German minister criticises 'warmongering' Nato exercises

>Frank-Walter Steinmeier urged the Nato military alliance to replace the exercises with more dialogue and co-operation with Russia.
>The exercise was a hipotetical Russian attack on Poland scenario
Germany is a member of NATO, their own soldiers took part in the exercise.
Could SPD be even more obvious?

Other urls found in this thread:šeslav_of_Serbia–19

he is the only sane politician

That sounds fairly reasonable actually

would wish this was true.

He says populist bullshit in order to save face and keep the voting sheep close to his party like any other german politician

>dialogue and co-operation
this shit is not gonna make you buy more guns, or ramp up defence spending in general

I guess Poland it's up to you and me to house the US military toys since Germany is now a proven traitor of the west, natural gas is more important to them, fucking traitors

For once I agree with this.

Germany always can leave NATO and count on their mighty Wermacht.

He's right

NATO is pissing in Russia's salad and has been for years

Russia might not be a saint but I'll be damned If It isn't fucking NATO's fault West-Russia relations have gone to shit

>NATO's fault West-Russia relations have gone to shit
>Russia invade Ukraine


>muh p-pls give us a anti russia missile shield merika
>muh our army is so strong
Poland pls

>Poland still thinks they can count on allies if they're under attack

Bobek pls, didn't you learn from history?


>muh Germany

we already have an operational anti nuke site right here, have fun paying more for natural gas you traitorous faggots and God bless America

I did.


>missile shield
kek, the vatnik parasite already ate your brain I see

Do you understand that the West sponsored the Ukrainian 'revolution' and that it was essentially a NATO coup?

And in 5 minutes your somewhere else crying about how evil Niemcy was in the WW2.



>Frank-Walter Steinmeier urged the Nato military alliance to replace the exercises with more dialogue
If we kill them they win, right?

>romania calling germans traitors
>threaten us with US nukes

That's not true btw.




Germany now has new Syrian army. They don't need NATO anymore.

>germany invades poland
>now germany doesn't want poland to be prepared for Putin's invasion
Like pottery

was it also the NATO that annexed Crimea you fucking leaf?

There were Russian soldiers on Ukrainian soil before even the Euromaidan... you do know that right?

Annexing Crimea was a sensible response for the Kremlin, they would have lost their Black Sea naval base to the 'new Ukraine' (NATO) otherwise

Crimea had always been Russian btw

I thought countries between east of Germany and west of Russia would know by now that western Europeans are apathetic at best or pro Russian at worst with regards to their rivalry against Russia. I would say many dutch would not fight for ukranie and many germans will fight not for balts, your only bet is to stick to USA.

European brotherhood is a farce.

Dialogue and cooperation won't do anything to Russia, Russia only understands a military reaction.
Send more troops to the baltics, not a uselessly small force.
Give military aid to Ukraine.

That's because the Yanukovych guy and Putin were buds. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia also has soldiers in Belarus and nobody there would care.

Wrong. Until the 40s almost only Crimean Tatars lived in Crimea. Stalin then replaced them with ethnic Russians to create the "Crimea is Russian" meme.

so pommern, schlesien had always been Poland

But Obama himself has said USA has "sponsored democracy" in Ukraine with bilions of $. Thats shitload of money. Where do you think did those money go? How could they be spent?

A quick glance at demographic history of Crimea proves how wrong you are.
And who cares Tatars were raped? They were literally Muslim slavers in past and in WW2 they joined Nazis en mass. Good riddance.

Pommern and Schlesien is German clay, Piotr.

Poland if you do something stupid like piss off the sleeping bear, expect about as much help as you got during WW2

AKA get raped into a half german half russian cuck country

Retard poland will once again cause a world war only to be crushed in two weeks

Berlin is ancient slavic grod, its ours.

You are breaking apart your own narrative Abdul

Don't worry Ozkan, we took care of these lands

No proof that Serbia was ever that far west, Ragusa bordered Croatia during that time period. Your map is shit.

