Post yfw

>post yfw

How does he get takeout?

Amazon drones.

One ring to rule them all

He lives on a volcano because he's evil and stuff, y'know?

It's a giant "Fuck you!" to Obi-Wan, because he has the high ground now.

from his point of view

Why do people care about where he lives so much?


>Lord Vader, I've built you a castle

>on Mustafar

some castle, it looks like a router antenna

>Sheev forces Vader to live on the planet where he got fucked up

probably because it's stupid.

It probably also is a router antenna.
Sheev is the master-troll of the Star Wars universe. Making Vader a brooding-castle on the same planet he got maimed is entirely within his character.

Still, I would have preferred they saved Vader for the very end. Pic related is MFW.

It's actually Sheev fucking with Vader.

Is that a lava waterfall? Does it have any purpose other than LOOK HOW EVIL I AM

yes, thats plain silly in comparison to previous movies and doesnt really fit their tone. for example remeber this old creepy guy living in an evil tower on a thing literally called Death Star? yeah, that was really serious, not cheesy like lava castle.

It probably bothers Vader for the exact same reasons. Do you seriously think he was the architect? Every aspect of that castle is a "fuck you bitch" from Sheev to Vader.

Darth would probably like to live on a nice temperate planet or something. Anything but sand or lava.

Thermal power station, heating bills are expensive mate.

>Thermal power station
But I thought Sheev already had unlimited power

Can one of you faggots post the pic of what it looks like in the movie? Don't pretend some of you haven't watched a shitty camrip.

Literally mfw

Sheev doesn't give a shit

He wants him to suffer, because suffering powers the Dark Side. If he REALLY wanted to hurt him, he'd have him live on Jakku. Even Tatooine has less sand than Jakku.

Sheev is more subtle than that. Every year, the Empire has a mandatory beach volleyball tournament.

Death Vader living on mustafar in a black castle was part of the artwork in the original trilogy but never made it in film. So it's not a Disney only addition.
Idk why they didn't realize a castle looks outta place. Could have just been a normal building on Lavaland



>being a master of evil magic
>not living in a fucking lava castle

You guys are so fucking boring.

That's just his winter home. The rest of the year he spends here. He makes most of his evil plans while he walks a nearby garden path.


darth vader is a completely overrated villain and the only people that care about him are man children that refuse to move on from their past

>make movie about rebels getting death star plans
>little screen time for darth vader
>vader ends up being the most interesting and best part of the movie

really made my head spin

I liked the nuclear devastation symbolism.


what a great opinion

> really made my head spin

That's a good trick

is the sheevspin the most OP ability in any fictional work?

I would've preferred it not to be a castle, but I do like the idea of Vader setting up shop on Mustafar as a big fuck you.

Another unnecesary fuck you from Disney to the EU as it was well established that Vader had a castle in Vjun.
A planet with acid rain.
It appered in a novel of Yodo and Dooku, in Jedi Academy and the Dark Empire comic.

In my mind Disney Star Wars is a spin-off and everything else is the actual canon.

Can a volcanic planet have acid rain lol? Even in your pic it looks pretty red.

Same here, I imagine myself watching a movie of dark empire, kotor, dark lords of the sith, kotor.

Well it was green in the game and the name was Vjun, not Mustafar.

Also Mustafar was in the outer rim I think, that's why the confederation choose it to hide in.
No reason for Vader to be that far away from Coruscant.
It doesn't make sense.

The thing is there are hundreds of planets of the EU they could use instead of making new ones.
Even in the 7th movie they made up that coruscant rip off, didn't even gave it a name in the movie.
Could've been Koros Major, Taris or Chandrilla but no, they had to make Hosnian Prime just to blow it up.


Vader lives on a desolate lava planet because that's where he was born and hate provides him a shroud against the light side of the force. Anakin grew up on a desert planet but fell in love with a temperate planet. Luke grew up on a desert planet but would later find himself on swamp/temperate planets.

Vader betrays the Emperor just because he still loves his kids. If he spent all his time lounging around on soft planets he would have probably defected a lot sooner.


then when they don't include anything from EU/previous movies people will whine about it being ignored
i'm not saying you're wrong but there's literally no way to win in this case


The first planet could've been Dantooine.
Jedda could've been Ord Mantell.
Eadu could've been Kamino.

How fucking new are you?

You type like you just came from tumblr or some shit. Go back there.

I don't get what you mean.
Why would people be angry?
There's no reason to made up new planets or aliens in each movie when there are hundreds in the EU that still didn't appear in a movie.

His castle must have great heated pools and jacuzzis

>live on volcano planet alone and totally isolated from anyone else
>have to get on a starship and travel parsecs away every time you need to meet with anyone or get anything

This is the equivalent of working in Alaska and living in Idaho and needing to take a special flight every day to get to work.

exctly, mustafar is too far away

It is a volcanic planet though, he will be safe there.

like those Trade Federation chinks were?


