Creates genuinely cool and creepy villain

>creates genuinely cool and creepy villain
>gives him like 5 minutes of screen time
>kills him in the first of three movies

what the fuck?

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Darth Jiggaboo was from the planet Coonspookjew A circumcised planet on the outer rim. He even loved the white trash he had to suffer. Worthless welfare whites that couldn't earn a paycheck.

This will never stop annoying me.
So much wasted potential.

the darth maul make up was so cool it made the time magazine cover

so yeah wasted oppurtunity

They reused him in the Clone Wars.

>we will never get a subplot in Episode 2 where Anakin and Obi Wan have to go and track down the whereabouts of Darth Maul instead of Anakin's boring romance subplot
Could have made Episode 2 a 3 hour epic and after Maul, Obi can still go and do his hunting for the missing planet stuff

His only purpose was to kill Quigon, which he did

bruhh stay woke af bruh lord yakub will save uss!

Are you sure? I think 30 minutes of Padme blueballing Anakin was completely necessary

was he the "phantom menace" ?

No that was Sheev.

>can literally see the lines where the black playdoh meets his head, it's uneven and different for each horn

christ they really didn't give a single shit about this film did they

This thing creeped me the fuck out when I was young.

Imagine yourself as a Jedi born in an era that hasn't seen the Sith for generations. The sith return and this motherfucker faces you intent on killing you.

This. Maul in Episode 1 is supposed to be a silent and deadly assassin. Like Boba Fett in Empire, he goes in, gets the job done, then leaves as quickly as he came.

well wasn't it made on film and displayed on VCRs and CRT televisions?

Good villains don't need a lot of screen time.

But yeah he was retardedly killed off because the script required it.

WTF with this Star Wars invasion?
stop asking single questions about things and open a fucking Star Wars general please.

One of the biggest problems with the prequels. Too many characters leads to wasted potential.

Prequels needed a smaller cast like the OT. Maul should have been the recurring bad guy across all 3 movies.

It was the same shit with TFA,

he's in the clone wars and rebels cartoons

yeah yeah i know >cartoons but he's still spooky as fuck in them

canon wise he's still alive by the time of the force awakens, this has already been confirmed in rebels.

If they center a movie around him and make him look EXACTLY like he did in PM, I will pay money to see it, unlike the other two.

Aren't the cartoons canon too according to Disney?

What was your favorite Darth Maul quote?

>creates genuinely cool and creepy villain
>darth maul

i was 10 when the phantom menace came out and even i thought he was neither cool nor creepy

>they bring back Ray Park and give him good choreography to work with and actually develop him as a character
Disney pls.

Money, user. The answer is always money. With every prequel George came up with a new villain to sell more merch. Either Maul or Dooku should've been the main antagonist of the prequel trilogy but George cared more about money than good writing.

It's the mysteriousness which makes him cool. If he was given more screen time he'd end up a dork like General Grievous

Darth Vader was great in all three Star Wars movies though.

Don't worry, he gets robot legs and gets brought back like, twice. like seriously, what the fuck Disney.

Zero characterization


Did people really buy Dooku merchandise? I mean I love Christopher Lee but when I think of of a Dooku toy I don't think "massive hit flying off the shelves", I think "sad old man languishing in bargain bin". Darth Maul was a lot more popular despite his lack of screen time.

I don't think so but I would guess Jango Fett and General Grievous sold well.

Sometimes less is more.

Dooku is probably the lamest of the mainline villains, like in all honestly, I never liked him or thought he was an interesting villain, his name and the fact that he was Yoda's padawan were the only kind of cool things about him, he went out like a complete bitch and he started that stupid curved lightsaber hilt thing.

Fuck, man Kylo Ren was a better villain than him.

>was a better villain
Dooku was not a villain tho'. He and Qui-Gon Jinn were the only good competent jedi.

The biggest problem with Count Dooku and all of the prequel villains is they're underdeveloped. Dooku pops up out of nowhere with unclear motives in Episode II and then immediately dies in Episode III. He could've been interesting if George hadn't made him such a paper thin character.

>not recognizing the pottery of metaphor
>he totes a phantom menace

imagine if the prequel trilogy was a set of pretentious art films instead of what we got.


Shut the fuck up

maybe they were actually meant to be a meta commentary on how bloated and stale Hollywood has become. Lucas was trying to send us a message and we just misunderstood the whole trilogy.


I felt that way about Captain Phasma too in TFA, I thought she was gonna do some cool shit but all she really does is nothing and then gets punked and thrown in a trash compactor by a black dude and an elderly man.

I know she doesn't die and supposedly has a bigger role in the upcoming movies but, fuck, man.

Was Darth Maul supposedly born looking like that or did he wear face paint? I never thought he
was very cool.

should've been the one running the show in TPM. and also kills Qui-Gon early in Tatooine.

He was just a normal Zabrak, all that black is tattoos.

