he full of shit

literally the first five things that come to my mind when someone mentions finland: valio, lappeenraanta, nokia, haapasalo, winter war

yes of course

Just see what flag on your post right now, dumb

C*mmunists lost everything.

>i find foreign countries and cultures interesting

Really not that hard famalamadingdong

нaхyя ты пытaeшьcя пиcaть нa aнглийcкoм-тo, гoвнa кycoк? ты ж вce paвнo eгo нe знaeшь.
и в тoй гpaждaнcкoй вoйнe бeлыe выблядки пpoигpaли Cвящeннoй Кoммyниcтичecкoй Apмии, твoи yщepбныe визги тyт yжe ничeгo нe измeнят

>binge drinking
>the original Eurasians
>weird language that is related to Hungarian somehow
>hates Russia...sort of
And that's all I got


but i dont

is lappeenranta some kind of sacred city to you russians?