They're trying to show that Vader and the Emperor personally involving themselves in the activities of the Imperial Army is a really big deal. The Emperor primarily does politicking in Coruscant, and Vader primarily just broods on his lava planet bathing in bacta. I'm sure occasionally he's fed information and sent out to slaughter random Jedi, but for the most part he doesn't do anything. Technically, I don't think Vader is even a part of the official command structure. He's just a really powerful, deadly, personal friend of the Emperor.


>Vader had a castle in Vjun. A planet with acid rain.

that's even more retarded than living on a lava planet

Pretty sure there are a few novels and comics that show Vader's crazy antics. I think they may be set AFTER the Death Star 1 gets blown up though.

>vader spends the vast majority of his time in a bacta tank not doing jack shit.

...and this is supposed to be a better explanation how?

>Kills his wife, loses his best friend and father figure, is mutilated, and burned completely all on the same planet
>is so fucking hardcore that he builds his castle right in the middle of lava, probably the exact place where he was burned alive

Hardcore as fuck.

>I don't think Vader is even a part of the official command structure

He Isn't. He exists as Sheev's enforcer and his primary role was to exterminate all Jedi, then he found out he had a Son and diverted billions of credits towards his obsession of meeting him.

he's a sith lord he ain't gotta do or explain shit

it's not cause it's hard to get in

shut up, Idaho is great

I am a black girl living in Idaho and no its not. People in Idaho are fucking racist.

>I am a black girl

I never said it wasn't, famalam

So get the fuck out. Literally nobody likes nigresses. Not even negro men


fuck off our Idaho, nigger

>Not even negro men
Why would they when white women throw themselves at them?

post navel, nigger


I don't like black guys so it does not matter. I like my men white. So could care less about black guys not wanting to fw me.

And white guys I meet on tinder would say otherwise :)
No I got my first real job here. Though I do plan to leave because it is a depressing shithole. Just need some job experience then I will leave.

There is literally nothing to do here. Cold, depressing, uneducated retarded white trash everywhere. I am in Boise which is the largest city and it still is boring. Not sure where I should move on next.

Jakku could have been Ord Mantell :(

>remeber this old creepy guy living in an evil tower on a thing literally called Death Star?

>implying a volcanic planet wouldn't have acid rain

fuck you and your shitty donut steel fanfiction

Go back to africa if you don't like it.
Liberia is nice this time of the year.

It would've been perfect

>no movie set in the toxic ruins of Taris

sup disney

one novel, one videogame and one comic is not fanfiction

>your shitty donut steel fanfiction
Are you talking about The Force Awakens? It's the most Donut Steele cashgrab bullshit in cinematic history.

>main characters go to Ord Mantell
>they all fall off the FUCKING train a thousand times while the music loops every two minutes

>>is so fucking hardcore that he builds his castle right in the middle of lava

Hahaha, nope! Sheev told him to live there.

you forget they were underlings of the would-be emperor and it was vader who killed them anyway


>Waaaah, the galaxy with millions of planets doesn't keep going back to the same five planets!

That was a problem with the Prequels, they kept hovering around Coruscant, Naboo, and Tatooine. Even when they went somewhere else, they bounced right back to them as quickly as they could. Outside of the return to Tatooine & Dagobah in the first act of Jedi, the OT never went back to planets they'd already been to.

I think that removes too much agency from Vader, the idea of Palpatine directing his every action like some sort of doll, to the point of even telling him where to live. He's pathetic enough under the armor without that. No, he has to be there because he WANTS to be there.

That's kinda smart, they get free eco conscious heating. It's a very green house honestly. It even matches the environment so that the local species aren't being shocked. I bet they even get free power desu

>Even when they went somewhere else, they bounced right back to them as quickly as they could. Outside of the return to Tatooine & Dagobah in the first act of Jedi, the OT never went back to planets they'd already been to

>A trilogy that focuses on a galaxy with established government vs a trilogy that follows a ragtag group of rebels evading a corrupt centralized government visit different planets most of the time.

Gee, I wonder why

They are hundreds of planets in the EU that didn't appear in the movies

The prequels probably had at least double the planets that the OT had, and Coruscant is the setting of the prequels.

How exactly was it symbolism? It was literally a giant explosion. What was it symbolizing?

Legends as a whole is basically glorified fanfiction to Lucasfilm now. They make up their own true canon while picking the not-so-shit parts out of the fanfiction trash heap.

>Not sure where I should move on next.
The morgue. Literally kys

the lava goes underneath the castle then goes up into the castle and comes out as a tiny stream?


No wonder Tommy Sotomayor hates you black bitches

All loud and shit even behind a keyboard