You can have Berlin for free. It's infested by leftists, kikes and sandniggers


Go back to 5c b.c it was last time some1 heard abaout you int he world.

lel, this fucking government
just recently merkel said she believes people with political differences need to respect each other more even though she and her goons are responsible for the divide in the country because they call everyone else a nazi.
internationally, they do the same exact shit: throw threats and insults around then demand respect

It's full of Turks and Jews, please have it.


>It's infested by leftists, kikes and sandniggers
So it's full of germans then. No problem, we'll clean it up.

Well if we're going that far back, Pomerania and Silesia are German.

>The Crimean Tatars emerged as a Turkic-speaking ethnic group native to Crimea in the early modern period, during the lifetime of the Crimean Khanate, and by the annexation of the Crimean Khanate by the Russian Empire in 1783, they formed the clear majority of Crimean population.


>Handing over its capital likes its nothing

You are so cucked i pity you.

Well meme'd everyone

>modern germans 2016


Poles aren't that bad, neither is Poland.
Problem is they are petty bydlo with delusions of grandeur, who are encouraged by their globalist masters to serve as pawns in geopolitical fuckfest with Russia.
Some smarter among them know this but think "wez gunna be rigonal power", oblivious to the fact everything important there is owned by foreigners and that Polish population is declining while millions fucked off to West ASAP.
They think they are partners but they are literally pawns of West. Their delusion is further fueled by fringe "analysts" writing how Poland is next great power.

Most capitals and major cities in the West are like that, just look at London or Paris.

>Crimean Tartars
Crimea is Ukraine, lads.

>New josef Stalin loves poland more than russia

Why did your glorious leader take it away from them then? Was Sewastopol that important to risk a war and get sanctions?

And before them Slavs and Greeks lived there too. Crimea changed ethnic composition many times in past.
Russians are majority since 19th century.
And again, Abdul, no one but Western bleeding heart liberals cares Muslim slavers were rightfully annihilated.
They literally slaughtered and abducted millions into slavery. Fuck them, and piss on their graves.

>who are encouraged by their globalist masters to serve as pawns in geopolitical fuckfest with Russia

last time we conquered russia in f'kin 1612

since then, every time that Russia attacked us

He probably made two raids into the outmost area in reality.

Dont you fucking lie what about the war of 1920 which you started

Justice minister Heiko Maas wrote an article for ZEIT newspaper where he said we need to de-radicalize and start to talk to each other.

Then halfway through the article he drops a line that says, of course we cant talk to AfD and PEGIDA because they're all nazis.

These people are just cannon fodder for mass executions at this point, you cant reason with insane.

There's no point in talking with zombies like him - they always find some detail that proves how Russia was "provoked". Actually they are so brainwashed that they consider establishing DEFENSIVE measures in your country somehow threatens Russia, despite the fact that they have nukes pointed 24/7 at every major western country capital.

Anakonda was not a NATO exercise stupid fuck.

They were there under yanukowitsch, they were there under timoshenko, they were there under juschenko...
spotting a pattern?


>started war



There was invasion in 1920 but that doesn't matter.
I'm not saying Poles should become a part of Russia.
I'm saying you're (partly righteously) butthurt and you're making decisions out of butthurt, serving as pawns to a far greater globalist neoliberal evil simply to spite Russians.
It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Look at what West is looking like right now. Do you want that in your country? Do you think that direction is sustainable? No, it's fucking decadence that will lead to their collapse.
Sure, you want material wealth, but do you want the rest that follows it?
Now add 2 and 2.
I'm not saying leave NATO, leave EU, I'm saying you should be a lot lot less enthusiastic about being a fucking pawn in a geopolitical game of giants.
And if your own masters win, you're fucked.
Without Russia, there's no real counter-balance to Western domination.

>Without Russia, there's no real counter-balance to Western domination.
What about china and the saudis?

thats the most embarrassing shit ever. how can people still take politicians seriously after they openly say theyre not going to talk to AfD? if they truly believe the AfD is completely full of shit then why dont they give them a podium so they can expose themselves?

