Why do atheist movements always turn into SJW cults and implode?

Why do atheist movements always turn into SJW cults and implode?

Atheism is literally autism

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Because Atheism does not have a set of belief systems and borrows it's morality from a general consensus. Which can be viewed as wrong and then changed. Which is why it is so easy to hijack and use for any political purpose.

Because atheists are vulnerable to demons. Demons quickly obsess their minds and turn them into SJW-jihadists or open satanists. And besides, despite their autism, they really desire to get laid with SJW chicks.


Religion is a spook, comrade

Just say /thread you fucking mongoloid. Get out of here with your shitty ass acronyms I'm sick of this shit.

>hooded spoopy anarchshit

Cringe to the max

Sure-sure, why are you using satanic star as your main symbol then? And why are you believing in "equality"?

anarchists and gobbuminisismists portrayed as anything besides a dumpster fire, got me to giggle a bit




>Believing in a magical illution of salvation and inmorality backing you up is normal and healthy.

How are we autistic when you believe in something you have no evidence of it's existence?

Soviet scientific atheism didn't turn into SJW cult.

because SJWs take things people are enjoying and fuck the, up.

that's wh atheism and gaming and movies and whatever else your hobby is.

they're even doing it to Christianity. look up "the christian left" and prepare to cringe

Jesus existed. All of the evidence points to a global flood actually occurring. Nazareth was a real place. But most of all, we just know.

I agree, anarchists are pretty fucking cringey

Exept, you are wrong.

Atheism is just not having a belief.

It is not a cult, group nor anything of the sort that wishes to "disprove" your God.

I am just asking you for evidence.
Since YOU have to burden of proof.

Atheism is still a belief.


That's just the cop out atheists make because they are cowards who can't defend their beliefs.

>all evidence points to a global flood

They believe god is not real with no evidence but also there is no evidence god is not real, so its literally cancer.

what? your comment has nothing to do with my comment.

i'm talking about how sjws fuck up whatever they can, not about whether there's god.

What are you talking about? Atheism is saying "There is no god" It's not asking for your opinion, and if an atheist ignores you when you try and make them christian it's because you're annoying or weird.

It's not a belief in a god or gods.

>not being apatheist


Jesus is a name, and that report has been debunked long ago.

There is literally no evidence of such flood. And all scientific facts do point out that its stupidly unlikely for any of the events to have happened.

And, you'll have to present some legit proof of what you believe in is real, bexause you say it's real.

The only way to get rid of the burden is to admit that you have no idea that God exists and you are convincing yourself that he does to avoid consequences of your faults and have a very doubtful moral standard for life.

Aka, Killing people that do not share your beliefs, homosexuals, misthreat women, bash science and have a position of power ovwr others.

You are literally fooling yourself to have power.

user, i can help you.
You are not alone.
I know you are insecure and you need to feel safe, we can talk this over.

I felt the same as you, but i want to live my life as best i can by my own effort and faults.

You don't have to hate anyone anymore.
You do not have to fool yourself anymore.

There's no proof Jesus was a real person.

There is some vague proof that the earth was covered in mostly water at one point, but no real evidence of a flood the way the bible puts it.

Atheism actually correlates with autism and by extension an inability to understand complex metaphors or philosophical ideas.

Atheists actually made me believe in God. All you have to do is look at their shitty lives. It's really all the proof you need.

>Jesus existed.
A person having a common Hebrew name lived in that region and had a following like a lot of other people did back then when messiah cults popped up all over the place. Nobody's denying that.

>All of the evidence points to a global flood actually occurring.
Where's that stone layer we could observe all over the planet that speaks of such a thing happening at the same time?

>Nazareth was a real place.
So was Troy, that doesn't mean stories referencing the place are automatically true in every aspect. Otherwise you'd be worshipping Zeus.

>But most of all, we just know.
Not an argument.

Because atheists are more likely to be leftist and are already a somewhat fringe group making it easy for tumblrites to fit in.

Exactly. The faggot I was replying to was saying that atheism is "a lack of a belief" in a pathetic attempt to avoid the fact that burden of proof lies on the person making a claim.

>There's no proof Jesus was a real person
Please find one accredited historian who in a peer-reviewed work of historiography has suggested that Jesus didn't exist.

Math and Science are more important anyway.

>philosophical ideas

you mean like being teleported to another dimension where you live with all your friends and family forever?

maybe its just my autism that finds that fucking retarded

Plenty of atheists that lead great lives. Don't be ignorant.

More like reject emotions that support an idea with no substance.

Find me evidence that Jesus exists, show me the burden of evidence, and then ill attempt to debate with you about it.

Good luck.

LACK of belief. None.

Because non-austist atheists don't proselytize

>All of the evidence points to a global flood actually occurring.
>But most of all, we just know.

I mean in general, to say most atheists arent miserable fuck is denying reality.

Why would I need evidence to show god has no evidence?

If you claim he exists, you instantly have the burden of proof.

>Says there is no God
>Repeatedly butts into the conversation of religious threads like Christianity general
>Lack of belief
will this meme never end?

(Citation needed)

God has no evidence of what?

There are christians dying of hunger in your streets right now.


Um, that's a generalization and it's not true at all, do you know how dumb you sound?

>most people who browse Sup Forums are miserable.

No, that's not true

>most people who play video games are loser virgins

nope...not true either

see where this is going?

They somehow think that in currentyear in the west it is cool and rebellious to be an atheist but don't notice that most people around them are atheists too.