He spent every morning in front of one of those mirrors with lights around it carefully applying his makeup. Such a queen

>i was already a faggot when i was 10

Star Wars was released in 1977


Tell me about Maul. Why does he wear the makeup?

Seriously, why does he wear makeup? And have horns? Is he a different species?

I can see the glue on his horns ffs

Oh cool, I didnt realize that. When do they say he got tattoos, The comics or something?

That's something I really hated about the prequels you could tell a bucnh of shit in there was blatantly made to be sold as toys and other merch. The only character that really felt like that in TFA was Captain Phasma.

What triggers me the most are people thinking the fighting is good:

and btw fuck it: his light sabre is the most retarded design in the entire franchise. and that includes Kylos which by comparison is a fucking masterpiece.
Looks like a bo, has none of the advantages. FUCK it doesn't even have the reach advantage seeing as he ALWAYS has to grab it by the middle. As soon as somebody is in front of you, you are UNABLE to attack or defend properly without losing some bodyparts.

Zabrak. Near-Human species. The makeup is tribal or marks them as warrior or something like that.

It is for helicopter attacks. If you are an expert with a dual bladed lightsaber you would pull off helicopters constantly.

This makes him way cooler. I had always thought he was born looking like that so I wasnt believing it.

seeing those made sure i will never watch those fucking cartoons

I actually just rewatched that fight scene recently cuz of this thread, it's way worse and fill of gaps and weird parts than I remembered.

The saber duels in the prequels are all too fucking flashy, I liked the way TFA handeled the combat probably the most in all the series, where it had that kind of heavyness and clumsyness of a real fight the original series had in empire and jedi but also has some florish like the prequels, it strikes a good balance and I hope they keep it up in the later movies.

>kills him in the first of three movies

He's still canonically alive a few years before A New Hope.

No idea, but it's kind of common for red aliens who go Sith to get a lot of black tattoos. I think it's because the original Sith race were red people.

>I think it's because the original Sith race were red people.

Didn't that get retconned and now the Sith started with Ajunta Pall or something?

Well atleast fans did something with him

Ayy yo what's Disney got against us red people, man shiet

to be fair it would probably be the only viable move with the fucking thing.
>can only hold it in the middle so it has zero reach advantage over a conventional sabre
>if you touch anything but the middle part you are out
>having a bo staff touch you while you attack is pretty common, with the bo-sabre it will be your end
>if you angle an attack wrong, the other end will fucking hit you in the leg, side or head
>you can barely use it to defend from strikes, (if someone changes from overhead strike, to poke to swing from the side or something you could barely swat it away without cutting your leg off) (btw poke attacks seem like they have been criminally underused in SW in general)
I just can't think of a single reason why the staff sabre would be better than a single sabre. or fuck, even a sabre in each hand (which is stupid for the same reason it would be stupid to play tennis with a racket in each hand), or double fuck it would probably be even better still to have a sabre at the end of a long stick.

I haven't analysed it in the new one so I'd have to watch it, but in the 6 Lucas Films it's some of the worst movie fighting to date. It's a lot of: Person A holds out their sword and person B swings against that sword instead of against person A. swings go wide over heads or to the side but people jump and dodge anyway. In the original 3 it was kinda OK because it wasn't at all about the physical fights but about the personal fights, the story and the journey they undertake. the prequels were way more about these flashy action fights so it's way more of a sin.

Yeah probably who knows. Canon/Legends shit is way too fucking confusing at the moment, because they still have a shit ton of material to go through and decide what really is canon or not. Rakatans are canon, but their Infinite Empire and the Star Forge are not.

The only things I'm really sore that got cut from the canon were the KotoR stuff and Dark Forces/Kyle Katarn. Just watch them make it that Kyle was one of the young jedi Luke was training that got massacred by Kylo and the Knights of Ren.

darth maul fanboys are the dumbest "people" in star wars fandom. their pathetic obsession with this lame non-character has been tainting star wars media for almost 20 years, with producers continuing to resurrect maul and shoehorn him into their crap; toys, action figures, video games, comics, and even the fucking recent rebels cartoon

get over maul. he fucking sucks. he is not a character; he is makeup and a retarded lightsaber

>I liked the way TFA handeled the combat probably the most in all the series,

Aaaaaaand shill detected.

Are you a retard? if I was a shill, why the fuck would I shill TFA? Wouldn't I shill Rogue One or something since TFA's been out for like ever now? Besides, you can look the fights up on youtube for fuck's sake.

Its tribal war tattoos not some make-up he puts on like ICP juggalos

i know the in-universe explanation. the "actor" wears makeup

Christ those horns are fucking awful.

This. There no point of killing him, than adding dooku in his place

>originally, benicio del toro was set to play darth maul but dropped out due to having almost all his lines cut in a script rewrite
>ray park took over as darth maul, but butted heads with george lucas over the character so much that lucas killed him off

>Count Dooku

Was George planning a Count Lordo or a Count Princi? Seems like obvious pottery.