Things you can't stand about other cunts or cultures

Things you can't stand about other cunts or cultures

As for myself I fucking hate countries that don't show the exact prices on items and you only find out when you pay

Also mandatory tipping

>richfags the thread

So... The US.

Also tipping isn't mandatory contrary to popular memes. It is just frowned upon if you don't leave a tip for the serving staff. Even a small tip is apprecaited. It's kind of an odd custom here, try not to get too offended. (Seriously it's just 2-4 dollars)

Tipping is nessicary because they get a shit wage and earn pretty much everything through tipping. especially if they're tryna put themselves through uni.

it seems like either waiters get paid too much in euro countries, or people like OP are cheapscakes

Is it only the waitress/person that brings you your food that you give a tip to? If I buy at a fast food place and the chef just hands me my hotdog or whatever do I have to give him a tip aswell?

no, but sometimes there is a tip jar for the whole staff at a fast food place. Since they're paid at a non-tip wage it is entirely optional and doesn't have to be much, like just a couple quarters

You can always tip via receipt. But the chefs in a fast food joint make pretty decent pay depending on the money, its the waitresses and pizza delivery goys that get cucked.

Fast food doesn't require a tip. If you hand them a bill and say "keep the change" they split it up amongst the staff (if it's alot of change) or donate it to charity.

They dont get paid too much, they get paid so they can survive without relying on charity

A tour guide specifically told the whole group of tourists I was with "I take 15% tip". Which I thought was very rude if tips are supposed to be out of generosity. He even had a SIGN specifying it.

It's fine because when you live in the US you give out tips to everyone, then you go to work and get tips FROM everyone.
But if you're a foreigner, and all you get during work is lashes, you feel like a dolt tipping Americans.

I'd be ok if it was "customary to leave a tip if you feel generous". But it really feels like "you're impolite if you don't tip". It's one step further.
Also it makes everything personal and awkward.

Depends on who you work for. I delivered pizzas during Uni and made pretty good money. I got to keep all my tips, but got paid $5.25 an hour. A majority of my earnings came from tips.

I'm not a cheapskate, I just found "mandatory" tipping a real pain in the ass, I'll gladly pay more for my food if everything was already included in the final price

We leave tips at proper restaurants (expensive ones) aswell, as long as the food and service is good.

>If you hand them a bill and say "keep the change"
Americans actually do this? I thought it was like a movie thing desu.

If you are in the US and want to know the exact price of something multiply it by 1.0825

Stop saying it's mandatory. You aren't going to get arrested for not tipping. The only time you shouldn't tip is if the service was shit or you are dirt poor. It doesn't have to be exactly 15% either, just put down 2-4 singles and you're good.

>Americans actually do this?
Only if we can't be bothered to take the change (e.g. it's only a handful of coins) or if you're using the change as a tip (e.g. your bill at a restaurant is $75, you pay with a $100 bill, and say keep the change)

depends on the state lad

Only if they're in a hurry and it isn't alot of change. The only time that they leave a large amount of change (more than 2 dollars) is if they are really in a hurry and though the service was fast.

If you are in Texas*

Is it like that in your country? The prices thing I mean

I understood you the first time so I put "", but apparently is not enough

Also forced smiling.

I know, bit by saying "manditory" you might give someone who doesn't know the wrong idea.

No, we have exact prices

Un ravioli per €3.498591294

Same here.

Is it USA the only place? I don't know another country that does this

I've found it in Japan sometimes, but the time I found it the final price was also displayed, albeit very small next to the no taxes price

Smiling is an expression of welcome and trying to make someone secure.

I understand slavs think it's a weakness. but its one of the most inviting things i've found in america.

>As for myself I fucking hate countries that don't show the exact prices on items and you only find out when you pay
Name me this countries, it's disgusting

Stop tipping. It is NOT mandatory. If someone asks for the tip, flip them off or tell them to suck your ass.

Only states with sales taxes do that.

Well only Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon don't do that...

We don't think it's a weakness. It's just that smiling to strangers without any reason simply feels fake and forced.
It's kind of like small talk, it's customary to you, just as a sign of politeness, but here people don't ask how are you if they don't care and so on.

t. Mr. Pink

enjoy your spit covered meals

Because you get the bill before you get the food?

Also groceries are tax exempt in most states.

> starting a talk with everyone you've spend more than 1 minute with
people from some yuropean cunts and many muricans do that
> not shutting up when your interlocitor is OBVIOUSLY not listening and just tired of you
almost every american i've met and a few western europeans

why are slavs and finns so cold that not liking people or showing a mere hint of friendlyness are a part of culture?

You get shat on if you don't tip

It's even worse in Canada. A waitress in Montreal wound't let me leave until I paid the 20% tip.
She told me that we had to pay it because she have to pay 20% income tax at the end of the year.
It's nonsense
I don't give a fuck about your tax obligations

>Smiling is an expression of welcome and trying to make someone secure.
This. It crosses most cultural barriers as an effective "I come in peace" gesture.
Big, diverse country. Gotta keep it simple.