Why didnt they just use a fucking interdictor while they spent all day chasing the millenium falcon?

Why didnt they just use a fucking interdictor while they spent all day chasing the millenium falcon?

why does that star destroyer have tits

The Empire is clearly a fickle meritocratic nightmare bureaucracy where every one of any high rank is out entirely for their own glory.

The first ship took the first opportunity to chase the Falcon and probably only informed anyone else once it was too late for them to help.

nice rack


it stops ships around it from jumping to hyperspace and drags shit out of hyperspace

With it's tits?

because it exists for a game mechanic not a movie narrative

Which movie was this in?

\well why would they even add it to the EU if it makes the plot of Empire completely senseless

but I guess I should just expect SW lore to be retarded at this point

Maybe the producers have a personal preference against asspulls.

If you want an Interdictor in your fleet you got to sign off on it and Vader didn't want to fill out the paper work.

The Interdictor Cruiser is not canonical.

It does reminds me that we've actually seen hyperspace used in unconventional ways in the new movies. First, in TFA, it was used to escape the hangar of Han and Chewie's large cargo ship (and tear through that creature in the process). Then it was used to bypass the shield of Starkiller Base. Kinda makes you wonder why people don't just use that method to bypass shields all the time. Also makes you wonder why Han decided to fly directly at the planet instead of using a safer angle of approach (see image).

Then in RO, they used it to escape the explosion caused by the Death Star's first test.



Ok, I take that back. There are two new canonical novels I didn't know about that feature the Interdictor.

Cartoon as well.

Makes sense. It would take a while for the much smaller and less powerful Hammerhead to get the disabled Star Destroyer up to speed, but once it did, it would be difficult to stop it. I think the physics check out, and are well-portrayed in the film.

Well it looks like this 'interdictor' thing has a pretty big design flaw.

The gravity well projectors were fucked up due to sabotage.

You mean why didn't they use a ship that pulls other ships out of hyperspace on a ship that doesn't have a working hyperdrive?

Yeah the concept of SHIELDS clearly wasn't on the directors list of asspulls that require 10 seconds of explanation.

Well it would have been pretty handy for that time it did in fact drive into hyperspace

budget cuts

those ships cost a ton bro

That was aimed at the retards saying it invalidates the plot of Empire.


Yeah, as if a smaller ship could ever crash into a Star Destroyer that had its shields down and cause any damage! That just isn't Star Wars.

I think an a wing crashes into a star destroyer bridge in rotj


Paizuri particles are difficult to work with, you need a lot of them in order to use them properly. However, when possessed in preponderance and operated by someone who knows what she's doing there isn't a ship that can't be pulled or held in place.

>little else to remark
>unfortunate destruction of the entire Coruscant 4th Defensive Fleet

makes me kek everytime

You think that might be what he was alluding to, user?