Latest 'Asian' rape gang in the UK

>Fifteen men who "systematically" groomed and sexually abused teenage girls in Halifax have been jailed.

>They were convicted of child sex offences including rape, grooming and trafficking during three separate trials at Leeds Crown Court.

>The main victim in the case was 13 years old when she was first abused.

>In total 25 men were charged. During the trials four defendants were cleared by a jury while three others were acquitted on the orders of the judge.

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I'm shocked at how little of a fuck people give about this.

>see post
>check flag

Sounds about right

You Brits have such a weird definition of "Asian" even if it's arguably technically correct.

It might do you well to be slightly more specific considering how large Asia is.

There's literally nothing to fight or live for anymore.

Fuck this shit-stained island.

>Boomers and leftists will defend this.

how do you groom a white teen? i see no possible, under-the-radar way unless you marry a single mom with a daughter

oh fuck me this isn't Rotherham, this is actually new

>He thinks they're not being vague on purpose

they give them free alcohol and drugs

Rotherham is old news.

I know it, I thought it was just a rehash thread


Finally, time to update the list

I'm sure there are many more

Rochdale sex trafficking gang convicted in 2012
Rochdale sex trafficking gang convicted in 2016
Derby sex gang
Oxford sex gang
Bristol sex gang
Telford sex gang
Peterborough sex abuse case
Banbury sex gang
Aylesbury sex gang
Keighley sex gang

More fuel for Britan shattering of the EUs chains

Since they finally 'exposed' the previous governments cover up, there's a huge backlog of these cases to filter through for the next few years. So it may look like this is a on going problem (which in some cases it might, pedophiles are pedos), this government is actually dealing with these criminals and putting in place protections at child services (i.e., kids whos parents weren't deemed fit to look after them).

Luckily are prisons are really shit compared to European ones.
>INB4 no chemical castration
>INB4 they should be hanged.


If they are asian then any white dude in the UK is african because at one point their ancestors walked from there.

Because the guardianistas don't care, they hate you proles.

It is shitty what is happening to these children but fuck you guys did this shit to yourself. Colonize half the world, make a bunch of enemies and lose control of it all.

> Colonize half the world

Shame they stopped them from dying you dumb nigger.

ooga booga

>Finally, time to update the list
>I'm sure there are many more
cant wake up


> government sponsored enrichment taskforce
> rape gang

Try again, bong

I think there is a pattern here...

In our prisons, pedos will often get shanked or fucked over so they have to live in seperate wings, is it the same there?

I care Mr. Anglo

quit being racist

It's like a franchise.


>Colonize half the world

Fucking white people uplifting the planet turning shitholes into worthwhile places people can safely live

it never ends, does it?


White guilt and the doublethinks that come from it are a mental illness

Pretty much, they've just had to pump a lot more money in recently as the tory cuts hit prisons pretty hard which led to a large spike in violent assaults, rapes and suicides.

Didn't cut enough if you ask me, the South Americans are at least better than the West at 'running' prisons imo.

It is here in the states. Chomos in the pen tend to wind up with an ass full of cum and a shiv in their gut so they have to be given separate cells from genpop

Those bloody orientals!

These parents just let their children walk around all willy nilly. Thanks to a thousand years of uninvaded peace, they've developed astonishing levels of trust, safety and naivety.

German Cuck.

You must love hearing stories about the British bombing German civilians too. Cuck.



Better that they're classified as Asian than like in the US where they'd be classified as White

Yeah but then you wind up with some Patel trying to tell you he's """Asian."""

I'm just saying let's not use terminology that's too broad if we need to say we're somehow actually not all the same after all.

>cluck cuck cluck
Are you impaired?



Violent crime rates among actual Asians in the west are fucking nonexistent

that's a new pic


In germany they always talk about "südländisches Aussehen" when they talk about the muslim rapists

(südländisch refers to people that have an italian look)


In Canada, people from the Indian subcontinent are called "South Asians," Mongols, Chinese and Japanese are called "East Asians" while Vietnamese and Cambodians would be calle "Southeast Asians."

jesus tapdancing christ

>In total 25 men were charged. During the trials four defendants were cleared by a jury while three others were acquitted on the orders of the judge.

why is Sup Forums ignoring this

Nothing makes me sadder than this... nothing... it just makes me want to die. when we leave the EU these pieces of shit aren't going anywhere are they? Jesus Christ I can't imagine what it's like living in the cities and towns this takes place. I'm far removed in a white town and it still makes my heart sink

Guess I'll go back to role playing being British as if there is a British identity anymore... right lads?