I'm saying there is no proof Jesus -ever- existed. Please show it to me, i'm not saying that to be confrontational, i mean PLEASE show it to me.

Nobody gives a shit if you believe or not, however, you are the one who made the claim that he doesn't exist, therefore the burden of proof lies on you.

Self delusion and removing responsibility for your status in life reduces stress. Intellectual homesty is hard and stressful.

Your argument is a fallacy, which illustrates my point. Being happy doesn't mean your right.

Only in Amerifat.
Atheists are useally quiet normal here in Scandinavia.

If he says God does not exist, that's HIS claim.

Atheism is the lack of belief.

And you still do not have evidence.

Well, you guys follow a doctrine and a baseless belief.

I have not said God doesn't exist.
Well, the chrsitian God does not exist.

But there could be someone far greater than us up there somewhere.


Who knows?

Come on man, we can help each other go thru this life without fooling outselves with false power and hatred.

because atheism is a religion that attracts the worst of the worst










You need evidence something is real before you can disprove it. You're committing logical fallacy Evidence of absence you moron.

You cannot prove nor disprove unicorns either.

Ok then what do you say to an agnostic?

Called the cretaceous layer you dumb dumb. Present on every single continent.

>Asking Christians to prove God exists
>Asking atheists to disprove God's existence
It's an esoteric kind of meme by this point.

New Atheism was swallowed up by feminism several years back, remember elevator gate? Leftists like to absorb other progressive positions into themselves and warp them further to the left. Then they wear them like badges.

That said most atheists who aren't just bandwagon leftists don't identify themselves in general, we only bubble up into the general awareness every once in a while.



What are you doing?


>MFW zero evidence of a great world flood.
>MFW Noah's Ark would be structurally unsound
>MFW Two of every animal on earth managed to get on board.

>States Atheism is a belief system
When will this meme end?

Why would I be miserable? We have so much to explore and understand. Sure, I will die one day, but i'm not going to delude myself that I'll live in eternal happiness.

atheists are religious just like neo puritan sjw's

>Demons quickly obsess their minds and turn them into SJW-jihadists or open satanists.

I'm really lucky in terms of what targeted me during my atheism phase.

Atheism is, and will always be a belief.
Agnosticism is a lack of belief, and even then most "Agnostics" are just cowards who don't want to state their real beliefs to avoid conflict.

It's not a religion, a religion requiers a deity in which to belive.

/r/atheism is one of the saddest places on earth. I almost rather Sup Forums or /r9k/

It isnt entirely unreasonable to say some intelligence started the universe somehow, since we have no real explanation for why anything exists.

bunch of biased articles and wikipedia sources about a legend.

Can you begin to use English to explain why these articles prove Jesus existed?

Google.com can generate just as many articles saying the opposite.


Atheists are autistic for the same reasons religious people are autistic.



You don't know anything about anything apparently.

Tacitus, Josephus, The Gospels

But you're fighting a losing battle. Literally no historian supports the Jesus myth theory. It's been discredited for hundreds of years. Mainstream thought is just playing catchup with academia.


It's not unreasonable to say that your belief is unreasonable either.

Neither of us are being unreasonable, it's a pointless debate, the existence of a god is a personal choice. There's no facts.

I'm actually stating that I don't give a shit if you believe or not, and if you are ever going to truly win an argument over religion, which means convincing the other person, you need evidence of your own.

Agnotism is be oblivious of the existenxe of a God.

And Atheism is the lack of a belief in God.

Agnostics are Atheists.

Read them. Virtually every historian in the world will tell you Jesus of Nazareth was a real person. Even skeptics.

>smithsonian is biased

Just read the articles. I don't need to justify anything further to you. If you would deny scientific fact because of where it is written you are a dishonest retard and are biased yourself.

No, you obviously cant say either for certain, so being committed to one is absurd. Agnostic

Those were written 200 years after Jesus died.

There are plenty of historians that don't believe in Jesus. I don't really know where you get this idea that historians believe Jesus was fact when there is literally no credible evidence, but it's patently false to make that claim.

>Ship built with modern supplies and tools.
>Hurr durr don't know anything.

I'll dent scientific fact because of where it is written.

Cool story you illiterate underage baboon.

Except for the fact that most Agnostics know about God, heck basically everyone on the planet does.

People started calling themselves agnostics to distance themselves from the cancer that is atheism.

Atheism is a religion just like Christianity they just replace god with science

Faggot that shit cant hold 2 of every animal and it doesn't prove a global flood.

There's no winning an argument about or over religion. It's a personal choice, but don't get delusional thinking there are facts here.

Atheism is just as real as your choice to believe in a super saiyen. I don't discredit either and i don't care to try and convince you because theres nothing to convince you of.

Atheists can also know about the differwnt Gods.

They just so not believe in them.

Agnostics do not know if a God exists or not.

We can't even reconstruct the pyramids. They were built before the Ark.

You are a special kind of idiot.

person post sources

Atheism is a religion like chastity is a sexual position.

>denies the overwhelming scientific evidence that disagrees with him
>calls other people retards for not falling for his Christian """science"""
Sounds about right


But it can. They had replicas of animals made. No, the cretaceous period does.

>plan on building a wall
>doesn't filter mexican tripfaggots

Are Americans the biggest cucks ever?

pretty arrogant that you can't see your ideology as religious. Religion is thoughts of life and death imo.

If those were science journals then they couldnt name themselves after creationism because that means they can never accept creation being wrong.