Will there ever be a space version of Manifest Destiny?


Replying to my own thread so no one says
>1 post by this ID XDDDD

Also check em'

if there's no nuclear armageddon then i guess anything is possible really.

>would there be metal horses in the year 2000
>would there be trebuchets smaller than your hand

No, the scale problems make it impossible. Today's humans won't do it


there is the small catch that even if we managed to make something travel at the speed of light with unlimited fuel... it would still take like a million years to get to the nearest habitable planet.

I don't think we'll need the justification unless we come across aliens.

At that point, it depends of the demographics of humans of the time.

I think in the future if we survive long enough factions could war with each other over metals on asteroids and shit.

Why do we need to live on planets?

source assumed, the key is understanding special relativity.
After that, you'll see a jump to lightspeed

Nope, by the time thats economically feasible manifest destiny will be as obsolete as the grunts of cavemen 10000 years ago.

>reserve your seat now for only a trillion dollars!

to live.

Niggers don't like water, so they wouldn't like zero G or low G

That's not manifest destiny, manifest destiny had little to do with native populations. A fine plot of land in the wilderness to tame for yourself was the goal people had in mind. The natives were always a second thought until the hostilities began.
Once space flight becomes cheap enough for the average man, we'll see people who want to colonize the solar system.
The dream is there, we just don't know how to build the wagon.

Because there's nothing on them.

It'll be as feasible as the airplane by the end of the century.

There already is.

well space is pretty much known to be fair game. it's for whoever can harvest it.

If the Interstellar Empire is christian perhaps.