Because this is normal for the UK and not shocking anymore

come on lads no need to kill yourselves it's not that bad

here are some positives about being british:

Free drink, free weed, free kebabs.

Everyone here knows that 'Asian' means pakis so it really isn't working for them.

>Pakistan isn't in Asia
American education

When I was in grade school they tried to tell us that actually we weren't even going to use words like Asia anymore because it's really all just Eurasia.

They also said everybody at the UN would be speaking Esperanto and that global cooling was going to kill us all within a few decades. So.

Not Muslims, about half of our prisoners are Muslims and they stand together regardless of the crime. In fact it's quite common for rapists and child molesters to convert to Islam inside for protection.

does that mean the girls did it willingly?

why is there never any community backlash?

why don't you go out and burn down their neighbourhoods or discreetly stab a few of them and run off

sure there is a chance you could get caught but considering they can't even catch pedophile gangs it's probably incredibly small.

I know in canada 50% percent of murders are unsolved and you have to remember how many murders are just so obvious like a man killing his wife or a stabbing by a nutter.

Discreet murders are seemingly easy to do so why does the community always choose to do nothing.

I mean for gods sake in rothertham they raped 1400 girls and brits collectively did NOTHING


remember what happened in australia when only 2 girls got raped? It was pandamonium, white gangs were savagely beating muslims in broad daylight.

What is it in particular that makes the british act so weak and emasculated.

When you do nothing it encourages them, it makes them think allah is endorsing their actions by blessing them.

Hey remember when it was constant international outrage when that one drunk twat dry humped a drunk girl at a frat party?

There is a chance that some of them might have yes. Or at least it starts off willing (albeit to drunk to really be aware what's going on) most of them change their mind when they realise Mohammed expects her to also have sex with his 20 cousins.

Get one addicted to drugs and then she'll do whatever freaky shit you want to get a fix.

Media cunts.

I'm a paki and I don't understand why whites get so mad when we call ourselves Asian. Pakistan is in fucking Asia it is not Middle Eastern fucking deal with it cumskins you don't get to change geography so you can adjust your oddly specific racism

It's coming home?

well noone was really outraged by that, only the media.

the working class didn't really care.

but this is something working class brits SHOULD care about, this is something they should react violently to.

If this happened in most American, and I think in Canadian cities their would be violent backlash.

The police arrested a french-canadian guy here after the paris attacks who was planning a revenge attack against muslims.

Raping 1400 girls seems to me to be the most vile act that could be perpetrated, the most reprehensible thing in the eyes of the public. But it seems that only americans and canadians think rothertham was vile, brits seem to shrug it off as just a bad occurence.

Is pedophilia and rape not seen as reprehensible in the UK unlike in North America?

Brits don't seem to cherish young girls and their innocence the way we do.

Scary thing is look at the amount of these gangs we have exposed in the last few years and only in England. Makes you wonder what is going on all over the continent

>I'm a paki and I don't understand why whites get so mad when we call ourselves Asian
the problem is that britain doesnt have a japanese problem or a korean problem it has a middle eastern savages problem which the word asian while technically correct tries to hide

Asia is a completely foreign word to Sinoids, why should it even apply to them?

It's not so much the whites, British Sikhs are pissed as fuck about being associated with this. They say name them Pakistani/Bangladeshi Muslims

Nah it's PC bollocks. You're Arabs or Muslims and should be called as such.

>oddly specific racism

So you think it's "oddly specific" the we view a race of gentle, integrating, hardworkers in a better light than a race of violent, pedophile, fast food workers.

Why do you think it's so odd? Do you not realize that the reason the pakistanis are admired by absolutely noone is entirely from your own actions?

there are literally hardly any middle easterners in the UK. Pakistanis are ASIAN not Middle Eastern. Britain does not have Egyptians or Saudis or Israelis or Yemenis, people who are actually middle eastern. The word Asian isn't hiding anything, it's a specific description. there also is literally nothing wrong with Pakistanis in general, just a few bad people doesn't make us all bad. How would you like it if I called you a Nazi just because you are German?

working class white British people are honestly stupid, they'd just go to the pub, get drunk, and shout things at people on the bus and then tell their mates that they are taking England back. I don't think they have the mental capacity to organize or plan anything

People like Jo Cox are ultimately responsible.

