Cultural spheres of Latin America

Do you think this is correct?

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I only know of the DE SPA CITO sphere of influence

I don't know if it is right to put Chile alongside with Argentina and Uruguay. Their culture are closer to the Peruvian-Sphere in my opinion.

Maybe instead of "Mexico-Sphere" it should have been "Meso America-Sphere".
There is also countries that are either their own thing or sort od lie in between tow or more speheres. Such might be the case for Ecuador, Paraguay, Panama and Costa Rica.

Chile has to do nothing with Perú, it unique on it's own like brazil

Chile is Peru and Argentina's son.

Chile is not like Argentina or Uruguay, it's it own thing

>Do you think this is correct?
No, half of USA should be green

I believe you quoted the wrong guy, but I agree with you. Chile has pretty unique culture and people.

Chile has always been isolationist unless directly threatened, so no. There might be some ties and a merge of accents on our border with them, but Chile being together with U-r-gay and us is a recent meme that came to be through the higher level meme of the southern cone

buffer zones:

chile is different from all of its neighbors (not better/worse just different)

brazil should be separated into 2 main areas.

I would have named the region from México to Nicaragua as "Mesoamerican" cultural sphere. Also, while Panamá and Costa Rica are both part of the Interamerican cultural sphere, both have a lot of influence from the Anglo Caribbean region in terms of culture, like the Caribbean regions of Colombia and Venezuela, so they could be considered their own thing.

>Haiti is not included
Kys racist, faggot

>Quebec and Louisiana aren't included
Kys racist, faggot

Ecuador is closer to Peru than Colombia tbqhfam


USA isnt Latin American

It's white European like Denmark and Italy

not exact tho

>New York
>New Jersey


D.C. is full of Salvadorians and Bolivians

Well your opinion doesn't matter my monkey friend, that's the southern cone. Everyone knows southern cone= chile, argentina, uruguay and sometimes they add paraguay and southern brazil
>Their culture are closer to the Peruvian-Sphere
we're our own thing. We're not "closer" to Peru or Argentina, we're Chile.

Uruguay only has the same culture as Buenos Aires province, Entre Rios(that's our rightful clay) and a bit of corrientes. The rest of Argentina is not the same albeit some are similar due to being near to those provinces I mentioned above.

We also have stuff in common with Rio grande do sul.

Paraguay not really and Chile even less

I get Chile, but why not Paraguay?
>I actually thought Paraguay was a really poor version or Argentina and Uruguay

this is arido america

we are not part of mesoamerica

you are ours

Isn't Northern California more Asian than Hispanic? And Asians are culturally white

That's what I thought before this map

40% of California is Hispanic

Yeah. But the majority live in Southern California, no?

arr rook same

I don't know if the majority but there are tons of counties in with a Hispanic majority in Northern California, specially in the Valley.

accurate as fuck

only the bay area really. outside of that, norcal is mostly white

New York and NJ is full of Puerto Rican's and Dominicans

It's definitely more Caribbean. Maybe even more than FL

We are not!

Ehh Sacramento, Davis and Stockton has a lot of Asian people too, but not like the Bay

Even fresno had a lot of Hmong people.

Doesn't all typical food of Chile and Peru's is the same?

jsut the same way humitas and tamales are the same thing

They look the same

exactly, like most latin american dishes.

Peruvians always seem triggered that all Chilean food is Peruvian

That's because they are the same thing, and since tamales (literally dozens of varieties) have been a thing for thousands of years in Mesoamerica...

>Entre Rios rightful clay

says the rebelious province born from a negotiation betwen two countries in war to do not broder themsleves
U are gay logic

IS Uruguay more or less Italian infliencrd than argentina?

tamales, humitas, cebiche, manjar/cajeta/dulce de leche etc. in latam we share the basics with local variations.

purivians are still butthurt to us after the war, that's why they always cry about stupid things.
thanks god it's everyday less. bolivia on the other hand...

But still there's a lot of differences between all, Argie food is not the same as Brazilian, or Colombian or Mexican, while Peruvian-Chilean is very similar


well if you insist, yes m8 you very are right

Peruvian ceviche is probably one of the best I've ever had.
Does Chile even have a good or comparable food culture?

You both eat cuy so tbqh I'd say you two countries seem similar

>Peruvian ceviche is probably one of the best I've ever had.
Does Chile even have a good or comparable food culture?

you might want to compare mexican and peruvian food

What about the two?

What do Chileans usually eat? I've had some Mexican, Venezuelan, Brazilian, and Peruvian food, but I don't really know much about what they eat in Chile. Is it the same as the rest of south america?

