Which countries will still be white 100 years from now? Which ones won't?

Which countries will still be white 100 years from now? Which ones won't?


I figure all of Europe will remain white to an extent. Eastern Europe will be whiter than Western Europe, but overall I'd say only the UK and France will have a significant minority population. Australia will probably stay mostly white too.

America and Canada are probably fucked though. Mexico will probably be whiter than America in 100 years. Spics just love moving here and bringing their shitty third world voting habits with them, and that will be our downfall.

Canada is just too liberal to stay white. Maybe Quebec and the Maritimes will stay white, but all the rest will have mixture.

Nigeria will ALWAYS be White.


None. Eurabian EU will eliminate the Eastern European countries through threat of war ~50 years from now, and at that point isolated white countries such as Iceland will be the last bastions of society. They'll then be flooded by anti-privilege immigrants from the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and the Spic-African mixed North America. I give a white majority in any country 80 years until it's gone and you're left with a collection of Brazils or caliphates. East Asia will be in the beginnings of its decline by then: specifically in China, Korea, and Singapore.

I saw this today, Brazil was 63% white too at one point. It's kind of scary to think that we're on our way to becoming a non white country

>not even an accurate map

>Indigenous 0.43

How the fuck.

those people got FUCKING WRECKED.

Inshallah, the white race is safe with us!

>Northern Argentina not white

I want to cry right now


I don't suspect it won't be very long at all until Jesus returns for his bride.

Well no shit. Those were years where immigration was on the rise from many white countries.

Russia will remain white if putin or his trained successor keep the crown. Europe will be an islamic caliphate by 2046 (look up vanga and her predictions, shits creepy ( inb4 >>/x/))

*self identified white

Imagine when America drops to 40% white. We're going to see cartels appear in the US as Metzicos revert to their primal state.

> any part of Argentina
> white

Pick one

Cartels exist because of american massive drug crave and demand. If murica's drug suppliers would instantly dissapear you'd be full of cartels

>It's America's fault!!
>all we need is mo' money fo' mo' tacos

The cry of any shitty south american country

Just Armenia and Georgia. Sorry m8s

Northern Argentina is full of hues and light niggers

Thats a hate crime
Dispatch squadron of tolerance and peace will be at you door in 5 minutes

Anglos confirmed nigger tier ?

east europe maybe



Armen knows

What the fuck are you

Muzzies suck at warfare these days, Israel alone BTFO'd all the neighboring Arab countries in the Six Days war. And Eastern Europe would probably be aided by Russia and maybe China in the event of an Islamic attack from the west, assuming the US has fallen in the meanwhile because of niggers and spics.

I'm not even sure they would be able to conquer a whole Western European country, they would likely only manage to hold a more of less big portion of it(probably around big cities), while pushing whites on the outskirts, sort of like Medieval Iberia which was for the major part owned by Arabs but had Christian kingdoms on the north.

You really believe that? Even if America stops all drug traffic, cartels would not magically disappear, they will sell their shit south and even ship it to Europe. America is a big market but no the only one, to fix the cartel problem we only have one choice and that is full military intervation, hell, lets even ask the gringos for help, let them have fun bombing their asses


Hey Sup Forums is trolling terrorist threats illegal ? If so how would I know if I were fucked ?

>t.b Rhodesian (Who trolled as a ISIS to scare a few Jews)

None in the west. Once the boomers die, the demographics will flip. Whites will literally not exist any more.


South Africa was 50% white in 1800s...

I was drunk now I'm scared :(

We will all stay white, it will all end in a civil war where we genocide those shitskins.

Drug comes mostly from south america, the cartels just send it to the US. If it doesn't solve the problem it would significantly reduce it. Cartels traffic drug because when theyre illegal there's a big demand and the prices are high.
>full military intervation
That was what Calderon tried and look what happened.
This is why the war on drugs has been a huge failure.

Portugal fucking obliterated

Nah, they only commit crimes because they're poor and they can exploit American drug users. Once they become the majority in the country they'll act like the whites do now.

>Which countries will still be white 100 years from now? Which ones won't?
Pic related

Germany will literally be a brown country in 50 years FYI.

jesus christ didn't know you fuckers even had internet.

He said White, not shite pajheet.

what the fuck are you on about?

Oh nothing. I'm high as fuck right now so I'm a little paranoid :\

You guys evolved into hyenas or something that your shit is now white?

Mexico bringing top bantz today


Southern Brazil isn't white, we're Gaúcho. Stop clustering us with cuckolds and cultureless subhuman depigmented nigger fedora-tippers with no sense of nativism and heritage.

there werent many people living there before the portuguese arrived

Give me your wife, Paco


not european ones, thats for sure.

kek, If I'm black you're Indian

You'll be the first to go, Bobby Joe.

"Whitness" was a social construct goy. It never existed, just like Palestine never existed.

t. 60% white

>minus the irish that cucked the entire east coast
stay black americuck


Hi Swedish guy :^)

While keeping in mind pic related is considered "white" in the United States, along with Middle Easterners and South Asians.


Why are Americans so retarded

>Portugal not white
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