>establishing DEFENSIVE measures in your country somehow threatens Russia
What is nuclear deterrent. I suggest you get acquainted with basic concepts before talking about geopolitics.
There are no DEFENSIVE measures in nuclear equation. Every measure is offensive.
>despite the fact that they have nukes pointed 24/7 at every major western country capital
And 24/7 every Russian city is targeted by Western nukes.
That's how nukes work you fucking idiot.

No you fucking idiot, it isn't.
Réunion is stealth rare of France for example.


>modern poles 2016
>poles from 1000

China would be isolated and irrelevant.
Saudis? What fucking Saudis, they were literally put in power by West.
As time goes, and especially in this scenario, they will become a burden.
After Russia, next comes Iran.
After them, China.
Dude, people went apeshit over guys like Dugin, but go Google ''Wolfowitz doctrine'' and tell me exactly how is that shit any different, except it's not really philosophical and is sugar-coated better.

Dammit, I really wanted LewLew to fuck that one up.

You mean 1610.
You're fucking retarded.–19

shit, wrong board


Its really no wonder that you are the playing ball of every medium to bigger power, seing how oblivious you are about geostrategies.
there are nuclear defensive weapons.

Why do you need a swedish proxy suddenly polak?

i was not serious. The fact that it was taken ages ago from Tartars doesn't make it Ukraine at all.
>Was Sewastopol that important

I don't.

>omitting the part where poland wanted Ukrainian lands

Fuck him, he can't handle the freedom
I must clean my AR-15 in his honor


rather, people like you(russophile) or russians have butthurt, we want to have on its OWN territory DEFENCE missile shield and we like nato

We do not plan the attack on Russia during military exercises but russia train warsaw destruction by the atomic bomb

He's right though, don't poke the bear.

What does anyone have to gain by picking a fight with a country that has 7000+ nukes?

Looks like you do

There is no nuclear defence. Before you talk with thd big boys, at least read the basics from morgenthau, waltz, nye,..

>Ukrainian lands
>no such thing
What a retard.

This. Ukranians are not even real, they are technically Russians

>we want to have on its OWN territory DEFENCE missile shield
But that's aggressive move you fucking idiot. If one side having nukes can't assure that they can destroy their opponent (and likewise for opponent), you create a dangerous imbalance that as it grows bigger encourages the weaker side to attack before their nuclear deterrent is made obsolete.
>but russia train warsaw destruction by the atomic bomb
How do they ''train'' that, my intellectual friend?
They literally put some numbers and that's it, it's set to go on towards Warsaw.
NATO nuclear powers have SAME shit directed towards Russia.
That's just how it works.
NATO is nothing but a military arm of American Empire. NATO is Russian geopolitical opponent. You're part of NATO.
Of course they'll fucking target you.
Also, since you're so defensive, why are you helping Kiev? What was your FM doing encouraging protestors?
If FN was staging mass protests in France and Lavrov came there to give support, you would see that as Russian meddling and you would see them as Russian proxies, right?
So how are YOUR actions in Ukraine any different?
Don't talk about geopolitics when you don't know shit about what's happening.

I know
I gave the example that we are doing defensive drills but Russia does offensive

but why russian have butthurt beacuse we build DEFENCE missile shield

>What is nuclear deterrent
I know it's a deterrent, and I'm familiar with the concept, thank you. What I mean is how can you call anti-missile shield an offensive measure against russia when it literally has no means of being offensive in the first place. All while glossing over the russian nukes. You are basically denying us any means of defending our population. Russians on the other hand never have this problem, whatever military manouvers or missiles they deploy on our borders.
>And 24/7 every Russian city is targeted by Western nukes
But it's us you call warmongers, despite the fact that we don't have any nukes whatosoever. If that's how it works, then we should either be allowed to have our own, or to have some other means of defence, like the missile shield, which would give us exactly shit, but whatever, that's a different question.

It just boggles my mind how you can gloss over obvious disproportion of power that Russia has over Poland and still be butthurt about our own defence measures.