>You both eat cuy so tbqh I'd say you two countries seem similar
We barely eat cuy outside the Andes, and even there i don't think it's very common. I don't know how often they eat in Peru.
You could have said the same ceviche, but ours is different too (and better)

>What do Chileans usually eat?
it varies a lot depending on the region, social class, etc.

the most average food is the same all over latam, pastas, rice, soups, beans, etc. now if your are talking about gourmet shit then it's a different story

the caribean also has a lot of influence from us, even DR wanted to be a part of La Gran Colombia back in the day, they even used this flag for a short time

hablen entre ustedes en castellano, mongoles. Si un gringo pregunta algo le respondemos en inglés.

*no soy el mismo user*

> Peruano - Chileno

Chile fue parte del virreinato del Perú desde los inicios de la colonia hasta su independencia, por algo tenemos muchas similitudes en lo que respecta a la comida.

Claro, eso no quiera decir que debido al aislamiento geográfico y el sincretismo cultural que se provoco con las distintas culturas existentes en Chile durante sus inicios (Aimara, Mapuche, Española) y las olas migratorias subsiguientes (Inglesa, Alemania/Suiza, Croata, Italiana y Palestina) ayudaron a crear una cultura propia.

Aún así por ejemplo, el decir que no tenemos nada en común con los argentinos (sin contar las obvias similitudes por ser ex-colonías españolas) es básicamente no saber sobre la historia de ambos países que incluso en su momento estuvieron apunto de fusionarse. Es cosa de viajar desde la región del Bio-Bio hacia el sur y ya empezaras a notar las diferencias entre el norte, el centro y el sur de Chile.

Y si quieres saber, en mi casa acostumbramos a tomar mate desde toda la vida, como lo hicieran los antiguos.

How similar are Peru and Chile then? Or in what ways are they similar?
Don't you two not like each other or is that just banter and friendly rivalry?

>How similar are Peru and Chile then?

>in what ways are they similar?
language. and arica was theirs until they lost it in the war 200 years ago.

>Don't you two not like each other or is that just banter and friendly rivalry?
we like each other as much as posible after a war

>Don't you two not like each other or is that just banter and friendly rivalry?
Peruvians tend to be very hostile to us. They still believe that our soldiers raped and killed people in Lima and other lies

Argentina got a bit more Italian immigrants while we got a bit more Spanish ones.

We're extremely close anyway.

-Chile is its own thing.
-Paraguay, while close to Argentina and us, is also a cultural clusterfuck and a sort of triple buffer zone.
-Brazil is big enough to have internal divisions
-Ecuador should have some Peruvian-Bolivian culture.
-I have no clue about Mexico, The Caribbean and Central America desu.

Alright lad. here I go:

- Northern Chile and northwestern Argentina are closer to Bolivia and Peru.
-Southern Chile and the rest of Argentina could be grouped with uruguay and Paraguay
- Brazil is its own thing
- Ecuador is a mystery. They might be closer to Peru in some aspects, however they prefer to be associated with Colombians by far and not with Peru, for obvious reasons
- The New Granada Sphere is On Point.
> Mexican Sphere is alright, I guess

Look at those trips and dubs of truth. I can't be wrong

Fucking hell. I'm on a roll

>- Brazil is its own thing

goddamn, someone pls stop me

Calm down. Go take a walk.

Bruh, ehhm, your shitty thread is dying. Go and bump that shit instead of projecting here

Panama, Venezuela, and coastal Colombia are pretty caribbean too.

I think Equator is more like Peru culturally than it is to Colombia, Venezuela and Panama, Equator ties with the rest of ex countries that once formed the greater colombia, are more historic than anything.

Chile should either be their own thing or be a mixture of southern cone-peruvian(indigenous) same for Paraguay.

Also rename Mexico sphere to mesoamerican sphere.

i'm not that fucking guy ffs and you're 100x more cancerous than he is

dude, u feeling ok? Breathe, go for a walk or somfin

Nigga who gives a fuck you're al spics to me

which south american country has the spiciest cuisine?

> this trigger the american
east coasters are the same as west coasters

our bureaucrats earn way too much money

there's unironically a bigger cultural difference between northern argentines and porteños than between your north east and south west

>Chile should either be their own thing or be a mixture of southern cone-peruvian(indigenous)

no shit, even our indians are totally different

>Entre Rios(that's our rightful clay) and a bit of corrientes
Uruguay belongs to Entre Rios.

No, Buenos Aires belongs to the Federal League.

Porteño genocide best day of my life.

Didn't Mussolini once say that Uruguay was the most Italian country in the Americas?

>Heads of state of more heavily populated countries have higher salaries
Who woulda thunk it?