I think there should be a violent backlash, but even when they find a pedo rape ring operated out of the football program at Penn State, most people get more upset about the football program than the pedo rape.

I don't get it. Kind of like how people throw a fit if somebody overcharges them by $5 but couldn't care less about the banking system literally jewing them out of their life's savings while also running kiddie rape, terrorism, and drugs.

British Sikhs are closer to Pakistanis than anyone tho. My granddad was born in Amristar, every other Pakistani has a culturally Punjabi background so we get on with Sikhs pretty well. If I see someone with a turban, I can always count on them to know Punjabi, can't say that about Hindus or Bengalis

There is literally nothing Arab about us dumbarse. Arab countries speak arabic. Pakistanis are not genetically, culturally, or linguistically arab. It would be like calling you a japanese person because you live on an island, that's how stupid you sound.

What do you have against fast food workers? And we have done nothing wrong really most of us are nice

>there also is literally nothing wrong with Pakistanis in general

this is an asian

>Pakistanis are ASIAN not Middle Eastern
>How would you like it if I called you a Nazi just because you are German?
natsoc is an ideology the middle east is a geographic description all pakis are middle easterners by definition
>there also is literally nothing wrong with Pakistanis in general
why do i have to discuss your countrymen raping british children and getting away with it for years on a ugandan holocaust denial symposium

Your usage of Asian (chinky people) is no less arbitrary.

and part of the reason I know you don't know anything about us is you can't get a single basic fact about pakistanis correct. no pakistani is middle eastern for example. if you believe they are, you don't know anything! so how can you be racist against a group you don't even know what they look like or where they are from? It's genuinely confusing to me.

may as well call Russians "Asian."

you should either identify as persian, arab, paki, mudshit or whatever else is in there. "asian" refers to gooks, japs & chinks.
southeast asian refers to thai, viet, flips
asian does not refer to finns or russian unless you're talking about the mongol types.

You brits better get it together or this is just going to keep happening and happening

>thinking anything a dirty, stinky inbred subhuman does is of enough consequence to get us mad

>natsoc is an ideology the middle east is a geographic description all pakis are middle easterners by definition

Germans are Scandinavian by definition because they touch Denmark. There I can use your stupid logic too. Go on Google Maps right now. Look at the Middle East. Now look at Pakistan. They are in different fucking places dumbass! Pakistan borders China and India. Are they in the middle east too?

>why do i have to discuss your countrymen raping british children and getting away with it for years on a ugandan holocaust denial symposium

why do I have discuss your countrymen killing millions of jews and getting away with it on a literal holocaust denying forum

asian refers to pakistani. I'm not going to change the definition because someone is too stupid to understand basic geography.

cumskins don't make me mad either its just confusing

>we have done really nothing wrong.

This thread is about how pakistanis have child rape gangs in every major city in the UK

how can you say you have really done nothing wrong?

Even if only a few dozen guys are involved with these rings that's enough the a sizeable chunk of the community has to know they are going on but doesn't care enough to do anything about it because all the victims are white.

It's a sizable enough portion of the pakistani community that pakistanis as a whole can be blamed for it.

And Pakistanis as a whole should be punished for it. The police won't stop the rape gangs, The working class british need to attack the pakistani community every time one of these attacks happen so the community has an incentive to report them when they spring up.

A little blood for blood
blood is understood universally
blood has always stood.

you are a filthy mudshit middle easterner
why do you deny it?

Pakistan is on the Indian Subcontinent. You're basically an Indian who turns out to be a camel jockey on closer inspection.

Asia is not a country. it is a huge fucking landmass. you're not asian, you are a paki mudshit. embrace it

Alright. Israel is an African country now because it touches Africa. Is that how this logic works? If Pakistan isn't Asian, then surely Israel isn't Jewish? They touch Africa! Oh and the US is a Latin American country. Because they are Christian. Pakistan is Muslim so it is Middle Eastern, the US is Christian so it must be Latin American. Same logic.

I'm shocked no one has assaulted, maimed or lynched these savage (((Asians))), they are either specifically grooming extremely vulnerable girls with despicable parents or the UK doesn't give a shit.

Can you imagine what 9/10 people would do if this happened to their daughter/niece/or acquaintance daughter? Yet there have been no reprisal against these parasitic Paki's.

"Mongol type" doesn't refer to us either, because it doesn't make any sense. We are genetically closer to Ethiopians than to Chinese.