Why don't you listen to your lord and savior Jesus christ Sup Forums?

Why don't you listen to your lord and savior Jesus christ Sup Forums?

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>listening to Jews

Why don't you go and give up your Autonomy to China?

There's a difference between hating and not wanting to get killed.

Because he's a filthy fucking Kike and the Romans did us all a favor when they crucified him.

Christ was too cool for everyone unfortunately. Everything gets ruined when it goes mainstream.


>1 post by this ID

I never said that - Jesus

Amen to that


Throughout both the old and new testament, God killed over 2 million people. He was a God of wrath and justice.


Until Jesus came along and then he mellowed out

>and new testament

You should try actually reading that book

Just because You should love everyone doesn't mean everybody loves You. And when there are People who actually hate You You have every right to protect You and your community.

jesus is not my lord or savor

God said murderers are to be put to death. He never said it's ok to kill those who insult Muhammad, and all muslims want to kill those who insult Muhammad, therefore, God wants Christians to kill all muslims.

you mean bernie sanders?

Jesus equated hatred with murder.

If everyone in the world just tried to live as he taught there would be peace on earth over night. Immediately.

>Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.



t. Rodnoverac

i do, Op. As a Christian, I cannot be a nazi or racist.

"Hate" isn't equal to saying something is wrong. The current era of identity politics makes every criticism an attack on the person, not the act.

But the message of Christianity with regard to what is right and wrong is always personal. I find no command to make others do or not do anything, only to do and not do certain things myself. So there needs to be two movements, the first in which Christians aren't vilified for what others --think-- they believe, to the point that saying, "I believe that's wrong" is viewed as their opinion, not "hate speech; and the other in which Christians themselves start doing what their faith calls for personally, and not worrying about the sins of others.

Luke 19:27. Nice parable that endorses rounding up and killing your enemies

Yeah... Jeebus is a genocidal maniac just like his old man.

Old Testament or New?

Good lord, wtf